Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Sports, Entertainment and Media after the 2nd World War Essay
Sports, Entertainment and Media after the 2nd World War - Essay Example By associating physicality with masculinity, certain sports/activities are labeled as either being masculine or feminine, depending upon the physical nature of the activity. Sports in which the use of body is forceful, dominating or aggressive, are considered fit for males because they are indicators of male power and thus, a definitive expression of physicality. But according to Lisa McDermott, physicality is suggested to be the complex interplay of the body perception, the agency and self-perception and is related to the qualitative understanding the lived-body as experienced and understood by the women when they are involved in sports or physical activities. To explore the meaning and significance the women derive from experiencing their bodies/themselves through these activities and the effects of these experiences greatly helps in shaping their understanding of their physicality beyond that of appearance in particular. By doing so she tries to help us understand the physical and social effect these experiences have on women in identifying themselves. In reference to the research carried out by Lisa McDermott; "Towards Understanding of Physicality, Within the Context of Women's Physically Active and Sporting Lives," this paper will examine female physicality in relation to sports and my chosen game; "Netball." It will discuss how society and media projects and labels certain sports only for males and how the females are subjected to unequal status as being physically weak. The paper will also look into the gender relations based on social and cultural norms. The last part will assess, to which extent; taking part in physical sport has changed the concept of female physicality, subjectivity and gender relations in relation to the existing social norms. Sports and gender Sports in the minds of many, is considered a "gendered" activity which reinforces male power. The stereotyping of the so called "biological difference" between males and females in the past w as used as the basis of exclusion of females from sport. Within the literature of sport sociology, we often find physicality linked with power related to physical power and masculinity. Even though the postmodern society holds out the likelihood of a post-gender society, gender as a system signifying differential values still exists (Firat, 1994) with sport such as rugby, football, ice hockey or boxing, and women still looked at as wives and mothers. An example in this respect is golf, where mothers on golf courses are more likely to be labeled deviant and asked to account for the care of their families than fathers on golf courses (West, Candace and Don H. Zimmerman, 1987). Although there are other sports which reflect physical strength and women are actively participate in them, but I'll discuss netball here in relation to physicality. Netball as a sport, which was earlier cited as only for females, entered a new era after the 70s when it began to be restructured into a profession ally administrated sporting organization and better funding.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Accounting Ratio to Manipulate Accounting
Accounting Ratio to Manipulate Accounting Companies use accounting ratios to manipulate their accounts Table of Contents (Jump to) Abstract Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.1 Aims and objectives Hypothesis 1 1.2. Overview Chapter 2 Critical Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 2.2. International Financial Reporting Standards 2.2.1 Coverage and aims of the standards 2.2.2 Areas of concern 2.3. The art and purpose of Creative Accounting or financial statement Manipulation 2.5 The impact of Creative accounting on Financial Ratios 2.5.1 Definition and purpose of financial ratios 2.5.2 Manipulation of financial ratios Chapter 3 Research Methodology 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Issues considered 3.2 Options of research methods 3.2.1 Quantitative and qualitative 3.2.2 Deductive and inductive methods 3.3 Choice of research method 3.4 Performance of the research Chapter 4. Findings and evaluations 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Findings Abstract Financial ratios have become part of the process by which investors, financial observers and other stakeholders within the market make their decisions and about the activities, profitability and liquidity of a particular corporation. As such, it is therefore important that these reflect the same level of accuracy and compliance to the financial reporting standards as the financial statements. However, it has become increasingly apparent over recent years that the practice of manipulation has been extended in its use to influence these ratios. This dissertation set out with the aim of confirming whether this is the case. It was also intended to identify the particular areas of concern that this practice is generating. It is found that there is evidence of manipulation of financial ratios and that this is particularly relevant in relation to the manipulation of fair valuation and the treatment of off balance sheet items. Although the study has been limited in terms of sample size, the findings are that the practice is particularly apparent in the financial markets sector and this has contributed to the current financial and economic crises. There is a need for a clearer framework for the calculation of fair valuation and a more robust method of regulating the activities of corporate management in an effort to reduce the longer term detrimental impact of this practice. Chapter One: Introduction 1.1 Introduction Following collapses of major global corporations such as Enron, as well as increasing pressure from shareholders and other stakeholders for a more open and understandable system of financial reporting, governments worldwide as well as those involved in international corporate controls came together to bring about one of the biggest changes in controls and governance. Using the offices of the IASB[1] (2008), there followed the introduction of international standards to be used for both accounting procedures and the preparation and presentation of financial statements. The intention of these standards is to create a situation where financial statements have a level of â€Å"understandability, relevance, reliability and comparability†(Lindsall 2005, p.2) that meets the needs of those stakeholders who rely upon these statements. The ISAB confirmed this purpose in an early statement of mission which read that their aim was: â€Å"To develop, in the public interest, a single set of high-quality, understandable, and enforceable global accounting standards that require high-quality, transparent and comparable information in financial statements and other financial reporting to help participants in the various capital markets of the world and other users to make economic decisions†(Gregoriou and Gaber 2006, p.16). In other words, part of the aims of these standards was to endeavour to eliminate the practice of manipulating financial statements. Nevertheless, despite these good intentions subsequent events have shown that the aims and objectives of these standards are still a long way from being achieved, with concern regarding the understandability, relevance, reliability and comparability of financial statements increasing rather the opposite direction hoped for by the authorities. In fact, many believe that the standards themselves, due to ambiguities, have created a platform for the increase in what has increasingly become known as â€Å"Creative Accounting†(Griffiths 1988). This in reality is another term for the process by which management and/.or their financial advisers and auditors are able to manipulate the figures reported within the financial statements in a manner that can lead to these being misrepresented and, what’s more, it is legal. Opponents of the practice bel ieve it to be damaging to investor and other corporate stakeholders, including shareholders and creditors. Indeed some have even gone as far as suggesting that manipulation of financial statements is the root cause of the current â€Å"credit crunch†(Letters 2008). Since the time of Ian Griffiths (1988) book on the issue of creative accounting and manipulation of financial statements there has been a plethora of academic studies into this phenomenon, as will be shown within the literature review in chapter two of this dissertation, and a growing debate between those who applaud and oppose this situation. Understandably, most of this literature is concentrated upon the physical changes that take place within the financial statements themselves However, one area of manipulation in financial reporting that does not appear to have received nearly as much attention. This area is financial ratios! This assumption and discovery is supported by Stolowy and Breton (2000) (see appendix 2). Whilst it is accepted that, in a technical sense financial ratios are not considered a part of the financial statements that come within the context or control of the international standards, as they are using equated by those financial external to the company, they are nonetheless considered an important measurement of corporate performance (Bragg 2007). For example, expert financial observers often quote ratios when advising upon the investment value of a particular corporation and many busy investors will take notice and make financial decision based upon what these ratios reveal. Therefore, manipulation by corporations and their advisors might be considered equally as misleading as the practice being used in any other aspect of financial reporting. It is this perceived gap in literature relating to this issue, together with the desire to access how prolific manipulation of financial ratios might be that has generated the author’s interest in researching the subject. 1.1 Aims and objectives With the concentration of the majority of literature relating to creative accounting and manipulation focusing upon the actual results contained within the financial statement, it is the author’s intention to address its deeper impact. Financial ratios are used by many stakeholders as a quick guide to the appropriateness of a corporation as an investment vehicle. Manipulation of these ratios can therefore have an immediate impact upon decision making by stakeholders. To address this issue, the following hypothesis has been set for this dissertation: â€Å"That company management and their advisors are aware that manipulation of financial ratios can have as much, if not more of an impact upon investment decisions as manipulations in the financial statements.†Further, to test the accuracy of the comment made regarding manipulation and the credit crunch, a second hypothesis will be included: Hypothesis 2 â€Å"That manipulation of financial ratios within the banking sector contributed to the current global financial market crisis.†In order to ensure that the aims of this research, and resolution of the research hypothesis, is achieved in a robust manner and provide a valuable conclusion, a framework of objectives has been devised, based on the following: Financial reporting framework and standards The intention is to analyse and assess the component elements of the current regulatory standards, evaluate their stated intentions and the robustness with which these can be transitioned into the practical reporting environment and identify their current limitations. Creative accounting Based upon current literature the dissertation will provide an understanding of the term creative accounting, identify the areas of its potential use within financial reporting and identify the main purposes and beneficiaries of such actions. Financial ratios The objective with regard to financial ratios is to provide an understanding of their purpose and intentions, which includes identifying their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, using primary data, the dissertation will explain how these ratios can be manipulated as well as identifying the reasons for this conduct. Future improvements Resulting from the previous objectives, it is the author’s intention to provide recommendations that will be designed to reduce the current impact of the manipulation of financial ratios and/or methods by which these manipulations can be identified and revised to reflect actual movements. 