Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Outline and Thesis free essay sample
Subdetails-The consequences for the people in question and society B. Supporting subtleties What are the repercussions of abhor wrongdoings 1. Subdetails-How are the culprits managed in the public eye? 2. Subdetails-How is society influenced when loathe wrongdoings are not recognized III. Second central matter Whom is these demonstrations executed against A. Supporting subtleties Race and Gender 1. Subdetails-Sexual direction and religion 2. Subdetails-incapacities B. Supporting subtleties Lack of information energizing contempt violations 1. Subdetails-Education of various societies and ways of life 2. Subdetails-Tolerance in all cases regardless of your convictions IV. Third central matter laws that are set up to discourage loathe wrongdoings A. Supporting subtleties Hate wrongdoings bills and laws 1. Subdetails-social liberties and the NAACP 2. Subdetails-how laws against abhor violations has advanced throughout the years B. Supporting subtleties victim’s rights and treatment after assaults 1. Subdetails-assessment and treatment for culprits End I will finish up my paper by summarizing central matters, and communicating why these wrongdoings won't stop until society in general changes the manner in which it thinks. We will compose a custom paper test on Framework and Thesis or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I decided to grouping my passages in a specific order, since I feel that it is essential to disclose to my crowd the meaning of an abhor wrongdoing versus a savage wrongdoing. After they have perused what it is I felt it is valuable to follow with what is utilized, and how the violations are submitted. The impacts of the wrongdoings on the casualties as well as society also expected to fall in the wake of understanding why the violations are submitted. In the wake of understanding why the violations are perpetrated I thought that it was basic to go into whom the wrongdoings are submitted. The absence of information and dread of the obscure will go with the same pattern, it is imperative to tell the crowd why individuals have negative inclination towards others, and it might be a social thing and not only an individual choice. I decided to put the laws and the order of these laws last. I feel in the wake of perusing different sections the crowd has to recognize what has and should be possible about the wrongdoings
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Hela Cells free essay sample
She went to Johns Hopkins medical clinic to have the tumor seen; they took an example and sent her home. Half a month later, when Dr. Lawrence Wharton Jr. was preparing Henrietta for treatment he took two examples from her one from the tumor and one from her solid cervix. He never inquired as to whether he could take these examples from her. Dr. Wharton Jr. brought the examples down to Dr. Gey’s lab; he got energized however figured the cells would simply pass on like all the rest. The ladies in the lab cut the malignant growth cells, put them in test tubes, and put them in the hatchery. The following morning the ladies saw that there was development in the test tubes, Henrietta’s cells were developing at an incredible speed, they multiplied over night. That day she cut the cell down the middle and those two parts became for the time being. At regular intervals the cells where developing like crabgrass. We will compose a custom paper test on Hela Cells or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page It appeared her malignant growth cells where relentless, as long as they had food and warmth. Due to their adaption to development in tissue societies plates, HeLa cells are hard to develop. In 1952, analysts infused HeLa cells into everything, from mumps to herpes. That year was the most exceedingly awful year of the polio pandemic they utilized Hela cells to test the immunization that secured millions. Hela cells made it conceivable to develop the infection, so they could make an antibody to battle it. Dr. Gey and his associates proceeded to build up a test, utilizing HeLa cells, to recognize the numerous polio strains, some of which had no impact on the human body. Until analysts realized which strain-delivered, polios devastating impacts some of which had no impact on the human body. Until specialists realized which strain created polios devastating impacts, they didn't have the foggiest idea what they were battling. Through Henriettas cells, they discovered their offender. With this data, scientists in Pittsburgh made an immunization, and the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis built up offices for mass-creating the HeLa cells. They would utilize them to test the polio antibody before its utilization in people. During this time, the researchers think of an approach to send cell through the mail without killing them. Because of a lab mishap including HeLa cells researchers in Texas had the option to see human chromosomes just because. Henrietta’s cells have helped us find and numerous things in the course of the most recent 50 years. In 1954, because of the cells researchers thought of a technique that kept a detached single cell alive long enough for it to reproduce and make an ideal duplicate of them. That is the manner by which we found quality treatment, in vitro preparation, and immature microorganism seclusion. In the 1960’s they pressed some HeLa cells into a soviet satellite and sent them into space, this found disease cells become quicker in space. Later NASA recorded the HeLa cells were in the principal kept an eye on US strategic space. By the mid 1960’s they found that on the off chance that you blended Hela cells in with mouse cells it made the principal cross-species demonstrated that human papillomavirus causes malignant growth, and they caused an antibody to assist with forestalling it, this could have spared Henrietta’s life it was accessible at that point. A couple of years after the fact, they infuse HIV into the HeLa cells to attempt to locate the key receptor in this infection. On account of the HeLa cells, researchers have had the option to discover fixes, antibodies, and help to numerous kinds of infections. cross breed, and that assisted with mapping human qualities. They additionally found Herceptin, a disease sedate, with the assistance of the Hela cells.
