Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Free Essays on Professional Codes Of Conduct
Professional Codes of Conduct All professionals in all fields of study and employment have a system in place that regulates their behavior. This is called a code of conduct. Observed and reported behaviors include productivity, attitude, professionalism, timeliness, and quality of work. These are the generalizations of all employers. It may be written, verbal, or just inferred. The criminal justice system also has a code of conduct. Police officers, corrections agents, lawyers, judges, probation officers, and parole officers all have a set of rules they follow to be in compliance with their oath as peace officers and adjudicators. This paper will discuss those codes of conduct, the governing bodies that oversee the following of the codes of conduct, which of the professionals mentioned has the highest and lowest ethical code, and how realistic the expectation of each professional group is given, the rigors of their employment. In the interest of brevity this researcher will restrict my research to the state of Ca lifornia. General Information This researcher can basically split the prior list of professionals into two main groups. One being attorneys and the other being peace officers. All judges were once attorneys and are still bound by the same association. Parole and probation officers are bound by their responsibility as peace officers. Although their particular department may have job specific duties and responsibilities their code of ethics is very similar if not identical to that of a police officer. From this point on in this paper when the researcher refers to an attorney it will be understood that the judges are part of the attorneys. When this researcher states peace officer the researcher means any sworn member of any organization that carries a badge to uphold the law. Judges and Attorney’s The first codes of conduct that all lawyers and judges are bound by are that of the American Bar Association. This set of con... Free Essays on Professional Codes Of Conduct Free Essays on Professional Codes Of Conduct Professional Codes of Conduct All professionals in all fields of study and employment have a system in place that regulates their behavior. This is called a code of conduct. Observed and reported behaviors include productivity, attitude, professionalism, timeliness, and quality of work. These are the generalizations of all employers. It may be written, verbal, or just inferred. The criminal justice system also has a code of conduct. Police officers, corrections agents, lawyers, judges, probation officers, and parole officers all have a set of rules they follow to be in compliance with their oath as peace officers and adjudicators. This paper will discuss those codes of conduct, the governing bodies that oversee the following of the codes of conduct, which of the professionals mentioned has the highest and lowest ethical code, and how realistic the expectation of each professional group is given, the rigors of their employment. In the interest of brevity this researcher will restrict my research to the state of Ca lifornia. General Information This researcher can basically split the prior list of professionals into two main groups. One being attorneys and the other being peace officers. All judges were once attorneys and are still bound by the same association. Parole and probation officers are bound by their responsibility as peace officers. Although their particular department may have job specific duties and responsibilities their code of ethics is very similar if not identical to that of a police officer. From this point on in this paper when the researcher refers to an attorney it will be understood that the judges are part of the attorneys. When this researcher states peace officer the researcher means any sworn member of any organization that carries a badge to uphold the law. Judges and Attorney’s The first codes of conduct that all lawyers and judges are bound by are that of the American Bar Association. This set of con...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Paper Proposal Research
Paper Proposal Research Paper Proposal Research Paper Proposal Research: Think before Writing Writing of a paper proposal is the first step you should take before getting down to your paper project. You may wonder whether it is really necessary to write this paper proposal. Yes, it is! But it should be noticed that many students do not understand why they have to write any additional papers except their assignment paper. So, lets explain you the issue. Actually, you support your prospective paper project by writing a paper proposal. You should convince your audience that the topic your have chosen is actual. Besides, you should prove that it is not studied completely; that is why your investigation is worth making. Thus, you see that the success of your paper project depends on a paper proposal considerably. That is why you should think over your paper proposal well and make a kind of paper proposal research. That means that you should think over what points you will highlight in your paper proposal and in what way you will put them. Paper Proposal Research Writing Steps Speaking about the paper proposal research one can point out the following steps you should take to write a convincing paper proposal: Topic. It is obvious that any paper proposal research should begin with studying of the topic you are going to write your paper project on. What kind of study should it be? You should answer the following questions:What are the matter points of the topic? Is the chosen topic actual? Who investigated it before? Of course, you should also provide the background information in your paper proposal. So, you should study informational materials on the topic properly. Literature. You should review informational sources that your paper will be based on. State works of researchers who investigated the issue. This part of your paper proposal research should prove that, firstly, your project has the solid basis and, secondly, you have already studied some information on the topic. Research question. What ex actly are you going to study? You should determine a point of the topic that is the most interesting for you and state it in your paper proposal. Methodology. In what way are you going to make your investigation? You should determine what methods you will apply in your study. Forecasts. How can you catch the interest of your audience? Of course, by making some predictions. So, what results of your study do you expect? Giving some forecasts at the end of your paper proposal will make it intriguing. Paper Proposal Research: Get Help! Thus, these are the main steps of the paper proposal research that will help you write a good paper proposal. If you have any difficulties with your paper project proposal writing, you may look for help in any paper project proposal sample placed in the Internet or contact us! We guarantee you professional help!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Give a full critical account of the Copenhagen criteria. Consider, in Essay
