Saturday, August 31, 2019
Coffee Shop Business Plan
Java Culture coffee bar is determined to become a daily necessity for local coffee addicts, a place to dream of as you try to escape the daily stresses of life and just a comfortable place to meet your friends or to read a book, all in one. With the growing demand for high-quality gourmet coffee and great service, Java Culture will capitalize on its proximity to the University of Oregon campus to build a core group of repeat customers.Java Culture will offer its customers the best prepared coffee in the area that will be complimented with pastries, as well as free books that its patrons can read to enjoy their visit. The company will operate a 2,300 square foot coffee bar within a walking distance from the University of Oregon campus. The owners have secured this location through a three-year lease with an option for extending. The have also provided $140,000 of the required $170,000 start-up funds. The remaining capital will be obtained through Bank of America commercial loans.The c ompany is expected to grow sales revenue from $584,000 in FY2001 to $706,000 in year three. As Java Culture will strive to maintain a 65% gross profit margin and reasonable operating expenses, it will see net profits grow from $100,000 to $125,000 during the same period. 1. 1 Objectives Java Culture’s objectives for the first year of operations are: Become selected as the â€Å"Best New Coffee Bar in the area†by the local restaurant guide. Turn in profits from the first month of operations. Maintain a 65% gross margin. 1. 2 Keys to Success The keys to success will be:Store design that will be both visually attractive to customers, and designed for fast and efficient operations. Employee training to insure the best coffee preparation techniques. Marketing strategies aimed to build a solid base of loyal customers, as well as maximizing the sales of high margin products, such as espresso drinks. 1. 3 Mission Java Culture will make its best effort to create a unique place where customers can socialize with each other in a comfortable and relaxing environment while enjoying the best brewed coffee or espresso and pastries in town.We will be in the business of helping our customers to relieve their daily stresses by providing piece of mind through great ambience, convenient location, friendly customer service, and products of consistently high quality. Java Culture will invest its profits to increase the employee satisfaction while providing stable return to its shareholders. Company Summary Java Culture, an Oregon limited liability company, sells coffee, other beverages and snacks in its 2,300 square feet premium coffee bar located near the University of Oregon campus.Java Culture’s major investors are Arthur Garfield and James Polk who cumulatively own over 70% of the company. The start-up loss of the company is assumed in the amount of $27,680. 2. 1 Company Ownership Java Culture is registered as a Limited Liability Corporation in the state o f Oregon. Arthur Garfield owns 51% of the company. His cousin, James Polk, as well as Megan Flanigan and Todd Barkley hold minority stakes in Java Culture, LLC. 2. 2 Company Locations and Facilities Java Culture coffee bar will be located on the ground floor of the commercial building at the corner of West 13th Avenue and Patterson Street in Eugene, OR.The company has secured a one-year lease of the vacant 2,500 square feet premises previously occupied by a hair salon. The lease contract has an option of renewal for three years at a fixed rate that Java Culture will execute depending on the financial strength of its business. The floor plan will include a 200 square feet back office and a 2,300 square feet coffee bar, which will include a seating area with 15 tables, a kitchen, storage area and two bathrooms.The space in the coffee bar will be approximately distributed the following way–1,260 square feet (i. e., 55% of the total) for the seating area, 600 square feet (26%) fo r the production area, and the remaining 440 square feet (19%) for the customer service area. This property is located in a commercial area within a walking distance from the University of Oregon campus on the corner of a major thoroughfare connecting affluent South Eugene neighborhood with the busy downtown commercial area. The commercially zoned premises have the necessary water and electricity hookups and will require only minor remodeling to accommodate the espresso bar, kitchen and storage area.The coffee bar’s open and clean interior design with modern wooden decor will convey the quality of the served beverages and snacks, and will be in-line with the establishment’s positioning as an eclectic place where people can relax and enjoy their cup of coffee. The clear window displays, through which passerby will be able to see customers enjoying their beverages, and outside electric signs will be aimed to grab the attention of the customer traffic. Products Java Cultu re will offer its customers the best tasting coffee beverages in the area.This will be achieved by using high-quality ingredients and strictly following preparation guidelines. The store layout, menu listings and marketing activities will be focused on maximizing the sales of higher margin espresso drinks. Along with the espresso drinks, brewed coffee and teas, as well as some refreshment beverages, will be sold in the coffee bar. Java Culture will also offer its clients pastries, small salads and sandwiches. For the gourmet clientele that prefers to prepare its coffee at home, Java Culture will also be selling coffee beans.The menu offerings will be supplemented by free books and magazines that customers can read inside the coffee bar. 3. 