Value RANGE OF PRODUCTS Above is the value scope of all Apple items between the long periods of 1975 to introduce. Steve Jobs made items that were not simply far cutting edge than different items in a similar classification, yet they were additionally far off for most customers. At the point when Apple Computer dispatch its Apple II in 1977, it cost $1,298 and on the off chance that you needed an all the more remarkable variant it would cost you a twice that sum. We will compose a custom article test on Value RANGE OF PRODUCTS or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now In 1984, Apple Computer discharged the Macintosh at a cost of $2,495. At these costs numerous customers couldn't bear to possess a Macintosh. Upon Steve Jobs come back to Apple Computer in 1984, Apple items value drop permitting most cost cognizant customers to claim a Macintosh. The new iMac convey a cost of $1,300 which would cost $1800 in today’s current dollar esteem. As innovation advance, the cost of Apple Computer items kept on declining. Since 1996, Apple had discharged the MacBook Air for $900 and MacMini for $600. (Felix Salmon, 2011) Apple presently offers items notwithstanding Macintosh items. These items have been truly gainful for Apple Computer. The items beneath are sold on Apple store on the web: Computer innovation has empower makers to construct less expensive, higher-caliber and all the more remarkable PCs that are likewise increasingly available and moderate to the normal buyer. For instance, the iPad 2 has been contrasted with the 1980’s Cray supercomputer, however at a value that a huge number of individuals can bear. Steve Jobs understood that innovation had advance to a point that he could now make items that couldn't simply convey high caliber yet in addition be â€Å"price open to the expansive non-nerd white collar classes. He was unable to make his â€Å"NeXT workstation which was an incentive at $6500 in 1990, or $11,267 in 2011 â€Å"which was put on numerous workstations over the world†at value that numerous not exclusively be moderate yet difficult for contenders to coordinate. For instance, the iPad 2 cost is $499 and the IPhone 4s is cost at $199, both sold at serious value that is difficult to contenders to coordinate and inside the value scope of most purchasers. (Felix Salmon, 2011) PRICING OBJECTIVE S OF BRAND As per Steve Jobs, â€Å"Apple is defying the norms regarding its estimating model,†he told Reuters by phone. â€Å"It’s doing what extravagance brands do, where the more significant expense the brand is, the more it appears to support and strengthen the longing. †â€Å"Obviously, it must be associated to extraordinary items and an incredible encounter, and Apple has supported that. †(David Cowell, 2012) After all Apple is an extravagance brand that request an excellent cost and Apple clients do are not hoping to set aside cash however to get the most excellent item in the market. This signifies three fundamental factors that assist Apple with keeping the iPad and other Apple items cost so low: 1. Mac stores †Apple makes an enormous lump of its iPad deals straightforwardly to its clients through the Apple retail locations and the online Apple store, which empowers the organization to keep significantly a greater amount of the benefits. While running retail locations are costly, Apple runs one of the most productive retail organizations in the US and these immediate deals enable Apple to legitimately catch up with clients to tempt them with future redesigns. 2. Flexibly chain †As others have clarified, Apple has a significant gracefully chain the executives advantage. That implies that it controls the segments that go into its item (and the value it pays for them) better than its opponents do. Macintosh makes the product, plans the chips, and purchases streak memory and LCD shows in immense amounts (in mix with iPhones and iPods). That essentially trims down the crude expense of each iPad. 3. The 3% factor †Apple offers the iPad to retail accomplices at a negligible 3% rebate (which is likely much lower than contenders). As a result of the quality of Apple’s brand and the client request of the iPad, retailers are happy to take next to no benefit on iPad deals so as to drive store traffic and bring in cash on add-on buys like embellishments and service contracts. (Jason Hiner, 2011) Apple has been so effective by opening their own stores which has had a gigantic effect for iPad, when iPad2 was discharged CEO Steve Jobs stated: â€Å"One of the things that empowered us to reveal this innovation so quick was our Apple retail locations. They were worked for minutes like this. They were worked to take new innovation and turn it out and teach clients about it and be there when they have questions and issues. We have many Apple stores now, as you most likely are aware. This is one of our most up to date ones in Chicago [pointing to a slide]. Also, without these stores I don’t figure we would have been as effective either. †[ (Jason Hiner, 2011) ] Alternatives tablets from different contenders have not have the option to rival Apple iPad and have needed to slice their costs to