Give a full critical account of the Copenhagen criteria. Consider, in particular, whether they might create double standards as some commentators have suggested - Essay Example Examination shows that the constitutional predicament of this enlargement causes the danger of double standards, as concealed methods are deemed to be used in order to protect the selectiveness of the EU. In order to have membership to the European Union, Member States and their institutions must expand on approaches that can manage the transaction connecting deeper integration between Member States and widening to include new candidate countries. Therefore, the debate is whether the European Union is providing generosity or has amplified these double standards [2]. The criteria developed at Copenhagen European Council (1993) requires that a country has to have the capacity to maintain democratic governance and human rights, have a working market economy, and be able to recognize and agree to the requirements and objectives of the European Union. Many of these fundamentals have been explained over the course of the last fifteen years by legislation of the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament, in addition to European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice [3]. In spite of the dissimilarity among the old Member States of the European Union, the fifth enlargement was foreseeable as a new integrated Europe would not be able to limit itself to only Western Europe [4]. Therefore, the enlargement of the European Union can be seen as an amalgamated and incorporated development of Europe after the end of the Cold War, as the countries which were formerly linked to the Soviet Union or the Warsaw pact are now independent European countries, and also democratic, with a substantive market economy, and after working towards implementing membership criteria declared by the Copenhagen European Council in 1993, are able to join the European Union [2]. Therefore, the stipulations for membership of the European Union
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Pick up one on civic engagment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Pick up one on civic engagment - Essay Example Democracy is a political unit where all its members have the mandate to manage it. A democracy is however controlled by a leader who has the majority backing of the people. Citizenship on the other hand refers to the person who has an entitlement to the rights and privileges of the society that he lives in as a freeman. According to Ricky van Oers (2010), citizenship involves a person living in a state and swearing his allegiance to it and therefore has an entitlement to its protection. Therefore, citizenship, democracy and civic engagement have similar roles in the progress of a society. Civic engagement therefore refers to the qualitative development of the society by use of both political means and non-political means (Oers, Ersboll, & Kostakopoulou, 2010 ). This paper seeks to make integration between leadership and democracy by first expounding on the roles of the civic engagement to the society’s economic strength and then analyze the effects of lack of democracy to the economy of a society. Role of civic engagement to the local economy The society is made up of the involvement of all the sociological perspectives which are the family, the school, the church and the media (Ehrlich, 2000). The importance of the society involvement to the development thereof cannot be under estimated. The first role of civic engagement is the promotion of peace and harmonious living among the people of a society. A civil society that is based on the strength of all the citizens in promoting its activities stands to remain economically viable. The peace has to exist between the citizens and the government depending on the governance method used. The society is usually connected to the government by the civil society organizations regardless of the method of ruler ship in place. In situations where the government is facing a social strife, the vulnerability of the society will make the existence of personal engagement in economic activities that promote the wellbeing o f the society to cease. Researchers have shown that the existence of a public sector that is sound is largely dependent on the society’s strong homogenous engagement in the open public realm. Much example can be drawn from the rich Congolese society in central Africa where there has never been harmonious co-existence of a strong society. This has led to continuous lack of peace in the central government and therefore unable to develop effectively. The second role of civic engagement is to help strike a balance between accountability by the government and the decision the society makes on leadership. The way to democracy, autocracy, authoritarianism or laissez faire type of leadership will largely depend on the type and level of civic engagement that the society decides to uphold. Most government crises are as a result of the continuous contradiction existing between the society and the government itself. In most cases, the society will to a large extend decide the type of lea dership it requires to put in place the development of the local economy. Therefore, the choice of a sound leader is not based on the loyalty to the ruling regime but substantially on the voice of the society. A member of the society who holds sound citizenship criterion loves his native land and acts to protect the legitimacy of the same place. Citizens have social accountability this accountability is directed towards the society. From the sociological philosophy, it is said that building a family is building
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Understanding Fully Experience on the Perspective of Art Essay Example for Free