1.2 Overview To provide the reader with a clear understanding of this research, it aims and the manner in which it has been performed, this dissertation has been presented in the following order. This introductory chapter has set the scene and provided the background to the issues that for the core focus of the research. Immediately following, in chapter two, there is a critical review of current and appropriate literature relative to these issues. This includes an evaluation of the published frameworks of financial reporting standards, the concept of creative accounting, importance and significance of financial ratios and the effects of manipulation. Chapter three outlines the research methodology choices that were available to the author, identifying the method chosen together with the reasons for this choice. The findings of the secondary and primary research are then presented, compared and discussed in further depth in chapter four before recommendations are outlined in chapter five. Finally , the dissertation is concluded in chapter six. Added to the main body of the dissertation had been attached a complete list of all the references used within the body of the text. Furthermore, to add clarity and further understanding for the reader, additional information in the form of appendices has also been attached. Chapter Two: Critical Literature Review 2.1 Introduction The critical review conducted within this chapter has been designed to concentrate upon the literature relating to the issues being studied within this dissertation that has been published in the main within the past two decades as these represent the standards and practices that are currently in use within financial statements. For ease of reference the chapter has been segmented and analysed into appropriate sections 2.2. International Financial Reporting Standards As Swanson and Miller’s (1989) research shows, the issue of interpreting financial statements had been a subject of debate for many decades prior to the interest in international standards developed. Understanding the different systems of measurement used by management and accountants in financial statements had long proved difficult for investors and other interest parties. It was these areas of concern fuelled the move towards the creation and adoption of an internationally agreed and legally binding framework of accounting and financial reporting standards (Choi et al 2005 and Jones 2006). Amongst these concerns was included the lack of comparability and understanding available to potential investors and other stakeholders when analysing financial statements that were prepared under differing national codes and regulations and the difficulty experienced even when trying to compare accounts of corporations within the same industry (Tarca 2002 and Nobes and Parker 2006). However, as many academic authors had suggested (Nobes 1998, Blake and Lunt 2000, Lee 2006 and Mizra et al 2006 included) another core issue was the growing unease about the practice of â€Å"Creative accounting†and the negative impact this was creating in terms of stakeholder trust and confidence in financial reporting (Lee 2006). Whilst in essence such practices were not illegal, they were becoming a contentious issue in many financial circles, a fact evidenced by the comments of Lord Dearing (1988, p.12) in his committees report on the need for international accounting standards, when he said: â€Å"There is little evidence that companies are engaging in flagrant breaches of accounting standards †¦ However †¦ there is strong pressure on auditors from time to time to accept interpretations of accounting standards which conform to the interests of the preparers rather than with the spirit of the standard.†During the course of the decade following this report government representatives, accounting bodies and other interest financial parties spent a considerable amount of time discussing and agreeing standards that would help to address these anomalies, inconsistencies and concerns, which culminated in the creation of an international accounting and financial framework of standards (IASB[2] 2001 and PWC 2008). These standards were to be designed and operated by the IASB (Feature 2003). However, it still took a number of years to encourage individual national governments to adopt these measures. However the UK government decided that, â€Å"from 2005 UK listed companies must use IFRS for their consolidated statements†(Nobes and Parker, 2006, p.103). Furthermore, the financial reports have to include a statement by directors and auditors, which confirms †applicable accounting standards†were used or giving reasons for this not being the case (Nobes and Parker, 2006, p. 287). 2.2.1 Coverage and aims of the standards As can be seen from the list contained within appendix 1, the scope of the standards was quite extensive. Eight of these standards covered the area of financial statement reporting and presentation (IFRS), which included such issues as business combinations (Group of companies), segmentation and disclosures (Deloitte 2005). A further forty plus standards have been created, which define the accounting methods to be used within the preparation of financial statements (IAS). These laid down the audit principles to be followed Gray and Manson 2004) and covered such issues as the treatment of tangible and intangible assets (Gelb 2002 and FRC 2008). The aim of these standards was, in effect, to create a level playing field for those parties who relied upon corporate financial statements for decision making purposes, be that for investment, lending, extension of credit facilities or simply observance purposes (Chofafas 2004 and Antill and Lee 2005). In other words, the intention is that these statements should comply with four basic principles (IASB 2008), these being: Understandability The objective of this principle was to ensure that the financial statements would be presented in such a manner that they could be relatively easily understood by external stakeholders irrespective of the level of their financial and accounting knowledge, for example the private small investor (Healy et al 1997). Relevance In terms of relevance it was considered important that the information contained within the statements were relevant to the current situation (Saudagaran 2003). In other words it was important that the financial statements reflected current values, prices and other data. Reliability Despite the auditor’s opinion that the financial statements are prepared solely for reporting to the members of the corporation (ICAEW 2008), it has long been accepted that many other stakeholders, including prospective shareholders and creditor rely upon such information. Recognising the importance of this aspect, the IASB extended the principle of reliability to include these other stakeholders (Gregoriou and Gaber 2006). Comparability The need to be able to compare the accounts of individual corporations, even where these are within the same industry sector, whether that is within the national or international marketplace, is a part of the investment decision-making process. Prior to the introduction of the standards this was considered a problem, one which this principle was intended to address (Lindsall 2005, p.2). It should also be noted at this stage that, whilst these standards and principles applied to all corporations, irrespective of their industry sector, certain industry sector have to comply with additional standards. The most noticeable of these is the banking industry, which is further governed by the requirements of the Basel Accords (FSA 2007) and regulated in the UK by the FSA[3]. The focus of these particular industry specific regulations is to ensure that financial institutions retain an appropriate capital adequacy ratio within their balance sheets. However, despite the intentions of all of these standards and regulations, as the plethora of subsequent studies and literature contained within the following section confirm, they have, if anything, added to the areas of concerns that they were meant to address. 2.2.2 Areas of concern As the studies of Tweedie and Wittington (1990), Barth (2006) and Benston (2008) have revealed, a number of serious concerns have been voiced about the international standards, which they and others believe are detracting from the objective of reform and, in some cases, leading to increase volatility being seen in financial statements. In essence, these can be identified within three main areas of financial statement preparation and reporting. Fair Value and choice of valuation measurement Recognition and inclusion of revenue and profits Off balance sheet items Although initially there was no identification of the meaning of the term â€Å"fair value†in the international standards, following representations from accounting bodies, corporate associations and other stakeholders, the IASB introduced a definition, which described it as being: â€Å"the price at which the property could be exchanged between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s length transaction†(IAS 16). However, this description soon came under attack by a number of academics, including Langendijk et al (2003), Bank of England researchers (Staff team 2004), Lindsell 2005)Antill and Lee (2006), Mard and Hitchner (2007) and many others. The criticism of this measurement, rightly identified by these authors, was that it raise questions about the subjectivity and reliability of such valuations. For example, what is considered to be a fair value to one person would not be to another and, furthermore, there might be differing reasons for one party being prepared to pay a greater value for an asset than others consider fair. Evidence of this can be seen in the manner in which companies are valued in times of acquisitions (Antill and Lee 200, King 2006 and Siegal and Borgia 2007). Furthermore, as in most cases the fixed and intangible assets are not intended to be sold at the time of their inclusion within the financial statements, valuation must of necessity be based upon reasonable and expert estimates (Lindsell 2005). The problem to be encountered here is that such expert valuers differ in their opinions of measurement, with some being more optimistic than others (Barth 2006), which can lead to discrepancies. The choice of expert can thus be seen to potentially obscure concrete evidence†of the assets real value (Swanson and Miller 1989, p.1). Furthermore, the standards also allow corporations to make a choice of asset measurement between the historical cost convention and current fair value, which is decided based upon their own judgement (ICAEW 2006 and Mizra et al 2006). Despite many attempts and suggestions aimed at addressing this problem (Benston 2008) to date it has still not been resolved. Recognition of revenue and treatment of profits is another area where differing opinions and purposes of measurement and treatment have been questioned (Bullen and Crook 2005). For example, when engaged upon a project that spans a number of financial years how does the business measure the true value of the revenue and profits to be recorded in each year statements (Mizra et al 2006 and Lee 2006). Some might argue that profit, and thus that element of the revenue, cannot be taken until project completion, whilst others will advocate allocating profit to the completion of project milestones. It is apparent that, given a project of x value spread across say five years, the differences of interpretation outlined above would impact upon the revenues contained within financial statements. The ability for corporations to exclude items from their balance sheets is another issue for many investors and observers (Amat et al 1999). For example, by leasing rather purchasing a piece of equipment this can alter the debt structure of the business, as parts of the leasing contract do not have to be included within the corporate balance sheet. Similarly action can be taken with other assets such as pension schemes (Pitzer 2002). Although there are other issues with the international accounting standards, it is these three areas that appear to raise the most concerns, in particular because they provide the opportunity for firms and their auditors to engage in the practice of manipulation or creative accounting. 