retailer. Macintosh has paid heed and has exploited its estimating procedure and has brought down the iPad cost to its retailer. Motorola and Samsung may sell their tablets at 97% at retail cost however in the event that the item isn't as alluring as the iPad the 97% may not have any effect. The edges are increasingly similar to 5-15% off retail cost for contenders. [ (Jason Hiner, 2011) ] DISCOUNT/ALLOWANCES Apple isn't right now offering any rebate for the iPad however has in the past offer understudy limits. For instance, it has offered understudies a markdown of $200 for MacBooks. In 2011, Apple likewise offered a school year kickoff advancement in which understudies could spare about $229 and get a â€Å"free iPOd Touch 8GB with the buy. (Andrew, 2010) ] Apple understudy estimating for iPad is $499, much the same as customary purchasers GEOGRAPHICAL PRICING In May 28th 2010, Apple widen their market to outside of the United States by offering iPad’s to nine different nations which included Canada, Germany, Australia, France, Japan Italy, Switzerland, Spain and United Kingdom. Valuing for these nat ions were â€Å"the proposed retail cost in UK has been affirmed and for WiFi-just model †the 16GB adaptation will be accessible at ? 429, 32GB form for ? 499, 64GB form for ? 599, while for the WiFi + 3G 16GB model will be accessible at ? 29, 32GB rendition for ? 599 and 64GB variant for ? 699. †Apple will keep on including more nations by July 2010 by including Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand and Singapore to the blend. The cost of the iPad was not unveiled however it’s was proposed that evaluating for iPad would be somewhat higher than the United States valuing. Macintosh is additionally attempting to venture into the Asian market where tablet are being sold a lot less expensive than the Apple IPAD. (Wong, 2010) APPLE PROMOTIONAL PRICING Macintosh keeps on offering back to class advancements in 2011, Apple offered free $100 iTunes blessing authentication with an acquisition of Mac PCs. Apple offers are not as liberal as most shoppers might want them also be however it’s superior to nothing by any stretch of the imagination. Mac offers limits for MacBooks work areas and PC consistently for understudies. Mac has made a custom curriculum store connect on Apple online which shows current offers and limits that can extend somewhere in the range of 8 and 10% of the normal cost for MacBooks. [ (Andrew, 2011) ] Works Cited Andrew. (2010, April 23). Is there an Apple Ipad Student markdown. Recovered from Student purchasing guide: http://www. studentbuyingguide. com/2010/04/Mac ipad-understudy rebate/Andrew. (2011, September 16). A weekend ago for Apple Back to School 2011 $100 Gift Card Promotion. Recovered from Student Buying Guide: http://www. studentbuyingguide. com/2011/09/a weekend ago for-apple-school year kickoff 2011-100-present card-advancement/David Cowell. (2012, April 17). Apple Passes Google To Become World’s Most Valuable Brand. Recovered from Huffing Post Business: http://www. huffingtonpost. com/2011/05/09/apple-google-most-significant brand_n_859265. html Felix Salmon. (2011, June 06). Reuters. Recovered from Reuters. com: http://online journals. reuters. com/felix-salmon/2011/10/06/graph of-the-day-apple-value version/Jason Hiner. (2011, March 11). The iPad’s other huge favorable position: Retailers just get 3% off. Recovered from Tech Republic: http://www. techrepublic. com/blog/hiner/the-ipads-other-enormous preferred position retailers-just get-3-off/7880? tag=content;siu-compartment Wong, S. (2010, May 8). Apple’s iPad International Pricing and Availability on May 28th. Recovered from My Digital Life: http://www. mydigitallife. information/apples-ipad-universal evaluating and-accessibility on-may-28th/ Instructions to refer to PRICE RANGE OF PRODUCTS, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
Functional Groups of Lisinopril
Practical Groups of Lisinopril The IR spectra of unadulterated indicated tops at which are reliable with the nearness of the useful gatherings of lisinopril ( Furthermore, the alignment bend of lisinopril obeyed Beers law in the scope of 10-60 g/ml ( An IR range of the medication polymer (methylcellulose) blend was taken to study and check the medication polymer cooperation. The range uncovered that very little cooperation between the medication and polymer ( In TLC considers, the readied lisinopril microspheres (M4, M7) appeared ( a similar Rf (0.5512, 0.5769) esteem as unadulterated compound (0.5897) and no extra spots were identified. TLC contemplates (Fig.no15) consequently demonstrated no connection among lisinopril and polymer (methylcellulose) in the skimming microspheres arranged. This perception additionally showed that lisinopril was not disintegrating during the planning of coasting microspheres. Differential Scanning Colorimetry: The warm conduct of drifting microspheres of lisinopril was examining utilizing DSC are appeared in (Fig no.16). The DSC thermogram of unadulterated medication lisinopril showed an exothermic top at comparing to its softening point. For plan (M7) this pinnacles are at separately. The