Understanding Fully Experience on the Perspective of Art Essay Experience remains to be a subjective issue for persons who happened to encounter important or non-important events in their lives that seem to have made an impact. In terms of art and esthetics, experience also manifests in the condition of subjectivity, however misconceptions and uncertainty arises because of the lack of deeper understanding on how experience affects this field. This paper seeks to elaborate on three arguments presented by John Dewey with regards to his book â€Å"Art as an experience†. Experience according to the essay is vital in the appreciation and understanding of esthetics and art. Experience in this vital sense is defined by those situations and episodes that we spontaneously refer to as being â€Å"real experiences†; those things of which we say in recalling them, â€Å"that was an experience†. (Dewey, 1980, p. 37) The paper will now argue on a point elaborated by the author. The first argument is whether an esthetic experience is deduced in the element of the intellectual or the emotional. Dewey first mentioned the idea’s surrounding esthetic experience to be intellectually oriented and at the same time elaborated on the idea of how these experiences are linked into the emotional side of man. In short, esthetic cannot be sharply marked off from intellectual experience since the latter must bear an esthetic stamp to be itself complete. †(Dewey, 1980, p. 40) In short, the author sees that there must be a balance and correlation between the emotional and intellectual aspects of man in understanding experiences. In response to the first argument presented by Dewey, the paper agrees to the author that a balance must be set in order for esthetic experience to be fully understood. Moreover, one’s ideas is subjective in its sense that application of one aspect alone cannot fully explain and elaborate ones initial or total experience per se. Giving oneself the understanding that to fully appreciate the esthetic value of experience one must be able to bridge the gap and link the emotional as well as the intellectual appreciation of man. The next argument presented by Dewey also has the connection with the first argument he elaborated regarding the idea of emotional and intellectual capacity of man and to associate it with experience. There are therefore common patterns in various experiences, no matter how unlike they are to one another in the details of their subject matter. †(Dewey, 1980, p. 45) In another argument, Dewey points out the idea of doing and undergoing in relation with experience. In this light, Dewey points out that these processes are related in to the concepts related to art; artistic and esthetic. â€Å"Since ‘artistic†refers primarily to the act of production and â€Å"esthetic†to that of perception and enjoyment, the absence of a term designating the two processes taken together is unfortunate. (Dewey, 1980, p. 48) The author tried to point out that these two must never be separated from one another but instead these two ideas are correlated when it comes to experience. Dewey establishes the connection between the four ideas. He linked artistic as a form of doing while esthetic to the concept of undergoing. Dewey further pointed out by saying: â€Å"however as well as the relation that exists in having an experience between doing and undergoing, indicate that the distinction between esthetic and artistic cannot be pressed so far to become a separation. (Dewey, 1980, p. 49) The paper agrees with the author regarding the issue that the idea of undergoing and doing given in the concepts of esthetic and artistic respectively must never be separated in the field of art experience. The paper also agrees with Dewey’s claim that â€Å"to be truly artistic, a work must also be esthetic†(Dewey, 1980, p. 49) There must be a distinct connection between the two ideas since an appreciation of only one aspect would only make the experience incomplete or depriving on the part of the person. To be able to understand fully the art experience given one must be able to combine the feelings of the doer (artist) and in turn internalize the effect it does to the person which is denoted by the process of undergoing (esthetic). The paper agrees to the idea of Dewey by saying: â€Å"art, in its form, unites the very same relation of doing and undergoing, outgoing and incoming energy, that makes an experience to be an experience. †(Dewey, 1980, p. 50) The last argument that the paper will focus on is the idea elaborated by Dewey with regards to the idea of how an individual sees art; perception or recognition. The author emphasizes this importance because this understanding will determine whether an individual fully comprehends and accepts the experience fully given by an art. He first elaborated on the individual meanings of the two and reiterated that it is better for perception to occur rather than recognition. â€Å"Perception is an act of the going-out of energy in order to receive, not a withholding of energy. †(Dewey, 1980, p. 55) He pointed that undergoing the process of recognition rather than perception would only lead to a minimal level of experience that is inadequate or deprived of the full appreciation of the experience. Recognition is perception arrested before it has a chance to develop freely. †(Dewey, 1980, p. 54) In reaction to the argument pointed out by Dewey, I would have to agree that perception is better than recognition in experiencing art. The paper points out this fact because with the idea of recognition, the individual only perceives an art based on the parameters that it is enclosed with. The deeper meaning and concept of an art is not really looked into. On the other hand, perception tries to give a holistic glimpse of the art experience to the individual. Yes, both ideas can give an individual the art experience that it desires however, the previous showcases an experience that is minimal compared to the latter. In conclusion, the paper showcased different arguments presented by Dewey in relation to understanding the art experience felt by individuals. Furthermore, the paper elaborated on issues and arguments that arouses from the idea. The concept of art experience can indeed benefit the individual more if these things were to be understood and studied by each person.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Importance of Fort McHenry to America Essay -- essays research pap
As a country, the United States felt that the War of 1812 was under control and that they were well prepared for any battle any army could throw at them. After the United States won an important battle on Lake Erie in 1813, the American commander, Oliver Hazard Perry, sent the message "We have met the enemy and they are ours." As a new country, America, having just defeated the greatest military strength on the earth, was perhaps overconfident. However, once Great Britain turned all of its attention to defeating the United States, America realized that the fate of her country relied on Baltimore, and Baltimore relied on the protection of Fort McHenry. If Fort McHenry was taken over by the British, the Nation would have been split into two. The fate of the United States rested, to a large extent, on the success or failure of the central prong attack which was being protected by Fort McHenry. If Baltimore had not had Fort McHenry for protection, the city would have been an easy target and our nation would have perished because Baltimore would have lacked the proper protection it needed to prevail. Before 1793, there was a base on the peninsula called Whetstone Point, which was of strategic value to the United States because of its location. Whetstone Point was surrounded by water on three sides and in order to get to Baltimore by water, you had to pass by this peninsula. Because of these reasons, this point seemed like an obvious place to put a fort to protect Baltimore. Not only was this a good location because of the water, but it was close enough to Baltimore to protect it without putting it in danger. Therefore, in 1793, a man named John Jacob Ulrich Rivardi was directed by the Secretary of War to create a plan fo... ...endered or America had won. They could vaguely see a flag flying above the fort but could not tell whether it was America or British. Finally the darkness lifted and they saw that the American flag was still up and waving in the wind. After this night, Key wrote a poem telling the events of that night. He called it â€Å"The Defense of Fort M’Henry†. It was published in the newspapers all over America. Someone put the poem to music using an old English tune called â€Å"To Anacreon in Heaven†. This song became America’s first national anthem in 1931. Fort McHenry is not just known for the night when Francis Scott Key put that night into poem, but it is known as a great fort with a very strong military advantage. Fort McHenry helped protect Baltimore and save America. Without Fort McHenry, America could have easily been conquered and destroyed.