2.3. The art and purpose of Creative Accounting or financial statement Manipulation As indicated within the introduction to this dissertation, creative accounting or the ability to manipulate financial statements was an adopted practice before the international reporting standards became a legal requirement for all corporations. However, the increase in concerns since this event makes a study of this issue even more relevant today. Creative accounting is considered by many to be a euphemism for the practice of manipulating the information that is contained within financial statements. In terms of definition for this practice there have been many over the years. In the title of his book about creative accounting, first published in 1988, Ian Griffiths (2005) defined it as â€Å"how to make your profits what you want them to be,†a view supported by Dean and Clarke (2007). Although other academics would refrain from using such a term, as will be seen within this and following sections and chapters of this dissertation, there is more than a grain of truth in this simple description. However, the more considered definition for the type of manipulation that is that it is†a practice that results in a distortion of the figures contained within financial statements.†However, at the same time this manipulation remains strictly within the boundaries of the legal accounting principles, rules and stand ards (Shah 1998 and Balaciu and Cosmina 2008). A simple example of the meaning of these definitions can be seen in the following diagram (figure 1). In this example manipulation is defined as the greying areas between the intentions of the standards and the areas within which the interpretation of these standards can be manipulated, always stopping short of the ultimate boundaries of the legal framework, beyond which such manipulation would be considered as fraud. As can be seen from this diagram manipulation can have two intentions, this being either to produce a negative or positive impact upon the profits and value of the business (Mulford and Comiskev 2002 and Balaciu and Cosmina 2008). It is generally accepted that manipulation is driven by the needs and demands of management (Pierce-Brown and Steele 1999 and Griffiths 2005). For example, if management believes that the business is likely to have a bad year, which will adversely affect their bonus and benefits they might either exacerbate the losses to increase their benefits in a following year or reduce them to protect these benefits. The same methods would be used if the management wishes to influence the corporation’s level of growth (Pierce-Brown and Steele 2006). This practice is known as the â€Å"Big Bath†method (Investopedia 2008). To achieve the required objective the management might use a combination of the flexibility contained within the concepts of fair value, revenue and profit recognition and off-balance sheet items as discussed in section 2.2.2 of this chapter. For example, an employed expert valuer who takes a pessimistic approach would have the effect of reducing the value of asse ts, thus having an adverse effect upon profits. Delaying recognition of revenue or profits would have the same effect (Mulford and Comiskev 2002). Some academic authors have posed the question as to whether such manipulation is ethical (Amat and Dowds 1999 and Blake and Growthorpe 1998). However, whilst the question of ethics might be of concern to those who rely upon the financial statements presented by corporations (Saudagaran 2003), under the present standards, regulations and their measurements it remains legal (Griffiths 2005). 2.4 The impact of Creative accounting on Financial Ratios As Bragg (2007) indicates within the introduction to his study of business ratios and formulas, these can be applied to virtually every aspect of the business and its operations. However for the purpose of this dissertation, the focus regarding ratios will be restricted to those that relate specifically to the information contained within a corporation’s financial statements. 2.4.1 Definition and purpose of financial ratios The term ratio can broadly be defined as a measurement by which the performance of a corporation, in terms of its operations and activities, can be judged and assessed (Bragg 2007, p.1). In terms of the financial statements produced by corporations this judgement is aimed at measuring a number of performance factors (Stolowy and Breton 2000). As can be seen from the descriptions contained within the following example (figure 2) in this respect the intention of these ratios is to provide an assessment of the profitability of the business and its return on investment (Income statement) and its liquidity position (Balance Sheet) (Bragg 2007). Figure 2 Popular financial ratios Financial Ratios 1) Gross Margin Operating earnings (before exceptional and tax) as a percentage of net sales 2) Operating Margin Operating Income (net profit before tax) as a percentage of net sales 3) Profit Margin Net Income (profit after tax) as a percentage of net sales 4) Return on Equity Net Profit after Taxes as a percentage of equity 5) Return on Investment Net Profit after Taxes as a percentage of total assets 6) Return on Capital Employed Net Profit after Taxes as a percentage of average shareholder equity 7) Current ratio Ratio of current assets to current liabilities 8) Quick ratio Ratio of current assets (less inventory) to current liabilities ( less overdraft and other borrowings) 9) Gearing (debt to equity) ratio Ratio of liabilities to equity 10) Earnings per share (EPS) Net profit divided by number of shares issued 11) P/E ratio
Friday, October 25, 2019
Illusion and Fantasy in A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
Illusion and Fantasy in A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams An illusion is fake belief whereas fantasy is imagining fanciful visions. Both these themes are important in the play because they show how they can be mistaken for reality by each character in the play. The themes illusion and fantasy are involved from the start of the play. We learn from when Stanley throws the package of meat down to Stella that he is a dominant character and that his relationship with Stella isn’t as happy as it may seem to be. Even in scene 2, Stanley’s aggressiveness is shown towards Stella, ‘since when do you give me orders?’. However, the most significant example of his brutality is during the Poker Game in scene 3. This is where the themes illusion and fantasy are brought in, because Stella lives in a fantasy world with Stanley. We learn how Stanley keeps Stella under the thumb. However violent Stanley might be, she won’t reveal that her relationship has problems to Blanche or anyone, ‘it wasn’t anything as serious as you seem to take it. In the first place, when men are drinking and playing poker anything can happen.’ Stella has psychologically made herself get used to this behaviour from Stanley, ‘why, on our wedding – soon as we came in here – he snatched off one of my slippers and rushed about the place, smashing the light bulbs with it.’ She has made it seem normal because she is illusioned by the thought that what they have is too strong to let go. Stanley is like an addictive drug to her, for example, in scene 4, Stella is in ‘narcotised tranquillity’. However rough he may be, Stella needs Stanley as a fix. It is as though she is brainwashed by him. When Blanche comments on the previous nights even... ...he becomes desperate and unhinged. She sees marriage as her only means of escaping her demons, so Mitch’s rejection amounts to a sentence of living in her internal world. Once Mitch crushes the make-believe identity Blanche has constructed for herself, Blanche begins to descend into madness. With no audience for her lies, which Blanche admits are necessary when she tells Mitch that she hates reality and prefers â€Å"magic,†Blanche begins performing for herself. Yet Blanche’s escapist tendencies no longer show her need to live in a world full of pleasant bourgeois ease. Instead of fancy and desire, her new alternate reality reflects regret and death. She is alone, afraid of both the dark and the light; her own mind provides her with a last support of escape. Her fantasies control her, not the other way around, but still she shrinks from the horror of reality.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Foster innovative behavior Essay
For a company to compete in today’s competitive business world is increasingly a function of how proficient they are at innovation. The goal of a company is to increase profitability, increase growth and innovation and introduce new values/norms/culture into the company. In order for a company to remain competitive, it must have maximum quality, minimum cost and maintain peak performance. The design of the organization is crucial to innovation. In ways a company structure links its personnel in various specialties, such as research and marketing, gages the speed a company can introduce new products into the market. In its reflection, you cannot overlook the fact that the company culture has an impact on the people to be innovative. Culture defined as entrepreneurial norms and values is mostly likely fostering innovation than a culture that embraces conservatism and/or bureaucracy. In my experience the creation of a structure that fosters innovative behavior, begins with top leadership equipped to provide vision, inspiration, and conviction to demonstrate integrity, provide meaning, develop objectives, generates trust, and communicates values. As a leader, you must do more than just hold the title; as a CEO, you must exercise leadership through setting the example for others to emulate. Leaders must also influence and motivate managers to incorporate vision, strategic planning, and elements of quality management into the full range of the organization’s activities. Leaders must be knowledgeable of the fact that creativity and innovation is the heart and soul of their organization. New ideas can lead to programs/products that are superior to those already in existence or planned in an organization. Toyota for example has lead the way by targeting the 20 – 30 something and has come with a new line of cars. Other car manufacture’s are lagging behind and are just now starting to target that consumer group. This translates into a new design, outfitting of the 3 models they have brought on the market. Toyota also brought Hybrid cars to the US. Other car manufacturers are catching on now. Leaders should be continuously searching for new ideas and programs that supersede what the organization is currently committed to and producing. Let’s dub it as progression. According to Jones (2004) in his textbook †the most critical elements of managers responsibilities is to select the right structure. Thus, flatten the organizational structure hierarchy to accomplish the main objective which is to establish greater control and coordination†. The selection of an â€Å"organic culture coupled with a decentralized line of authority†promotes high input/innovation and output according to the author Jones (2004). But of no system is perfect, even with the best of intention. For example, the adaptation of of organic culture, in some situation may cause management to loose control of personnel supervision and work efficiency. Additionally, informal norms and values develop that emphasize personal competence, expertise, and the ability to act in innovative ways. Status is achieved by the ability to provide creative leadership, not by any formal position in the hierarchy. Most centralized authority systems do not allow you to exhibit your full potential; deviation from the standard due to control factors is being stifled. The detrimental factor of this system is that it is impossible to create team, creativity, positive norms, values, and beliefs. Because there is such a lack of interaction between us (employees) and them (authority figures),†us against them†thinking can begin to creep in; people become lethargic and creativity and motivation is stifled. According to Jones (2004): the advantage of a decentralization is that it promotes flexibility and responsiveness through delegating authority to the lowest possible level to assist managers to make decisive on the spot decision. Leaders remain accountable for such their action (good judgment is prudent in a manager decision), but this also give a manager the opportunity demonstrate their personal skills and competence and would be more motivated to perform well for the organization. Leaders must also be able to identify and integrate key issues affecting the company such as political, economics, social, technological, and administrative factors. The kiss of death for most organizations is remaining steadfast on previous accomplishments. Organizations must subscribe to a progressive stance, because technology and productivity decreases the distance between what is up to date now and obsolete tomorrow; outside the box thinkers are a vital part of an organization and they need to have the ears of top managers; top managers also much be innovative thinkers, don’t rest on past accomplishments, and create programs, incentives, where out -of -the box thinking is rewarded. Suggestion boxes and rewards can serve as great incentives. This in turn will allow employees to tap into their creative side, may save dollars to the company, and increase worker’s satisfaction, for it increases a sense of vital contribution to an organization. Reference: Jones,Gareth , R. (2004). Organizational Theory, Design, and Change (4th ed). New Jersey