trademark exothermic pinnacle is somewhat moved to bring down temperature, showing that there is no association among medication and bearer. Rate yield: Rate yield of various clumps of the readied coasting microspheres were controlled by gauging the gliding microspheres subsequent to drying. All groups of methylcellulose gliding microspheres indicated a rate yield of more prominent than 75%, the rate yields of all the readied details (M1-M9) were in the scope of 76.8 to 92.16% ( Rate yield is seen as higher with plan M7 (92.16%). Checking Electron Microscopy: The surface morphology of the readied skimming microsphere (M7) was demonstrated to be circular by the SEM photography ( Molecule size investigation: The molecule size investigation was done utilizing an optical magnifying instrument. The number juggling mean molecule size of the methylcellulose skimming microspheres fundamentally expanded with expanding polymer focus were appeared in ( molecule size conveyance of the methylcellulose coasting microspheres extended between 163.125 to 252.375â µm. Micromeritic properties of the gliding microspheres 61 The different micromeritic properties of the readied gliding microspheres were contemplated. Satisfactory scope of edge of rest is between 20î ¿-40î ¿ and point of rest for methylcellulose gliding microspheres (M1-M9) was between 24.44 to 35.53î ¿ (Table no. ), in this manner demonstrating great stream property for methylcellulose skimming microspheres. Satisfactory scope of Hausners proportion is up to 1.25 and Hausners proportion for methylcellulose drifting microspheres(M1-M9) was between 1.085 to 1.181( ,all the readied gliding microspheres had a worth under 1.25 in this manner displaying great stream properties. Adequate scope of Carr,s list (%)is up to 5-21%, and carrs list for methylcellulose drifting microspheres(M1-M9) was between 7.910 to 15.379 % ( all the definitions demonstrated a Carr,s file (%) under 16% and consequently had a stream properties. Rate sedate substance of the drifting microspheres The rate sedate substance of various bunches of skimming microspheres was found in the scope of 55.33 to 88%.All clusters of the methylcellulose coasting microspheres definition demonstrated rate medicate content over 55% (Table no.23) and it is discovered that rate tranquilize content increments with an expansion in the polymer focus (aside from M2,M6). Detailing M5 has indicated greatest rate medicate content (88.0%). Lightness rate: (Floating capacity) The lightness test was done to examine the lightness rate (skimming capacity) of the readied methylcellulose coasting microspheres. The lightness level of the various clumps of drifting microspheres was found in the scope of 48.0 to 85.0% toward the finish of 12 hrs ( All the planned drifting microspheres of lisinopril indicated lightness (gliding capacity) over 48%. Among the clumps of arranged methylcellulose skimming microspheres, bunch M5 indicated most elevated lightness (85%). Skimming capacity of various details was seen as contrasted by the expansion polymer focus and it is discovered that level of lightness increments with an expansion in the measure of polymer. In-vitro discharge considers Lisinopril discharge from the all defined gliding microspheres were concentrated in SGF (0.1N HCl) for 12 hrs.The skimming microspheres indicated supported arrival of the lisinopril (medicate) in acidic condition and the medication discharge was seen as around straight (fig no. ). The medication discharge from methylcellulose gliding microspheres was seen as 82.35, 78.75, 74.25, 71.55, 66.15, 83.70, 90.45, 94.5 and 97.65% toward the finish of 12 h for M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M7,M8 and M9 separately ( The supported discharge design was watched for the readied gliding microspheres (M1-M9) obviously displaying an expansion in the polymer focus results decline in-vitro medicate arrival of lisinopril. Among the groups of arranged methylcellulose drifting microspheres, bunch M5 demonstrated higher medication ensnarement productivity 88.0% and the insignificant in-vitro sedate discharge 66.15% toward the finish of the 12 hrs with contrasted with the other arranged methylcellulose gli ding microspheres. Medication discharge energy The outcomes for the mathematic displaying of the in-vitro medicate discharge information for the methylcellulose drifting microspheres have been gone along and the R2 esteems appeared in the table no. The in-vitro tranquilize discharge profile for the definitions M1-M9 were exposed to different medication discharge active examinations and are delineated in the accompanying figures. ( The discharge profile for the plans M1-M9 showing a greatest R2 values (0.9613, 0.9421, 0.9386, 0.9446, 0.9382, 0.9546, 0.9520, 0.9599 and 0.9660) was found to comply with that specific energy. From the outcomes it is clear that the relapse coefficient esteem nearer to solidarity as on account of the Zero requests plots. The Zero request plots of various plan were seen as genuinely direct, as showed by their high relapse esteems. Along these lines, it appears that medication discharge from the gliding