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Marketing Plan Nike
INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Sofia MARKETING PLAN Market entry/grow opportunity for Nike in Bulgaria INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT Coursework in MARKETING Student registration No: 20019402 Program: MBA Lecturer:Dr. V. Blagoev Executive Summary Our approach to developing a market-entry strategy follows a structured process, based on in-depth understanding of all aspects that feed into a commercial launch. A comprehensive analysis, using market data and market research, allows us to assess all areas affecting Nike’s strategic direction: Current market situation: detailed consumer and business market segmentation and analysis of market drivers will be undertaken to identify the most valuable target segments and underlying reasons for market entry/opportunity. Specific target areas are evaluated to provide key inputs: product, pricing, retail structures, sales and distribution planning – A review of competition: extensive competitive profiling in areas such as positioning, bran d, target segments, value proposition, market offer, pricing, customer care, sales & distribution, enable assessment of competitors’ strengths and weaknesses Threats and opportunity analysis: analysis of relevant threats and opportunities that the product might face. An internal SWOT highlight areas of valid advantages and disadvantages, providing input to market entry positioning and value proposition – Objectives and issues: description of limitations or possibilities within the current plan that affect objectives to attain or issues that might affect market and segment growth – Identification of marketing strategy: outline of how Nike is to create customer value and the specific of target markets. It is also referred to specific strategies of the marketing mix (4Ps) and how they relate to threats and opportunities. – Action programs: how marketing strategies will be turned into actions – Budgets: shows expected revenue, expected marketing cost and ROI Conclusions from the market analysis together with internal SWOT and identified strategic risk areas form the basis for describing the market entry/opportunity. Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Current marketing situation 3. Threats and opportunities analysis 4. Objectives and issues 5. Marketing strategy 6. Conclusion REFERENCE I. Current Market Situation 1 Market description Bulgaria isn't renowned for specialist sports stores. The news for sports goods businesses is generally positive, given Bulgaria's negative expectations for rapid economic development being one of the poorest members of the EU. Meanwhile, some analysts expect sports clothing and shoes to climb in demand. â€Å"The global economic crisis has not yet significantly affected the sport goods market because when people cannot afford to buy apartments they prefer buying goods such as trainers,†said Kr Tsonov, (Director of Sport Depot). Tsonov said annual turnover of branded sport goods in Bulgaria last year was approximately Euros63 million, relatively small for a population of 7. 5 million people. The figure doesn't include significant equipment imports from China and Thailand. Germany's Adidas has some 40% of the market share, with revenues of about Euros 39 million annually. The US Nike and German Puma brands each earn Euros 19 and 13 million over the same period. The Bulgarian sport goods market is still developing. Branded sport clothes and shoes are generally favored sales compared to specialized sport equipment, including that for extreme sports. But the current small volume of sales is the main reason why large international sports chains have yet to enter the market. Currently, specialized sport goods are offered by a large number of retailers, but most dealers have just one store. In Sofia, there are about 20 such stores and countrywide there are around 70. But mass distribution has yet to gain a stronghold. When it does, as large brands seek to leverage growth in untapped territory with franchising deals, the Bulgarian sports market will streak away. The main consumers of Nike products can be divided into the following major segments: proffessional athletes (approximately 65 000); †¢ active amateurs (between 20-55 years of age, 368 728), †¢ students (fashion or trend fostered, approx. 896 734); †¢ young active people (between 15-19 years of age, who practice sport for good body shape or just for health, approx. 220 937) and †¢ people from upscale market (usually earn above the average for the country, who would like to feel comfortable and look good when training, approx. 00 000). (Ministry of physical education and sport, 2011, National Statistical Institute 2011) Professional athletes seek better performance and to reach the best of their potential. Product characteristics include light weight, high innovation and cushion technology. For instance Carl Lewi’s custom-designed pair of golden-colored Nike racing spikes made with Zytel, sources state that each shoe weighed about 94 grams. Active amat eurs and people from upscale market are concerned with low risk of injuries and better performance. Product can be viewed with light weight and cushioning technology. Air Max a renowned running shoe by Nike, specially designed to provide the ultimate in impact protection  reducing shock and distributing pressure, best characterizes the product. (www. footlocker. com/searchresults/keyword:nike+air+max/) Students and young active people have similar traits – comfort and trend. Design and cushioning technology is what the product is aimed for. Good example is the online Nike shop, where you can custom your gear – shoes. http://nikeid. nike. com/nikeid/index. jsp#home In general, Nike’s products are considered to be upscale and versus the competitors the pricing is relative higher. Given that the product prices are realistic Nike is offering to its customers, it is