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Chicken Ala Carte Essay
Thousands of people die every day due to hunger and malnutrition. This short film shows a forgotten portion of the society. The people who live on the refuse of men to survive. What is inspiring is the hope and spirituality that never left this people. It clearly displayed that hunger and poverty kicks as main problem of the society and some people are too blind to see it. The videography of the film was too shaky and some parts are blurry. This is actually effective for me as for the fact that it is a documentary and it made me feel like I am in the real setting of the event. Another element is the actors in the film. They portrayed their roles truly and they were really convincing which made the film so sympathetic and melancholic. The songs used in the later part of the film also added to the mood. The setting of the film was very dirty and crowded, enough components to represent a place where poverty is happening. The kids in the squatters’ area were also good representations of hunger and malnutrition in an isolated community. The most powerful part of the story, for me, was when the father tapped his kid on his hands, which cannot wait to eat, just because he forgot to pray. This showed me that even though things are getting to worse than expected, we still have to give thanks to Him for we are blessed that we still live this life with His spirit guiding us. It also displayed to me the spirituality of a man and his faith that is strong enough to continue living their lives. Furthermore, this film made me realize that I am so blessed. Many people out there struggle for food while I can easily buy them anywhere I wanted to. I can choose where to live while they cannot because they cannot afford a concrete shelter. These people are the ones in need and we must have time to reach out for them to have their chance of having a life with comfort. In addition, I couldn’t stop myself from having sympathy for those who are on the overlooked portion of our country for they are the ones who deserve to benefit the profit our country has earned. In this kind of situation, you can’t really avoid to demand that those people should be the one our government should be focusing on improving one’s life due to the fact that since they pursue themselves to the politics, it is their duty to serve their countrymen first before anything else. Aside from scarcity, I believe education is also the key to keep away from those kinds of circumstances in life because if you are a well-educated person, you will be aware of family planning and most especially you have the capability to earn money and buy foods in order for you and your family to survive.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Compare Nationalism in China and Japan
Compare Nationalism in China and Japan The period between 1750 and 1914 was pivotal in world history, and particularly in East Asia. China had long been the only superpower in the region, secure in the knowledge that it was the Middle Kingdom around which the rest of the world pivoted. Japan, cushioned by stormy seas, held itself apart from its Asian neighbors much of the time and had developed a unique and inward-looking culture. Beginning in the 18th century, however, both Qing China and Tokugawa Japan faced a new threat: imperial expansion by the European powers and later the United States. Both countries responded with growing nationalism, but their versions of nationalism had different focuses and outcomes. Japans nationalism was aggressive and expansionist, allowing Japan itself to become one of the imperial powers in an astonishingly short amount of time. Chinas nationalism, in contrast, was reactive and disorganized, leaving the country in chaos and at the mercy of foreign powers until 1949. Chinese Nationalism In the 1700s, foreign traders from Portugal, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, and other countries sought to trade with China, which was the source of fabulous luxury products like silk, porcelain, and tea. China allowed them only in the port of Canton and severely restricted their movements there. The foreign powers wanted access to Chinas other ports and to its interior. The First and Second Opium Wars (1839-42 and 1856-60) between China and Britain ended in humiliating defeat for China, which had to agree to give foreign traders, diplomats, soldiers, and missionaries access rights. As a result, China fell under economic imperialism, with different western powers carving out spheres of influence in Chinese territory along the coast. It was a shocking reversal for the Middle Kingdom. The people of China blamed their rulers, the Qing emperors, for this humiliation, and called for the expulsion of all foreigners - including the Qing, who were not Chinese but ethnic Manchus from Manchuria. This groundswell of nationalist and anti-foreigner feeling led to the Taiping Rebellion (1850-64). The charismatic leader of the Taiping Rebellion, Hong Xiuquan, called for the ouster of the Qing Dynasty, which had proved itself incapable of defending China and getting rid of the opium trade. Although the Taiping Rebellion did not succeed, it did severely weaken the Qing government. The nationalist feeling continued to grow in China after the Taiping Rebellion was put down. Foreign Christian missionaries fanned out in the countryside, converting some Chinese to Catholicism or Protestantism, and threatening traditional Buddhist and Confucian beliefs. The Qing government raised taxes on ordinary people to fund half-hearted military modernization, and pay war indemnities to the western powers after the Opium Wars. In 1894-95, the people of China suffered another shocking blow to their sense of national pride. Japan, which had at times been a tributary state of Chinas in the past, defeated the Middle Kingdom in the First Sino-Japanese War and took control of Korea. Now China was being humiliated not only by the Europeans and Americans but also by one of their nearest neighbors, traditionally a subordinate power. Japan also imposed war indemnities and occupied the Qing emperors homeland of Manchuria. As a result, the people of China rose up in anti-foreigner fury once more in 1899-1900. The Boxer Rebellion began as equally anti-European and anti-Qing, but soon the people and the Chinese government joined forces to oppose the imperial powers. An eight-nation coalition of the British, French, Germans, Austrians, Russians, Americans, Italians, and Japanese defeated both the Boxer Rebels and the Qing Army, driving Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu out of Beijing. Although they clung to power for another decade, this was really the end of the Qing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty fell in 1911, the Last Emperor Puyi abdicated the throne, and a Nationalist government under Sun Yat-sen took over. However, that government did not last long, and China slipped into a decades-long civil war between the nationalists and the communists that only ended in 1949 when Mao Zedong and the Communist Party prevailed. Japanese Nationalism For 250 years, Japan existed in quiet and peace under the Tokugawa Shoguns (1603-1853). The famed samurai warriors were reduced to working as bureaucrats and writing wistful poetry because there were no wars to fight. The only foreigners allowed in Japan were a handful of Chinese and Dutch traders, who were confined to an island in Nagasaki Bay. In 1853, however, this peace was shattered when a squadron of American steam-powered warships under Commodore Matthew Perry showed up in Edo Bay (now Tokyo Bay) and demanded the right to refuel in Japan. Just like China, Japan had to allow foreigners in, sign unequal treaties with them, and allow them extraterritorial rights on Japanese soil. Also like China, this development sparked anti-foreign and nationalist feelings in the Japanese people and caused the government to fall. However, unlike China, the leaders of Japan took this opportunity to thoroughly reform their country. They quickly turned it from an imperial victim to an aggressive imperial power in its own right. With Chinas recent Opium War humiliation as a warning, the Japanese started with a complete overhaul of their government and social system. Paradoxically, this modernization drive centered around the Meiji Emperor, from an imperial family that had ruled the country for 2,500 years. For centuries, however, the emperors had been figureheads, while the shoguns wielded actual power. In 1868, the Tokugawa Shogunate was abolished and the emperor took the reins of government in the Meiji Restoration. Japans new constitution also did away with the feudal social classes, made all of the samurai and daimyo into commoners, established a modern conscript military, required basic elementary education for all boys and girls, and encouraged the development of heavy industry. The new government convinced the people of Japan to accept these sudden and radical changes by appealing to their sense of nationalism; Japan refused to bow to the Europeans, they would prove that Japan was a great, modern power, and Japan would rise to be the Big Brother of all of the colonized and down-trodden peoples of Asia. In the space of a single generation, Japan became a major industrial power with a well-disciplined modern army and navy. This new Japan shocked the world in 1895 when it defeated China in the First Sino-Japanese War. That was nothing, however, compared to the complete panic that erupted in Europe when Japan beat Russia (a European power!) in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05. Naturally, these amazing David-and-Goliath victories fueled further nationalism, leading some of the people of Japan to believe that they were inherently superior to other nations. While nationalism helped to fuel Japans incredibly quick development into a major industrialized nation and an imperial power and helped it fend off the western powers, it certainly had a dark side as well. For some Japanese intellectuals and military leaders, nationalism developed into fascism, similar to what was happening in the newly-unified European powers of Germany and Italy. This hateful and genocidal ultra-nationalism led Japan down the road to military overreach, war crimes, and eventual defeat in World War II.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Finding Conditions for Factor Returns and Scale Returns