microspheres followed Zero request energy. The information demonstrates a lesser measure of linearity when plotted by the First request condition. Thus it tends to be inferred that the significant instrument of medication discharge follows Zero request energy. Further, the change of the information from the disintegration examines proposed probability of understanding the system of medication discharge by arranging the information into different numerical displaying, for example, Higuchis and Korsemeyers - peppas plots. The mass exchange as for square base of time has been plotted, uncovered a direct chart with relapse esteem near one expressing that the discharge from the grid was through dissemination. Information dependent on the Higuchi model generally give a proof to the dissemination component of medication discharge from lattice frameworks, for example, the methylcellulose gliding microspheres created in this work. R2 values dependent on the Higuchis model ran from 0.8882, 0.8578, 0.8507, 0.8603, 0.8542, 0.8773, 0.8708, 0.8858 and 0.8978. ( As these qualities were near 1.0, the medication discharge component of the created gliding microspheres can be supposed to be Higuchian and, subsequently, framework dispersion contr olled. CHITOSAN FLOATING MICROSPHERES IR Spectra of chitosan drifting microspheres An IR range of the medication polymer (chitosan) blend was taken to study and check the medication polymer cooperation. The range uncovered that very little association between the medication and polymer ( Slight Layer Chromatography: In TLC considers, the readied lisinopril microspheres (C4, C7) indicated a similar Rf (0.5384, 0.5000) esteem as unadulterated compound (0.5897) and no extra spots were detected( TLC concentrates hence showed no association among lisinopril and polymer (chitosan) in the skimming microspheres arranged. This perception likewise showed that lisinopril was not breaking down during the arrangement of skimming microspheres. Differential Scanning Colorimetry: The warm conduct of coasting microspheres of lisinopril was examining utilizing DSC are appeared in The DSC thermogram of unadulterated medication lisinopril showed an exothermic top at comparing to its liquefying point. For plan (C7) this pinnacles are at individually. The trademark exothermic pinnacle is somewhat moved to bring down temperature, demonstrating that there is no connection among medication and bearer. Rate yield: Rate yield of various bunches of the readied drifting microspheres were dictated by gauging the gliding microspheres in the wake of drying. All bunches of methylcellulose skimming microspheres demonstrated a rate yield of more prominent than 75%, The rate yields of all the readied definitions (C1-C9) were in the scope of 78.0 - 93.66% ( Rate yield is seen as higher with definition C7 (93.66%). Filtering Electron Microscopy: The surface morphology of the readied drifting microsphere (C7) was demonstrated to be circular by the SEM photography ( Molecule size examination: The molecule size examination was done utilizing an optical magnifying instrument. The number juggling mean molecule size of gliding microspheres essentially expanded with expanding polymer focus were appeared in Table. No. 19. The molecule size conveyance of the chitosan drifting microspheres went between 32.50 to 55.80â µm. Micromeritic properties of the drifting microspheres 61 The different micromeritic properties of the readied drifting microspheres were considered. Worthy scope of point of rest is between 20î ¿-40î ¿ and edge of rest for chitosan skimming microspheres (C1-C9
Checking in on New Years Resolutions... How Are Yours Going
Checking in on New Years Resolutions... How Are Yours Going If you didn’t write down your New Year’s Resolutions in January, or even if you did, you may have completely forgotten about them by now. I know that left to my own devices, I would be completely unreliable with regard to checking back on my promises from January. Thankfully, I have a blog and newsletterâ€"with an audienceâ€"to keep me accountable! As I look back at my resolutions for my business in 2013, I realize I have succeeded in fulfilling 2 out of 6 of them. Yikes! Let’s look at the hard facts: 1. Publish a Spanish-language version of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile. I engaged a consultant to look into the possibility of finding someone who wanted foreign rights to my e-book; no one was interested. This meant that if I were to publish a Spanish version of my book, I would have to do it myself. After considering the realities of the costs and effort involved in revising the book in Spanish as well as in English each time LinkedIn changes something in its platform, I determined that this project would not be a good use of time and resources. I did put a lot of thought into this decision however! 2. Publish a 50 Resume Tips book I’m pleased to announce that I will be publishing not one but TWO e-books on resumes within the next month: How to Write a WINNING Resume: 50 Tips to Reach Your Job Search Target and How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume: 50 Tips to Reach Your Job Search Target. Watch my newsletter for the official announcement about when the books will be available on Amazon! 