doubtful whether all customers think alike. This may represent a weakness, having in mind the lower output of the economy in Bulgaria. To overcome any future problems, especially in high price line, Nike is open for emerging technologies and heavily invests in innovation towards the development of new products, specifically the Nike Alpha Project, a revolutionary new line of athletic shoes. Nike was negligent in the past towards the mid-to lower-price-point products, which offers another gap for improvement. To better develop competitive position at all price points more resources and time should be dedicated. There is a great potential in the lower price point and these are needs that can meet the specific characteristics of the Bulgarian market. A. J. Almaney, Ph. D. (2000) 1 Product review According to Nike, the following shoe styles will be available online in January 2012 refering to the launch date. Regular follow up or update can be found @NikeStore on Twitter. These styles may also be available at authorized Nike retailers or authorized Jordan retailers. |JORDAN | |DATE |STYLE NAME |COLOR |PRICE |STYLE # | |01/07/12 |Air Jordan 8. 0 |Black/Dark Concord-Anthracite-Orion Blue |$150 |467807-009 | |01/11/12 |CP3. V |Black/White-Stealth |$120 |487428-003 | |01/19/12 |Fly Wade II |White/Varsity Red-Black |$145 |479976-101 | | | | | | | |BASKETBALL | |DATE |STYLE NAME |COLOR |PRICE |STYLE # | |01/06/12 |Zoom Kobe VII |White/Black-Concord-Neutral Grey |$180 |488244-100 | | | | | | | |AIR FORCE 1's & NIKE SPORTSWEAR | |DATE |STYLE NAME |COLOR |PRICE |STYLE # | |01/14/12 |Air Force 1 |Black/Black |$90 |488298-007 | |01/14/12 |Air Force 1 |Cargo Khaki/Cargo Khaki |$90 |488298-300 | |01/15/12 |Air Max '95 |Obsidian/Obsidian-White-Action Red |$150 |609048-400 | |01/21/12 |Air Force 1 |White/Obsidian |$90 |488298-105 | http://help-us. nike. com/app/answers/detail/a_id/20727 2 Marketing Mix adapted by Nike for Bulgarian Market Nike has been developing its Marketing Mix based on product, price, place and promotion. Thus, seeking the right marketing mix to best contribute to its goal of maximum profitability. Product: Nike understands the importance to satisfy every aspect of the consumer market in Bulgaria. To penetrate the competition and gain market share Nike should have an extensive range of products. Key point is to provide features, designs, various brands, packaging and benefits like extra warranties and after sale service. There is need to cater different market segments and every segment has specific requirements as well as individuals. Customized solutions of the product can be offered and shaped as per the requirements of the customer. Warranties of one year can be offered for the products and in case of defects or problems occur after purchase a replacement can be offered. This can be referred as after sale service and will help in keeping loyal customers. The competitor Addidas is offering only 6 month warranties for the Bulgarian market. There is an increasing interest in the consumer for high end brands and collaboration with other companies could trigger more sales and recognition. E. g. selling i-pods with their jogging shoes range. Price: Internationally Nike is positioned at high-end consumer market with high disposable income looking for better service and top of the line product. Basically the strategy is to provide high cost with maximum profitability, hence high profit margins. That can be justified by higher cost for innovations and advertisement collaboration with top sport athletes. A possible solution specifically for Bulgaria to overcome the high cost is to introduce special promotions during the festive season or low sales periods or by selling out old models. Place: Nike has developed wide range of distribution channels worldwide. Appropriate for the local market are retail channels: retails stores, brand stores and exclusive show rooms. Online shopping is another means of distributing its various products and its less costly compared to the rest methods. Distributers are commonly engaged to support its retail outlets. Factory outlets can have a major role in the down market, where discounted products can be disposed. Promotion: Nike has one of the most comprehensive promotion and advertising. To build awareness, brand image and loyalty Nike can use for the local market advertising, sales promotions, advertisement campaigns, public relations, publicity and sales promotions. Nike often relates to top athletes from various sports – football, tennis, golf and etc. Nike also endorses various teams and clubs, such as Levski Football team. It can use shows for product placement or it can sponsor various events – Sofia marathon, Football Cup, Golf tournaments, like Black Sea Rama or even new stadium as it did with â€Å"Alliance Arena†Nike also can use local celebrities in their advertisements to increase brand loyalty by utilizing the brand image of such celebrities. http://www. slideshare. net/hemanthcrpatna/a-report-on-consumer-behaviour-in-nike 3 A review of competition The rivalry among competitors is quite high for the industry. Nike, Adidas and Puma have grown at a remarkable rate, each offering more choices, more innovations and new trends. Marketing has performed very aggressively by sponsoring different teams and social responsibilities. Main competitors of Nike are Adidas with income for 2008 39 890 bnl and Puma with income for the same period 13 883 bnl. Nike currently is standing in second place with just over 19 248 bnl. Trade register 2007) Market positions and strategies for product quality, pricing, distribution and promotion Adidas Adidas manufactures running shoes, football boots, most famous for the Predator range, basketball Pro Model shoes. In addition Adidas makes sport apparel for tennis, rugby, football, lacrosse and separate line for gymnastics. Adidas has followed the steps of Puma and has entered the lifestyle market by offering deodorants, aftershaves, perfumes and watches. Adidas is a well known brand. Main customers are similar to Nike are athletes and sport enthusiasts. The brand appeals to both men and women and even children. Age group is between 15-35 years. Strength of Adidas include: competitive pricing, effective marketing strategy (sponsorship), market leadership (rivals Nike and Puma for local market), strong online presence (internet site facebook page and linkedin), strong distribution chain (outlets and malls – Sofia, Serdica, Tsarigradsko shousse, City, main distributer – Elmec Bulgaria), partner with leading teams – Ludogorec and Litex Weaknesses of Adidas: high cost structure, over pricing, warranty of products (only 6 months vs. Nike 1 year), no prominent local sport star advertising for brand http://bg-bg. facebook. com/pages/Adidas-Bulgaria/179106108842362 http://bg. linkedin. com/pub/dir/Atanas/Temelkov Puma Currently Puma runs in third on the local market versus Adidas and Nike. It has a different approach towards the market. Long term mission is to be the most desirable sports lifestyle brand. Thus, offering different segmentation ranging from sports (soccer, running, golf, sailing, motorsport), sport fashion (alliance with: the black label, Alexander McQueen, Yasuhiro Mhara, Rudolf Dassler) and sport lifestyle (watches, fragrances, eye-ware). Strength of Puma: fashionable brand, credible reputation, diversification, sponsoring FT Slavia, Chernomorets and Lokomotiv Sofia. Weaknesses of Puma: innovation follower, lack of market share http://www. slideshare. net/rwbcapel/pumafinal II. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Microeconomic situation is steadily favorable. Nike continues to increase the number of representative stores in key places in the major cities. Puma and Addidas, the major competitors are fighting intensively for the piece of the pie. Entering of substitute goods on the current market is a treat for the increase of sales. Factors, which determine the demand for the Nike products are their price, revenue of the consumer, substitute goods, taste of the consumer and advertising. Increasing of raw materials might decrease sales for the products. Same goes if there is presence of substitute goods or similar products. Sports Equipment retail sales in Bulgaria increased at a compound annual growth rate of 8. 7% between 2003 and 2008. Ball sports equipment sales led the sports equipment market with a share of 38. 3% in 2008. Other specialists were the leading retail format for ball sports equipment in 2008 Datamonitor (2010). Opportunities †¢ Athletic shoes and apparel have become a must for all consumers worldwide. This is due to both the increasing numbers of people exercising and the trend towards casual apparel. †¢ Competition is fierce at all levels in within the industry, especially among the leaders. This creates a sense of security for the companies that have been able to create a niche. †¢ Cost cutting due to restructuring of operations will give many companies the chance to price products more competitively. †¢ One area in the industry that is ever changing is research and development. The strong departments will surely capitalize on the trends of tomorrow if their efforts are successful. †¢ E-tailing, or customer-designed internet stores, is threatening the traditional distribution channels, thus excluding intermediates and allowing for increasing profitability. Threats †¢ The industry has reached a level of maturity. While style and technology in athletic apparel and footwear has reached a leveling-off point, the important aspect now is for companies to differentiate their lines. †¢ Inflation is reaching higher levels over the Bulgarian economy, which may decrease in consumer spending. †¢ Consumers are becoming savvier and may lean towards discounted items or look for substitutes. In terms of market saturation, many of the key manufacturers in this industry have been around for many years. Consumers may be scanning the market for new and different footwear and apparel products. III. Marketing Objectives and Issues Providing best quality and ba lanced priced shoes range and apparel to the customer with a special focus on the big cities like Sofia, Varna, Bourgas. Another objective is to make available the product to as many marketable stations as possible. In addition to focus on all types of customers including old aged, young men and women and children as well. †¢ Have strong representation at local and international major sporting events. Advertising at Local Football Cup in addition Champions and Europe League, Tennis tournament Zagorka Master, Volleyball Champions League and local Playoffs, local Golf tournaments – Black Sea Rama, . †¢ Maintain Brand associations with major sport stars – Grigor Dimitrov, Tzvetana Pironkova and Dimitar Berbatov †¢ Effective use of Corporate Event Sponsorships. ie. , Nike Tour Golf †¢ Develop a website solely dedicated to the Nike brand. Nike has multiple websites all integrated by Nike. com †¢ Use Nike brand loyalty to increase sales. †¢ Create a product image that differentiates from the competition. Swoosh become way of life. †¢ Increase product awareness through using an ntegrated marketing approach – 30 second TV spots, Full page magazine advertising, Varying sized billboards Competition is stiff and already has good background on the local market. Key issues that might affect the attainment of the marketing objectives is for com petitors to foresee and adapt to current environment prior to Nike and approach key sport stars and use corporate event sponsorships for their brand awareness. Competitors will definitely follow Nike in its conquest for taking market share and probably use similar methods for generating more customers. Depend in large part on first mover and economy of scale. IV. Marketing Strategy Nike hopes to create customer value and relationships by identifying three key to success strategies that they believe will be instrumental in reaching sustainable profitability. The first is the necessity to meet the customer's needs by offering the most comprehensive selection and knowledgeable staff. The second key to success strategy is the need to monitor the competitive environment in an effort to ensure differentiation. And the third need is to create venues and environments for open dialogue and multitude of perspectives. This can be accomplished through proper product, pricing and promotion decisions. Product strategy: several lines of athletic shoes and apparel, diverse product mix consisting of athletic shoes apparel and equipment. Pricing strategy: product skimming strategy and product line pricing. Promotion strategy: advertising (repeat messages at low cost), direct marketing (through e-shop) and public relations (sponsorship of FT Levski). http://www. bplans. com/sports_clothing_retail_shop_business_plan/executive_summary_fc. php#ixzz1ioAOO2X2 V. Conclusion In this industry there is an intense competition, fashion trends and price sensitive consumers that have slowed the growth of this industry. Financially speaking the companies must be aware the economy is slowing and it should keep its revenues high and costs low. Internet is a huge perspective for Nike in Bulgaria, as the service is gaining more popularity than ever and it must keep user friendly apps to generate more customers than the competition. The well know formula to do this is to keep site simple and user friendly. By offering great deal and various promotions through online channels there is a potential to bring more customers and consequently more revenue and improve relationship with its clients. On the other hand involving in different events, sponsorship and tournaments could shine the brand picture and gain positive trend toward the competition. Brand awareness will be retaliated and will give competitive advantage, thus gaining more market share in the long run. REFERENCE 1. 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Sunday, November 10, 2019
AIDS awareness advocacy advertisement.