Finding Conditions for Factor Returns and Scale Returns A factor return is the return attributable to a particular common factor, or an element that influences many assets which can include factors like market capitalization, dividend yield, and risk indices, to name a few. Returns to scale, on the other hand, refer to what happens as the scale of production increases over the long term as all inputs are variable. In other words, scale returns represent the change in output from a proportionate increase in all inputs. To put these concepts into play, lets take a look at a production function with a factor returns and scale returns practice problem. Factor Returns and Returns to Scale Economics Practice Problem Consider the production function Q KaLb. As an economics student, you may be asked to find conditions on a and b such that the production function exhibits decreasing returns to each factor, but increasing returns to scale. Lets look at how you might approach this. Recall that in the article Increasing, Decreasing, and Constant Returns to Scale that we can easily answer these factor returns and scale returns questions by simply doubling the necessary factors and doing some simple substitutions. Increasing Returns to Scale Increasing returns to scale would be when we double all factors and production more than doubles. In our example we have two factors K and L, so well double K and L and see what happens: Q KaLb Now lets double all our factors, and call this new production function Q Q (2K)a(2L)b Rearranging leads to: Q 2abKaLb Now we can substitute back in our original production function, Q: Q 2abQ To get Q 2Q, we need 2(ab) 2. This occurs when a b 1. As long as ab 1, we will have increasing returns to scale. Decreasing Returns to Each Factor But per our practice problem, we also need decreasing returns to scale in each factor. Decreasing returns for each factor occurs when we double only one factor, and the output less than doubles. Lets try it first for K using the original production function: Q KaLb Now lets double K, and call this new production function Q Q (2K)aLb Rearranging leads to: Q 2aKaLb Now we can substitute back in our original production function, Q: Q 2aQ To get 2Q Q (since we want decreasing returns for this factor), we need 2 2a. This occurs when 1 a. The math is similar for factor L when considering the original production function: Q KaLb Now lets double L, and call this new production function Q Q Ka(2L)b Rearranging leads to: Q 2bKaLb Now we can substitute back in our original production function, Q: Q 2bQ To get 2Q Q (since we want decreasing returns for this factor), we need 2 2a. This occurs when 1 b. Conclusions and Answer So there are your conditions. You need ab 1, 1 a, and 1 b in order to exhibit decreasing returns to each factor of the function, but increasing returns to scale. By doubling factors, we can easily create conditions where we have increasing returns to scale overall, but decreasing returns to scale in each factor. More Practice Problems for Econ Students: Elasticity of Demand Practice ProblemAggregate Demand Aggregate Supply Practice Problem
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Predators of Sea Turtles
The Predators of Sea Turtles Sea turtles have hard shells (called carapaces) that help protect them, but they still have predators. They are also more vulnerable than land turtles because unlike land turtles, sea turtles are unable to retract their heads or flippers into their shell. Predators of Sea Turtle Eggs and Hatchlings There are some predators of sea turtles as adults, but these marine reptiles are most vulnerable when in the egg and as hatchlings (small turtles recently emerged from the egg). Predators of eggs and hatchlings include dogs, cats, raccoons, boars, and ghost crabs. These animals may dig up a sea turtle nest to get to the eggs, even if the nest is 2 feet below the surface of the sand. As hatchlings start to emerge, there is a scent of egg that still is on their bodies, plus the smell of wet sand. These scents can be detected by predators even from a distance. According to the Georgia Sea Turtle Center, threats to turtles in Georgia include the above, plus feral hogs and fire ants, which can threaten both eggs and hatchlings. Once hatchlings emerge from the egg, they need to get to the water. At this point, birds such as gulls and night herons can become an additional threat. According to the Sea Turtle Conservancy, as few as one in 10,000 sea turtle eggs reach adulthood. Olive ridley turtles nest in huge groups called arribadas. These arribadas can attract animals such as vultures, coatis, coyotes, jaguars, and raccoons, who may gather near the beach even before the arribada begins. These animals dig up nests and eat eggs and prey on nesting adults. Predators of Adult Sea Turtles Once turtles make their way to the water, both juveniles and adults can be prey for other ocean animals, including sharks (especially tiger sharks), orcas (killer whales), and large fish, such as grouper. Sea turtles are built for life in the water, not on land. So adults can also be vulnerable to predators such as dogs and coyotes when they go up upon beaches to nest. Sea Turtles and Humans If turtles survive their natural predators, they still face threats from humans. Harvest for meat, oil, scutes, skin, and eggs decimated turtle populations in some areas. Sea turtles face development on their natural nesting beaches, which means they have to contend with such things as artificial light, and loss of habitat and nesting sites due to construction and beach erosion. Hatchlings find their way to the sea using natural light, the slope of the shore, and the sounds of the ocean and coastal development can interrupt these cues and make hatchlings crawl in the wrong direction. Turtles may also be caught as bycatch in fishing gear, which was such a problem that turtle excluder devices were developed, although their use is not always enforced. Pollution such as marine debris is another threat. Discarded balloons, plastic bags, wrappers, discarded fishing line, and other trash may be mistaken by a turtle for food and be accidentally ingested, or the turtle may become entangled. Turtles may also be struck by boats. How to Help Sea Turtles A sea turtles life may be fraught with danger. How can you help? If you live in a coastal area: Dont feel wildlife - you may attract turtle predators.Dont let your dog or cat run loose.Watch for sea turtles when boating.Do not disturb or shine lights near nesting sea turtles.Turn off outside, ocean-facing lights during sea turtle nesting season.Pick up litter on the beach. Wherever you live: Dispose of trash responsibly, and keep a lid on your trash when its outside. Trash even far from the ocean can make its way there eventually.Never release balloons - always pop them and dispose of them in the trash. Use balloon alternatives whenever possible during your celebrations.If you eat seafood, research what you eat and eat seafood that is caught without threatening turtles.Support sea turtle conservation/rehabilitation organizations, even international ones. Sea turtles are highly migratory, so recovery of turtle populations depends on protection in all their habitats. References and Further Information: Network for Endangered Sea Turtles. Accessed May 30, 2013.Sea Turtle Conservancy. Sea Turtle Threats: Invasive Species Predation. Accessed May 30, 2013.Spotila, J. R. 2004. Sea Turtles: A Complete Guide to Their Biology, Behavior, and Conservation. The Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore and London.The Georgia Sea Turtle Center. Threats to Sea Turtles. Accessed May 30, 2013.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Is love still there Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Is love still there - Essay Example For instance, they go to the extent of having random sex with people they do not even know. That is where we get even married people cheating on their spouses without even trying to think about what they had before. In this century, a lot of young people are interested in mostly what the other has financially. They have destroyed the sweet charter called love. No matter how hard John Legend and Bruno Mars try to sing to the youth, it just falls on deaf ears. Projects are formed all the time to try and reveal if love is still alive and well in the world, and how better the world can be if they share their love. Writers and love experts try and write books for folks to read just to spice up the act of love (Bruckner 2011: 90; Dutton & Onge 2011: 44). All I believe in when is in love; they almost feel ashamed that someone can be that important that without them one feels like nothing, one feels like no one can ever understand how much it hurts. One feels so hopeless, but nothing can sav e you, and when it is all over, and its gone one almost wishes to have that entire back, so that one can save on the good part. I think when it is all over it just comes it just comes back in flashes, and it is like a scope of memories that all comes back, and one feels like your partner is never coming back, part of you always knows that there is chances of a relationship not working out, but one chooses the feelings that come along with. The craziest part is when ones partner is gone, and you think that you will never feel the same again. You start thinking of what would have happened.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Persuasive Memo With Business Improvement Suggestions Essay
Persuasive Memo With Business Improvement Suggestions - Essay Example This is because the online customers will be able to access our products easily and raise views and questions at the same time. It is very unfortunate that the previous financial report shows that the company performance is not pleasing. This is because it reported a 10.3% decrease in return on investment. This shows that the profits are diminishing and an action to improve on the same is required. In order to solve this problem, I have come up with a proposal on creative ways. Persuade Cafe is a company with a good profile from its customers and the quality of its products. Also, the quality services offered to the customers are not questionable at all since their needs are met within a short time. This is clear from the survey done from 732 respondents where majority were content with our services and products. In addition, the survey shows that some customers do not know some of the products existing in Persuade Cafe like espresso drinks. Following the responses of the customers, I request the company to start advertising campaigns, improve on products and introduce new products in the market. The advertising campaigns will focus on prospective customers who are not aware of products and services offered. It will also educate the consumers on how to use the products in order to get the best result. Some of the customers are not aware on where they can obtain some of the company’s products. ... In another dimension, most of the products will be purchased due to the presence of free samples. In order to market the products widely, there is need to use media group like television, radios and newspapers. Introduction of new products in the market is another suggestion that will increase the returns. New types of coffee, tea, bakery and soft drinks will not only increase sales, but also create a competitive advantage to the company (Ober, 2007). The company will be in a position to compete with its competitors like Starbacks who also deal with almost the same products. The survey shows that there are complains on the quality of the products and services. Pastry is one product that many consumers are complaining about. Also, bakery items and espresso drinks are of low quality, which can lead to loss of customers due to lack of satisfaction. This was the main reason why the head of business development, Christopher, was disappointed by the customer survey results. In order to cat er for all consumers, I suggest Persuade Cafe to rebrand its products into small and big quantities. Since customers have different tastes and preferences, it is important to have the goods in different packages and colors. This will increase returns in the short run as well as in the long run and also attract fair competition. Having in mind that the economy is not performing well and the status of the company, this project costs a substantive amount of money, but you are assured of immediate return. Advertising, rebranding and packaging costs are all variable to the company hence easy to meet. Advertising campaigns and rebranding will enable the company maintain its current customers and attracting others. Quality products and services give the