3. Obtain a Master Resume Writer certification (CMRW) from Career Directors International. DONE as of March 2013! 4. Increase the college essay / personal statement portion of my business to 25% of total business. I have not found the key to increasing the number of personal statement clients I work with in a year. Admissions season is about to start, so I can’t be sure of the numbers for the year, but as of today admissions consulting represents less than 10% of The Essay Expert’s business (last year was a little more than 10%). If you have ideas of how to change that, please let me knowâ€"and please send clients if you know anyone in need of personal statement coaching! 5. Start a training for resume writers. This project never quite got off the ground. I was focused on publishing the resume writing e-books and will revisit the resume writer training once the books gain some traction. My vision is to use the books as a syllabus for training. If you know anyone who would be interested in being trained by me as a resume writer, please have them contact me at Thank you! 6. Create 213 success stories! As of this writing my list is not completely updated, but I have about 50 success stories to report. I’m definitely behind on this goal. Part of the challenge is that many people do not keep me as updated as I would like about their job search successes! If you’re reading this and you have received an interview or job after hiring The Essay Expert or following my advice, please report to me at Thank you! That’s my report. How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions? If there’s any way I can support you please let me know!
Checking in on New Years Resolutions... How Are Yours Going
Checking in on New Years Resolutions... How Are Yours Going If you didn’t write down your New Year’s Resolutions in January, or even if you did, you may have completely forgotten about them by now. I know that left to my own devices, I would be completely unreliable with regard to checking back on my promises from January. Thankfully, I have a blog and newsletterâ€"with an audienceâ€"to keep me accountable! As I look back at my resolutions for my business in 2013, I realize I have succeeded in fulfilling 2 out of 6 of them. Yikes! Let’s look at the hard facts: 1. Publish a Spanish-language version of How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile. I engaged a consultant to look into the possibility of finding someone who wanted foreign rights to my e-book; no one was interested. This meant that if I were to publish a Spanish version of my book, I would have to do it myself. After considering the realities of the costs and effort involved in revising the book in Spanish as well as in English each time LinkedIn changes something in its platform, I determined that this project would not be a good use of time and resources. I did put a lot of thought into this decision however! 2. Publish a 50 Resume Tips book I’m pleased to announce that I will be publishing not one but TWO e-books on resumes within the next month: How to Write a WINNING Resume: 50 Tips to Reach Your Job Search Target and How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume: 50 Tips to Reach Your Job Search Target. Watch my newsletter for the official announcement about when the books will be available on Amazon! 3. Obtain a Master Resume Writer certification (CMRW) from Career Directors International. DONE as of March 2013! 4. Increase the college essay / personal statement portion of my business to 25% of total business. I have not found the key to increasing the number of personal statement clients I work with in a year. Admissions season is about to start, so I can’t be sure of the numbers for the year, but as of today admissions consulting represents less than 10% of The Essay Expert’s business (last year was a little more than 10%). If you have ideas of how to change that, please let me knowâ€"and please send clients if you know anyone in need of personal statement coaching! 5. Start a training for resume writers. This project never quite got off the ground. I was focused on publishing the resume writing e-books and will revisit the resume writer training once the books gain some traction. My vision is to use the books as a syllabus for training. If you know anyone who would be interested in being trained by me as a resume writer, please have them contact me at Thank you! 6. Create 213 success stories! As of this writing my list is not completely updated, but I have about 50 success stories to report. I’m definitely behind on this goal. Part of the challenge is that many people do not keep me as updated as I would like about their job search successes! If you’re reading this and you have received an interview or job after hiring The Essay Expert or following my advice, please report to me at Thank you! That’s my report. How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions? If there’s any way I can support you please let me know!
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