Hannan Qistina Amir Hamzah 11200770816th April 2013 AIDS awareness advocacy advertisement. Kenneth Cole has come out with more than one advocacy advertisement to bring an issue to the centre. The First was AIDS awareness ad in 1985. He mainly focuses on the issue of AIDS, to increase public awareness of his views on how important to prevent it. He tried really hard to make people understand about the AIDS issue through his advertisement. The tagline for the ad was ‘For the future of our children’.In the ad, the models were not wearing shoes because Kenneth Cole was not promoting or selling his product but focus on the issue. He does not bother spending very large amounts of money onto his advocacy ad. General reaction to the first AIDS ad. There is a lot of criticism that Kenneth Cole have gotten from his AID ad. People ask a lot of questions, they will question the message of the ad, the rationality of the ad because the issue was very controversial. People will read hi s ad the way they wanted because everyone has their own perceptions.Even though there are lot of criticism, Kenneth Cole has the courage to argue and stand for his ideas because to him it is important. Besides that, what he felt about the social issue, the AIDS can be reflected through his ad. AIDS awareness is something that he really cares about and really focuses on the issue genuinely. Kenneth Cole also take his AIDS ad as an opportunity to say what is important that may can give differences on people’s lives. Value relationship This advocacy advertisement can also help to establish relationship with the constituents.Furthermore, advocacy advertising is designed to capture the eye and to win hearts and minds of the constituencies. The goal is that after they have being exposed to the AIDS awareness ad, they may take a position on the issue and felt that it is important too, and may be persuaded to change opinions about the issue. Kenneth Cole said that he believed that he could say something important and might help and impact people’s lives and make a difference. By creating an advocacy ad can allow new facts, arguments or even action that the government should take.Brand loyalty What Kenneth Cole has gotten from his advocacy ad is that it will eventually help to raise awareness of the company, brand loyalty because by taking care of the community can enhance the Cole’s company, and most importantly about advocacy issue. Other than that, is getting people to act the way he thinks people should act. It is to influence people’s opinion towards his advocacy ad or about the issue that he is focuses on like the AID awareness on 1985. Visit mothers with aids in Cape Town.Kenneth Cole went to Cape Town to visit the AIDS centre and the treatment centre to support all the AIDS patients. With his visit, it shows that he really cares about the AIDS awareness and really cares about the issue to help people just what he said in his ad. He i s not only producing an advocacy advertisement. From the visit, he has gain more knowledge about how the international actions around AIDS, he has knew that AIDS exist globally nad know how to address the issue locally.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Secrets essays
Secrets essays Everyone has secrets no matter who they are. The book I read is called Secrets and,of course, there are many secrets that people have in this book. A man named Melvin Wechsler is a fabulous director that everyone loves. He has a series called Manhattan that he is going to direct, and it is the best T.V. series of all time. He gets the best actors and actresses for his series and he knows it will be a hit. When he decided on all of the people he had chosen for the series, he didnt know that all of them had dark secrets. The main actress, Sabina Quarles, started to have a love affair with Melvin, and he suspected that she was cheating on him. What she was really doing was going to see her very ill son in San Francisco that no one knew about. Jane, another actress, had an abusive husband that didnt care about her. he turned her own children away from her, and raped her whenever he got a chance. She split up with him and started to fall in love with one of the actors on the ser ies, Zack.Zack, Janes lover, had a secret too. When he was young he was molested by his father. He was a homosexual for a long time before he met Jane. Jane completely changed his life and they got married.Gabrielle came from a rich family and she didnt want anyone to know about it. She thought that other actors or actresses would just think that she got acting jobs because of her money. She fell in love with Bill, another actor in the series, and she felt truly happy, and she didnt need money to make her happy.Bill had so many secrets. He was married to an actress before the series, but they had to keep their marriage a secret because of their careers. His wife became a drug addict and he finally left her. He always worried about her and wished that she would straighten up. One night he came home to find h ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Expert Interview with Jerry Bernhart About Digital Marketing
Expert Interview with Jerry Bernhart About Digital Marketing Jerry Bernhart, Digital and Multichannel Marketing Recruiter of Bernhart Associates Executive Search, LLC, is also the author of Careers in eCommerce and Digital Marketing. He is one of the industry’s leaders and has an acute understanding of the field, which adds to his expertise. Jerry talked with us about hiring trends, digital marketing and the changing market, along with some tips for the job seeker. He shares valuable advice to anyone looking into the digital marketing field. Are there any important factors/trends in hiring that job candidates should know but often overlook?Many digital marketing candidates who are just getting into the field want to be all things to all people. You can’t know it all, and most of the search assignments I receive from employers who are looking for more junior-level talent have a specific need or a specific business problem to solve. They should try to specialize in one thing, get really good at it and then start thinking about addi ng to their knowledge base.How did you get into this niche of recruiting?I started out as a recruiter in direct marketing some 25 years ago. Moving into digital marketing and eCommerce was a natural transition for me because it’s all about marketing direct to the consumer.What are employers really looking for?Companies have never faced so much uncertainty and risk. In the space of only a few months, they can slip from market leader to follower. The ability to deal with major changes in the workplace, complete projects