Smarties Chromatography Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Smarties Chromatography - Research Paper Example The sample candies will be taken from a regular pack of Smarties. The product information detailing the ingredients of the candy will be utilized to reference what chemicals have been used for each of the colors selected. The experiment is expected to be able to breakdown the color composition of the color of Smarties that have been selected. It can be reasonably predicted that specific colors have a determined combination of pigments and would likely vary directly to the degree of similarity between the colors ("Chromatography: Introduction Theory", 2007). At the same time, it can be expected that the chemicals or substances used for each color will vary in a parallel manner. The experiment results are also expected not to follow faithfully color combination schemes since chemical reactions must also be considered ("Chromatography", 2006). Also, the researchers can expect that some of the color additives are not just to affect the colors for the candies but may also serve to enhance or to stabilize the color. Chromatography is actually a broad term that refers to several laboratory techniques that can be used for the separation of mixtures. The basic principle in any chromatographic experiment involves the processing of a mixture through a stationary phase that separates the mixture to be analyzed or studied to identify it from the other molecules in mixture ("Chromatography: Introduction Theory", 2007). This has the effect of isolating individual molecules in the mixture that can be seen as a band in the separating medium. Chromatography in laboratory settings entails the use of sophisticated equipment and the materials used like chromatographic paper is quiet expensive. However, chromatographic experiments can be done using ordinary materials that can be found in one's kitchen as long as the basic principles are maintained as described in the preceding paragraph. Variable to Consider In order to maintain the integrity of the experiment, it is important to maintain uniformity of the solution to dissolve and extract the pigmentation form the candies, the number of candies to be used in each extraction, the saline solution to be used for the separation of the samples, the integrity of the sampling and the ambient condition for each sampling. In the course of the experiment, the research is expected to have difficulty in limiting the sugar content of the samples during color extraction. There may be also difficulty in being able to have equal numbered sample colors from each pack of Smarties since they are packed indiscriminately. There should also be some expected difficulty in developing pigment or color samples that are of equal concentration since density of color coatings may vary during the production of the candies. In the observance of the color spectrum that will become evident, the research is limited into observing what colors will compose each candy. The observations will not consider the intensity of the colors or the amount of time they develop on the medium to be used. The observations will focus on quantifying the colors or pigments used from each extracted sample rather than qualifying any of the observations Preliminary Work As part of the preliminary investigation for
The Analysis of the Strategic situation of ARM Holdings Essay
The Analysis of the Strategic situation of ARM Holdings - Essay Example he foremost suppliers of intellectual property (IP) semiconductors that possess a significant impact upon the advancement as well as the progression of digital electronic products. The company’s headquarter is located in Cambridge of United Kingdom and it has engaged more than 2000 people within their organisation. The company has its offices worldwide including its design centres especially in France, India, Sweden and the US (ARM Ltd., 2012). ARM Holdings was founded in the year 1990 and the profits of the company rapidly expanded over and above the total profits of the then semiconductor industry. The company sells over 800 processor licenses to in excess of 250 companies throughout the world with superior quality. Along with rapidly expanding in terms of profits within the overall semiconductor industry, ARM also has gained outstanding market share as compared to its other competitors (ARM Ltd., 2012). ARM Holdings mainly deals with outstanding products such as high-performance processors, system IP products, astonishing multimedia hardware products, extensive offering of physical IP products and software development instruments that are utilised in every phase of application development (ARM Ltd., 2012). In the paper, an overall analysis of the different business strategic circumstances especially of ARM Holdings will be taken into concern. Various aspects that include the application of Porter’s five forces model, value chain framework analyses of ARM Holdings along with Intel as comparison in order to evaluate their business models, suitable recommendations and an amassed conclusion will be portrayed in the discussion of this paper. ARM Holdings is essentially regarded as a part of semiconductor or microprocessor industry. The microprocessors are a kind of semiconductors. The semiconductors are the materials that generally conduct electricity and can be easily regulated acting as conductors and insulators. Presently, the semiconductor appliances are
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Evaluate the policies that could be used in the UK to meet inflation Essay
Evaluate the policies that could be used in the UK to meet inflation targets - Essay Example The UK, just like the US and Germany, has a growing workforce, and its wages has also been increasing. The Europe’s unemployment rate was 9.8 % in March this year while it was 10.4 % last year the same time. In Europe, the lowest unemployment rates in March 2015 were Germany (4.7 %) while the highest was Greece (25.7 %) (Trending Economics 2015). Demand side Inflation happens when there is a surplus of demand for goods and services over the supply; the supply remains constant. Demand pull inflation involves the rise of inflation as gross domestic product increases. At the same time, the unemployment levels will be expected to fall as witnessed in UK (Thirlwall & Barton 2014). The situation is contributed by the increase in the government expenditure and no change in the tax structure. The rise in income of households is a major contributor of demand for goods and services. The increase in the supply of the money in the country leaves more non-reusable income with the people causing the demand for products and services (Miles 2014). A loose monetary policy can cause the increase in money supply. In addition, inflows from other nations because of export will enhance the money supply. In UK, demand-pull inflation may be attributed to increasing disposable of the citizens. As the levels of income of people go up, the demand to buy things also go up (Willett & Laney 2014). When demand goes up, and supply remains stagnant, prices of goods will go up leading to demand pull inflation. The government must make every effort to ensure that there is a balance between demand and supply to eliminate any case of inflation. When there is a surplus in demand, there should be strategies to ensure that the demand is met expeditiously. Inflation is not good for any country hence the need to maintain it at a low level. Cost push inflation emanates from supply side; the rise in the cost of production and a constant demand causes
A paper based on reading of I Am Not Your Victim by Beth Sipe and Essay
A paper based on reading of I Am Not Your Victim by Beth Sipe and Evelyn J. Hall. This paper will include both personal reflection and an analytical review - Essay Example It is also good for all women who, due to a myriad of reasons, feign ignorance towards domestic violence. I Am Not Your Victim showcase the role of culture, criminal justice institutions and family values in fuelling the vice that is domestic violence. It is unfortunate that the marriage, which she had put so much into, only ended when she killed Sam in self-defense (Sipe 2007). More moving are her vivid descriptions of her encounters with the mental health systems following his death and the criminal justice system which saw her lose custody of her children. Beth was brought up to believe that violence from her husband â€Å"was a sign of affection†and that it was unethical for a woman to be independent of a man. Cultural values instilled in Beth drove her to literally view marriage as a â€Å"for better or for worse†affair where she was supposed to tolerate any amount of violence from her husband. Culture also plays a huge role on Sam’s personality and respect towards women as he witnessed the frequency with which his mother was beaten up by his father. He therefore grew up believing it would not only be tolerable but also acceptable in his household. It’s also important to remember that Beth had been divorced once and a botched second marriage would mean that she had failed her culture miserably (Sipe, 2007). As a result of this, Beth, like any other woman, had to make the marriage work. Tolerating domestic violence and living in the hope that her husband would one day change for the better was the only v iable and culturally acceptable response and option for her. Beth’s fear of loneliness saw her recoil in the vicious cycle of domestic violence. This explains why she would sometimes feel the embarrassment to tell the physicians it was her husband’s blows that kept her checking in. Sam, who was always battering her,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Evaluate the policies that could be used in the UK to meet inflation Essay
Evaluate the policies that could be used in the UK to meet inflation targets - Essay Example The UK, just like the US and Germany, has a growing workforce, and its wages has also been increasing. The Europe’s unemployment rate was 9.8 % in March this year while it was 10.4 % last year the same time. In Europe, the lowest unemployment rates in March 2015 were Germany (4.7 %) while the highest was Greece (25.7 %) (Trending Economics 2015). Demand side Inflation happens when there is a surplus of demand for goods and services over the supply; the supply remains constant. Demand pull inflation involves the rise of inflation as gross domestic product increases. At the same time, the unemployment levels will be expected to fall as witnessed in UK (Thirlwall & Barton 2014). The situation is contributed by the increase in the government expenditure and no change in the tax structure. The rise in income of households is a major contributor of demand for goods and services. The increase in the supply of the money in the country leaves more non-reusable income with the people causing the demand for products and services (Miles 2014). A loose monetary policy can cause the increase in money supply. In addition, inflows from other nations because of export will enhance the money supply. In UK, demand-pull inflation may be attributed to increasing disposable of the citizens. As the levels of income of people go up, the demand to buy things also go up (Willett & Laney 2014). When demand goes up, and supply remains stagnant, prices of goods will go up leading to demand pull inflation. The government must make every effort to ensure that there is a balance between demand and supply to eliminate any case of inflation. When there is a surplus in demand, there should be strategies to ensure that the demand is met expeditiously. Inflation is not good for any country hence the need to maintain it at a low level. Cost push inflation emanates from supply side; the rise in the cost of production and a constant demand causes
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Hypercoagulable State Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Hypercoagulable State - Assignment Example This medication is Dalteparin Sodium 5000 IU o.d. The reason I chose this medication and not others is because this medication minimizes the time that patients are not therapeutically anticoagulated, thus reduces the risk of thromboembolism (Leizorovicz et al., 2004). Moreover, a fixed low dose rate of LWMH has proved to be reliable as compared to the other classes of medication. This is because it diminishes the chances of thrombotic complications (Erkens & Prins, 2010). Adverse drug reactions include bleeding at any site, pain and reactions at the injection site, hair loss, haematoma, and type 1 thrombocytopenia. These side effects can be managed by alerting any medical attendant so that they give the correct management guidelines. However, these side effects go away on their own after some time (Bick, 2002). Worst case scenarios include bleeding from the injection site, allergic reaction signs (swelling of the lips, face, tongue, rash, difficulty in breathing), nose bleeding, bloody stools, increased menstrual bleeding, and signs of stroke. If the mentioned worst case scenarios happen, then the patient must stop taking the medication immediately medical attention immediately. Several drugs have been known to interact with Dalteparin i.e. platelet inhibitors, oral anticoagulants, and thrombolytics. The combination of Dalteparin with these drugs has shown that the risk outweighs the benefit. I.e. severe bleeding may be seen when the drug is combined with other blood thinning agents and anticoagulants, Dalteparin has been known to increase potassium levels when combined with ACE inhibitors. Combinations have to avoid with Dalteparin unless under special circumstances. An applicable measure for this patient is not combining Dalteparin with any other medication (Burton, 2005). I prescribed a generic name. No, there is no available generic version for this medication. The brand name for the medication
Monday, October 14, 2019
Compensation Strategy In Translation
Compensation Strategy In Translation Seems its a big deal to make up the loss of idiomatic expressions in translating idioms from one language to another one. How can translators come up with this problem? Considering an English novel as the source document and its Persian translations as the target text, we mean to answer this question. Extracting idioms and non-idioms from the first chapter of J. D. Salingers The Catcher in the Rye, is the first step to start. Then we made a comparison of gathered information with their Persian translations by Najafi and Karimi for the next stage. Following compensation strategy by adding target language idioms somewhere in the translated texts by the Persian translators, is an open door to manage the idiomatic loss in their translations. This indicates that, if in any case its not possible to translate a source language idiom as an idiom in target language, the translator can compensate the loss of the idiom by adding a target language idiom to places where there initially was a non-idiom. Key words: English Idiom, Persian Translation, Translation Strategies, Compensation Strategy, Source Text (ST), Target Text (TT), Source Language (SL), Target Language (TL). Introduction: Translation is generally explained as a process in which the translator transfers the meaning of a SL text into TL under the circumstances of preserving the content and accuracy of original text, as far as it is possible. Where there is no equivalent for a SL idiom in the TL, the translator gets throughout compensation strategy to fill this incurred gap. The more skilled the translator is, the better will be the translation. If you are enthusiastic to this issue as we are, this is the paper you can refer to and take your answer. Theoretical Background: Translation Bell (ibid.: 6) argues that a total equivalence between a source language text and its translation is something that can never be fully achieved. According to Bassnett-McGuire (1980: 2), the aim of translation is that the meaning of the target language text is similar to that of the source language text, and that the structures of the SL will be preserved as closely as possible, but not so closely that the TL structures will be seriously distorted. In other words, the source language structure must not be imitated to such an extent that the target language text becomes ungrammatical or sounds otherwise unnatural or clumsy. Idiom: Idioms are the major and natural part of all languages as well as a prominent part of our everyday discourse. Idioms are such a normal part of our language use that we hardly even notice how vastly we use them in our everyday speech and writing. English is a language full of idioms, so, learners of English should be aware of their nature, types, and use. Using many idioms in English language is one of the aspects that makes it somehow difficult to learn for a Persian learner. They can be used in formal style and in slang. Idiom is defined as a group of words which have different meaning when used together from the one they would have if you took the meaning of each word individually (Collins Cobuild dictionary, 1990 edition). Indeed, the meaning of idiom can only be inferred through its meaning and function in context, as shown in the examples below (from Fernando, 1996). bread and butter, as in `It was a simple bread and butter issue (see further below); bless you, which is usually used in the context of cordial expressions; go to hell, which indicates that there is a conflict among interlocutors in an interpersonal contact; In sum, which indicates relations among portions and components of a text. Idioms are a set of phrases have different meaning from its individual parts of the phrases. Sometimes it is hard to recognize the meaning of a phrase just by knowing the meaning of the words including in it e.g. paint the town red is a phrase which has a meaning other than the meaning of its words separately, it means having a good time! Moon (1998, p.4) claims that idiom denotes a general term for many kinds of multià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ word expressions whether semantically opaque or not. Some traditional theories of idiomaticity assumed that idioms are frozen, semantic units that are essentially non-compositional (Hambin Gibbs, 1999, p.26). However, there have been a number of semantic classification systems proposed since 1980 for rating the composition of idioms which basically give differing names to the same concepts (Grant Bauer, 2004). Fernando (as cited in Liu, 2003) developed a scale by which to categorize idiomatic expressions and habitual collocation into 3 categories: pure (nonliteral), semi literal, and literal (p.673). 1. Pure Idioms. Fernando defines pure idiom as a type of conventionalized, nonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ literal multiword expression (Fernando, 1996, p.36). Pure idioms are always non literal, however they may be either invariable or may have little variation. In addition, idioms are said to be opaque (Fernando, 1996, p.32). For example, Let the cat out of the bag (to reveal a secret or a surprise by accident). 2. Semià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ idioms. Semià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ idioms may have one or more literal constituents and one with nonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ literal sub sense. Therefore, this type of idioms is considered partially opaque (Fernando, 1996, p.60). For example, middle of nowhere (a very isolated place). 3. Literal idioms. This subà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ group of idioms has limited variance. They are less complicated than two other groups. Moreover, literal idioms are considered to be clear as they can be interpreted on the basis of their components. For example Coming out (to exit; to leave the inside of a place). Translating Idioms: working with English, the translator may easily recognize if an idiom violates `truth conditions, as in `it is raining cats and dogs, `storm in a teacup, jump down someones throat, etc. It may be hard to recognize, if the idiom is not of this nature, and translators may just think of it as an ordinary expression, with the consequence of either losing its tone or losing its meaning. There are two sources which may cause misinterpretation: The first possible source is that there are idioms which can mislead readers/users; they do not sound idiomatic at all, but at a closer look, careful readers would find the hidden idioms. An example given by Salinger in The Catcher in the Rye is `got the axe in the following text: The manager warned me, but I didnt notice, so I got the axe. On the first look, readers may interpret it in terms of a person who took an axe and wanted to do something with it like cut a tree but at a closer look, a careful reader may find out that means to lose the job. The second source of misinterpretation occurs when the words in an idiom have equivalents in the target language (i.e. in Persian) but with totally different meaning. Another good example given by Salinger is the idiom: for the birds. Winter weather is for the birds. At first it may be understood that this sentence means winter weather is good for the birds but it makes no sense because the meaning is really different and it means worthless; undesirable. Strategies used translating idioms Idioms are culture bound and this is another challenge for the translator to transfer the exact meaning and content of SL idiom into TL idiom perfectly. For the sake of solving these difficulties the translator may apply a strategy. Using the appropriate method in this process, the translators can get over the difficulties easily and it is valuable and useful for their works. Mona Baker, in her book In Other Words (1992), defines the following strategies for translating idiomatic expressions: 1) using an idiom with the same meaning and form, 2) using an idiom with the similar meaning but different form, 3) by paraphrase, 4) by omission. (1) Translating an idiom with the same meaning and form: The first translation strategy by Mona Baker is translating TL idiom similar in its form and meaning to the SL idiom. For example: Tooth and nail ((Ø ¨ÃƒËœ Ú†Ù†Ú ¯ وؠ¯Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬ Ø ¯ÃƒËœÃƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬ (2) Translating an idiom with the similar meaning but different form: Another strategy suggested by Mona Baker is translating a SL idiom into TL idiom the same meaning but different form. In this case, the translator does not preserve the lexical items and translate as a semantic equivalent. For example: Acid tongue in her head. (Ø ²ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¨ÃƒËœÃƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬ Ù†یØ ´ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¯ÃƒËœÃƒËœÃ‚ ±Ãƒâ€ºÃ…’ Ø ¯ÃƒËœÃƒËœÃ‚ ´ÃƒËœÃ‚ ªÃƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬ ) (3) Translation by paraphrase: The most common strategy in translation of idioms is paraphrase. Translators often cannot translate a SL idioms as a TL idiom, therefore they use the paraphrase strategy by using a word or a group of words in TL exactly related to the meaning of that idiom in SL which may be a non-idiom. Newmark (1988, p.109) says that while using this strategy not only components of sense will be missing or added, but the emotive or pragmatic impact will be reduced or lost. Still, paraphrase is usually descriptive and explanatory; sometimes it preserves the style of the original idiom as well. For example: On tenterhooks. ((Ù†¦ÃƒËœÃ‚ «Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ ØÙÅ Ù†Ú ©Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¡ Ø ±Ãƒâ„¢Ã‹â€ ÛŒ Ø ªÃƒËœÃƒâ„¢Ã‹â€ Ù†¡ Ø ¢ÃƒËœÃ‚ ªÃƒËœÃ‚ ´ Ø ¨ÃƒËœÃƒËœÃ‚ ´Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (4) Translation by omission: According to Baker (1992, p.77) omission is allowed only in some cases: first, when there is no close equivalent in the target language; secondly, when it is difficult to paraphrase; finally, an idiom may be omitted for stylistic reasons. This strategy is not used very frequently. In fact, it is not approved by many scholars and some of them do not include it among other translation strategies (Veisbergs, 1989). However, sometimes its impossible to translate a SL idiom into TL, so the translator may use another strategy called compensation. In this strategy the translator omit an idiom and may put another idiom elsewhere in the TL text by preserving the effect of SL idiom. Compensation Strategy: Compensation is a strategy most definitely worth considering, while it can be used as one possible strategy for dealing with idioms and quite an effective one for compensating the loss caused by translating. Therefore, in order to preserve the idiomaticity of the original text and to avoid the mentioned loss, many translators resort to compensation in translating idioms as their final but workable strategy. That is when an idiom is not possible to be translated into TT, a translators last effort is to compensate an idiom by omitting that and putting an idiom in another place, by preserving the usage effect of idiom in the ST. Nida and Taber (1969) mention that, whereas one inevitably loses many idioms in the process of translation one also stands to gain a number of idioms (p. 106). Baker (1992) indicates that in compensation, a translator may leave out a feature such as idiomaticity where it arise in the ST and introduce it somewhere else in the TT (p. 78). In support of this idea, Newmark (1991) suggests that all puns, alliterations, rhyme, slang, metaphor and pregnant words can be compensated in