with very little direction, endure stress, handle multiple priorities – these are among the competencies that employers look for in all professionals, regardless of the industry they’re in. But this applies especially to digital marketing. What might have been considered a crazy idea one day might be the next day’s most anticipated experiment. Companies can test new ideas and try out new features on websites and get almost instantaneous resu lts. All businesses want their marketers to be adaptable, but in digital marketing that’s especially important because the only thing that doesn’t change is†¦well, change. Expect change to be the norm. Learn to adapt and you will stay a step ahead.What advice do you have for the frustrated job seeker?Network, network, network! One of the beauties of digital technology is that candidates these days have many more avenues for networking than their predecessors did just five years ago. Also, be open when it comes to location. There are plenty of excellent opportunities in places outside of the major metro areas. If you limit your search to a specific geographic area, expect fewer opportunities.How has the job market changed over the past 10 years or so, and where do you see it going in the next few years?The hiring process has been stretched out a lot. Ten years ago, my average search, from the initial call from the employer to the candidate’s first day on the job, usually didn’t last more than two months. Now, three months is the norm. Part of that is because employers have become much more selective. Many are looking for that â€Å"purple squirrel,†and some would just as soon let a position remain empty if they can’t find it.What does a digital marketing job candidate need to stand out?Attitude is number one. Employers want to hire a candidate who is going to be self-motivated. You can have all the skills in the world, but if you don’t show passion or enthusiasm, you won’t get very far!How should a candidate handle multiple job offers?It’s difficult to give a blanket response to that. Depends on the offers, depends on the timing, depends on a lot of things. Everyone’s situation is different. But multiple offers are a good thing because it gives you a choice. You need to have good negotiation skills to navigate through them. I take a very dim view towards accepting counter-offers.How hav e you seen the role of women in this industry change?It’s changed a great deal. In digital marketing in general, I work with as many women now as I do with men, although men still dominate the more senior-level eCommerce roles. I’m placing more women into technical positions than I ever have before, and they’re also representing an increasing percentage of the candidates I place in the corner office, like VPs and CMOs. In fact, I’ve placed TWO women into CMO roles just this year, more than during any year in the past!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Filtration as a sample concentration method of water samples Research Paper
Filtration as a sample concentration method of water samples - Research Paper Example In conclusion, the paper finds that filtration is vastly used in the concentration of environmental water samples for water quality testing. Water is an essential constituent of life. In fact, human beings cannot do without water. Water is a biological, physical, and chemical component that bears a huge influence on life as it is known on Earth. Hence, researchers from diverse fields have sought to come up with ways to manipulate water in order to achieve certain aims that are beneficial to life. However, in the process of the day-to-day activities, human beings have polluted water by dumping waste into it. In addition, varying microorganisms that are harmful to human health tend to exist in contaminated water. These microorganisms are the reason why microbiologists spend a huge part of their time, resources, and knowledge into devising ways through which contaminated water can be purified and declared fit for human consumption. The main aim being to protect the health of human being s. Thus, microbiologists have developed various techniques that are utilized to recuperate microorganisms from water samples. One such method is filtration. In environmental microbiology, filtration is used as a sample concentration method to recover microorganisms. It is duly applied in water quality analysis. Hence, the paper seeks to describe what researchers have found in regard to filtration as a sample concentration method for water quality analysis.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Why Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Why Violence - Essay Example any given social set up solving problems through fighting is not viewed as a philanthropic way of solving problems, it is quite true that in some instances violence is the solution. I agree with the author that violence is of great political importance to the society especially an effective method to solving problems of political dominance. For any kind of violence to be an effective solution to a given political problem, the people fighting should be more superior to their adversaries. It is a fact that the effect or threat of violence can compel acquiescence among people with different political views. Occasionally, peacefully expression of views or negotiations has always failed in finding a solution to political problems such as abuse of power, election problems, and power wrangles among others. The author does a great work by giving examples of countries and regimes where violence has been used as means to solving political problems. For instance, threats of violence led to the ousting of president Mubarak of Egypt by the protesters and Quddafi regime was only defeated through war (Ginsberg, 4). It is a fact that violence is also an important aspect of political and social change in any given society setup as expressed by Ginsberg in the article. Over the past years since the end of world wars, different nations have been driven to invent and make advanced weapons that can be used to subdue their adversaries and bring power balance. This in turn has led to changes in both the social and political arena among nations involved. For instance, Iraq has been seeking to make nuclear weapons to gain control over the Middle East, which has also led to the emergence of terror groups that function through blackmail of the entire process. In addition to such political changes, I agree with the author that violence played a significant role in addressing the problems and challenged faced by the African Americans in the United States. Although social injustices such as
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