translation. Though he further adds that, compensation is the procedure which in the last resort ensures that translation is possible (pp.143à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ 144). Theoretical framework We agree with Lorenzo, M. et al., in that the first step a translator must take is to clearly define his objective before producing a translation which is as true as possible to the original text. One of the aspects of Hans Vermeers concept of skopos (1989:227) is the establishment of a clearly defined objective or purpose for translation; Any form of translation, including translation itself, may be understood as an action, as the name implies. Any action has an aim, a purpose. The word skopos is a technical word for the aim or purpose of translation. Nidas Dynamic Equivalence In the process of translating idioms, the translator may face many difficulties which is not a simple task to overcome. The major problem is the lack of equivalence in the process of translation. It would be desirable if a translator could find a TL idiom which is the same as that in structure and content of SL idiom. Anyway every language, both source and target, has its own idioms and it may be hard to find the precise source equivalent in the target language. The definition of dynamic equivalence is initially given by Eugene A. Nida in his book Toward a Science of the Translation (Nida, E.A., 1964:161). Nida is an American translator, scholar, teacher, leader, influencer, conceptualizer, innovator, and influential theoretician. Nida argued that there are two different types of equivalence, formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence. Formal equivalence deals with the message, in both form and content whereas dynamic equivalence translation is based on the principle of equivalent effect. The translator is not concerned with the source language message, but rather with the dynamic relationship. Dynamic equivalence connects the target language and culture in order to make messages comprehensible to target language receptors. For instance, if we translate a phrase like two hemorrhages apiece literally into Persian, it will produce a nonsensical meaning for the Persian receptor. Idiomatic expressions may not seem understandable when translated from one language to another. In such cases the equivalence counterpart Ø ®Ãƒâ„¢Ã‹â€ نؠ±Ãƒâ„¢Ã‹â€ Ø ´ Ø ¯Ãƒâ„¢Ã‹â€ قؠ¨ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¶Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¡ can be used to make it understandable to the receptor. In this view the translator has brought an equivalent which the original author most likely meant. Method: Corpus: The study is based on a contrastive comparison between the two Persian translations of The Catcher in the Rye by Muhammad Najafi and Ahmad Karimi. In this study we tried to achieve which of these translators has followed the compensation strategy in his own translation, and whether they have been successful in this process or not. Gathering the data: Collecting the data, of course, is as important as other stages (like conclusion) and even more important. Because the more accurate the gathered data is so, the more favorable the result will be. Focusing on the process in this study, we long to explain the steps in data collecting, respectively. At the earliest step, we extracted English idioms and non-idioms from the first chapter of the novel, then found their Persian equivalents from two Persian translations by Najafi and Karimi of the same novel. We aimed to know whether English idioms are translated into Persian idioms or not and whether English non-idioms are translated into Persian idioms or not. Then we read the aforementioned translated chapter by two translators several times to clarify if they may be idioms. We looked up English idioms in Idioms Oxford Dictionary, although we had difficulty in recognizing the exact idiom at first. On the other hand, as we are Persian students, it was not hard to find Persian idioms as difficult as English idioms, anyway. But on non-idioms, we considered the most English phrases or sentences which translated as idioms in TL. Maybe you ask why we chose this novel. As you know, of course, this novel is rich in idioms and it makes the work for researcher to access the idealistic results easier. Then we counted the idioms and non-idioms in both original text and its Persian translations by two translators. Table 1. Total Number of Idiomatic and Non-Idiomatic Translations of the Salingers Idioms J.D. Salingers Idioms Total Translation Najafi Karimi 44 Idiomatic 22 18 Non- Idiomatic 22 26 In this table, we calculated the total numbers of English idioms (N=44) which is translated by translators, either idiomatic or non-idiomatic. As you can see, here, Najafi translated more English idioms (N=44) into Persian idioms (N=22) than Karimi. We guess, this table will confirm our claim that Najafi has translated much more skilful than Karimi, because he got use of compensation strategy by adding more Persian idioms than Karimi. Anyway, our purpose is not to compare persons and is just to determine if there is any use of compensation strategy in each of these translations. Table 2. Total Number of Idiomatic and Non-Idiomatic Translations of the Salingers Non-idioms J.D. Salingers Non-Idioms Total Translation Najafi Karimi 42 Idiomatic 42 26 Non-Idiomatic 0 16 This table also illustrated that Najafi translated 42 English non-idioms out of 42 as idiomatic. On the other hand, Karimi translated 26 English non-idioms out of 42 as idiomatic. This table shows how Najafi and Karimi have functioned in translating non-idioms into idioms. By total non-idioms, we mean those which translated as idioms by Najafi and it will be our criteria for counting Karimis idioms and non-idioms. Table 3. Total Number of Different Data Extracted from Both Translations and the Original Text Data J.D. Salinger Najafi Karimi Idiom 44 64 44 Non-idiom 42 22 42 Total 86 86 86 This table confirms that Najafi has translated the novel more idiomatic (N=64) than Karimi (N=44). Classifying the Data: After extracting and counting the total idioms in both original text and its translations, it revealed that translators had applied 3 different translation strategies for idioms. These strategies were: Translating English Idioms into Persian Idioms Translating English Idioms into Persian Non-idioms Translating English Non-idioms into Persian Idioms Analyzing the Data: In this stage, we analyzed the whole collected data and calculated frequency and the percentage proportion of each strategy in the same translations. The results are shown in the tables below; Table 4. Frequency and Percentage of Idioms Translation Strategies Applied by Najafi Strategy Frequency Percentage Translation of idiom with idiom 22 50 Translation of idiom with non-idiom 22 50 Total 44 100 Table 5. Frequency and Percentage of Idioms Translation Strategies Applied by Karimi Strategy Frequency Percentage Translation of idiom with idiom 18 40.90 Translation of idiom with non-idiom 26 59.10 Total 44 100 Table 6. Frequency and Percentage of Non-Idioms Translation Strategies Applied by Najafi Strategy Frequency Percentage Translation of non-idiom with idiom 42 100 Translation of non-idiom with non-idiom 0 0 Total 42 100 Table 7. Frequency and Percentage of Non-Idioms Translation Strategies Applied by Karimi Strategy Frequency Percentage Translation of non-idiom with idiom 26 61.90 Translation of non-idiom with non-idiom 16 38.10 Total 42 100 Table 8. Percentage of each Applied Strategies in both Translations Strategy Najafi Karimi Translation of non-idiom with idiom 100 61.90 Translation of non-idiom with non-idiom 0 38.10 Total 100 100 Results: The results show that both translators, Najafi and Karimi, have applied three strategies in translating idioms: translating English idioms with Persian idioms, translating English idioms with Persian non-idioms, translating English non-idioms with Persian idioms, and translating English non-idioms with Persian non-idioms. One of the translators, Najafi, used more frequently the first and the third (translating English idioms and non-idioms as Persian idioms) strategy in his translation, on the other hand, the latter translator, Karimi, used the second and the last (translating English idioms and non-idioms as Persian non-idioms) strategy more often. Discussion and Conclusion: As mentioned before, its hard to translate a SL idiom into TL idiom regarding the accurateness and the faithfulness of SL into TL. In this stud, out of 44 extracted idioms from J.D. Salingers novel, 22 (50%) of the expressions have not been translated as idioms by Najafi. In the same case, Karimi has translated 18 (40.90%) of the idioms with Persian idioms and the remaining 26(59.10%) idioms have been translated non-idiomatically. This imbalance between the total number of idioms and their non-idiomatic translations causes a loss of idiomaticity in the Persian translated texts. Some of these idiomatic losses have been compensated for elsewhere in the text, since the translators have replaced some English language non-idioms with Persian idioms. By this strategy, Najafi has added 42 idioms and Karimi has added 26 idioms to their translations. We recognized that theres not the exact contrast in numbers of idioms in two languages(SL,TL), but its very common in translation. The translators were somehow successful here in compensating idiom gaps in the TL. Furthermore, they compensated those non-idiom expressions in the original context to function better on their translations. Compensation strategy is considered here as the best to translate idioms, non-idioms and figure of speech as well.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Can Religion Help the Healing Process of Cancer? Essay -- Religion Rel
Can Religion Help the Healing Process of Cancer? One of the hardest parts of cancer is psychologically dealing with the illness. People know that cancer causes pain, suffering and potentially death. Death. A traumatizing circumstance when faced with prematurely. Patients with this life-threatening disease can easily fall into unhealthy lifestyle due to lack of emotional support, making cancer twice as difficult to try to overcome. Religion and spirituality provide patients with coping mechanisms, support groups and a view of eternal life that gives patients hope for better times to come. Religion and spirituality are proven psychologically components that show positive results when coping with cancer. When diagnosed with a life-threatening disease like cancer, emotions run high. Fear, vulnerability, hopelessness, despair and the loss of the meaning of life all flood the patient’s mind. â€Å"The initial diagnosis is an existential crisis†(Spiegel par 7). This life-threatening disease is attacking the body, while these emotions erode the mind. The need for comfort and support is necessary to sort out the monstrous psychological conflict that accompanies cancer. Is death really a possibly? Facing death alone is a difficult task, but support-groups have been put together and strategies have been created to help patients sift through emotions, ultimately finding meaning to life when suddenly time has been limited. When faced with death, managing emotions, as well as the negative effects and suffering is critical to the healing process. Researchers in this field agree that comfort and support are needed to try to start the healing process and successfully overcome the fear of death. A patient of Professor David Spiegel, M.D., a... ...t was through this comment that Williams finally understood that her support was essential to her mother coping with the present. Her Mormon believe helped her to understand that standing by her mother during these difficult times, even when they were difficult for her, was were duty and service not only to her mother, but to God. Williams weaves her Mormon believe into her experiences she describes in Refuge. Her Mormon faith is expressed through the sense of family and community that provided support for her mother. Faith also provides hope. Williams’ mother states, â€Å"It (faith) is a belief in a wisdom superior to our own. Faith becomes a teacher in the absence of fact†(Williams 198). Both faith and hope give her mother the ability to cope with death because her Mormon religion believes death is just a transition between human life and eternal life with God.
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