1 Product Description The menu of the Java Culture coffee bar will be built around espresso-based coffee drinks such as lattes, mochas, cappuccinos, etc. Each of the espresso-based drinks will be offered with whole, skimmed, or soy milk. Each of t hese coffee beverages is based on a ‘shot’ of espresso, which is prepared in the espresso machine by forcing heated water through ground coffee at high pressure.Such espresso shots are combined with steamed milk and/or other additives like cocoa, caramel, etc. , to prepare the espresso-based beverages. Proper preparation techniques are of paramount importance for such drinks. A minor deviation from the amount of coffee in the shot, the size of the coffee particles, the temperature of milk, etc. , can negatively affect the quality of the prepared drink. 3. 2 Sales Literature Two thousand flyers will be distributed in the adjacent neighborhood, on the University campus, at the malls and in the selected office buildings within two weeks prior to the opening of Java Culture.Subsequently, free postcards with Java Culture endorsement will be printed to increase the company visibility among the patrons. Market Analysis Summary U. S. coffee consumption has shown steady growth, with gourmet coffee having the strongest growth. Coffee drinkers in the Pacific Northwest are among the most demanding ones. They favor well-brewed gourmet coffee drinks and demand great service. Eugene, OR, with its liberal and outgoing populace and long rainy winter, has traditionally been a great place for coffee establishments.Java Culture will strive to build a loyal customer base by offering a great tasting coffee in a relaxing environment of its coffee bar located close to the bustling University of Oregon campus. 4. 1 Market Segmentation Java Culture will focus its marketing activities on reaching the University students and faculty, people working in offices located close to the coffee bar and on sophisticated teenagers. Our market research shows that these are the customer groups that are most likely to buy gourmet coffee products.Since gourmet coffee consumption is universal across different income categories and mostly depends on the level of higher education, proximity to the University of Oregon campus will provide access to the targeted customer audience. 4. 2 Target Market Segment Strategy Java Culture will cater to people who want to get their daily cup of great-tasting coffee in a relaxing atmosphere. Such customers vary in age, although our location close to the University campus means that most of our clientele will be college students and faculty. Our market research shows that these are discerning customers that gravitate towards better tasting coffee.Furthermore, a lot of college students consider coffee bars to be a convenient studying or meeting location, where they can read or meet with peers without the necessity to pay cover charges. For us, this will provide a unique possibility for building a loyal client base. 4. 2. 1 Market Needs General trend toward quality among U. S. consumers definitely plays an important role in the recent growth in gourmet coffee. Additionally, such factors as desire for small indulgencies, for something m ore exotic and unique, provide a good selling opportunity for coffee bars.4. 3 Industry Analysis Coffee consumption has shown a steady 2. 5% growth rate in the United States over the last decade. In 1994, total sales of coffee were approximately $7. 5 billion with gourmet coffee representing 33% (or $2. 5 billion) of that. The retail coffee industry is flourishing in the U. S. Pacific Northwest. The local climate, with a long rainy season, is very conducive for the consumption of hot non-alcoholic beverages. At the same time, hot dry summers drive people into cafes to order iced drinks.Further, coffee has really become a part of the lifestyle in the Pacific Northwest. Its discerning coffee drinkers are in favor of well-prepared, strong coffee-based beverages, which they can consume in a relaxing environment. 4. 3. 1 Competition and Buying Patterns Competition According to the 1997 Oregon Food service Statistics (NAICS 72), Eugene had 45 established snack & non-alcoholic beverage bar s (NAICS 722213) with total sales of $14. 2 million. Among other establishments that offer coffee drinks to their customers are most of Eugene’s limited- and full-service restaurants.Java Culture’s direct competitors will be other coffee bars located near the University of Oregon campus. These include Starbucks, Cafe Roma, The UO Bookstore, and other Food service establishments that offer coffee. Starbucks will definitely be one of the major competitors because of its strong financial position and established marketing and operational practices. However, despite of Starbuck’s entrenched market position, many customers favor smaller, independent establishments that offer cozy atmosphere and good coffee at affordable prices.Cafe Roma is a good example of such competition. We estimate that Starbucks holds approximately 35% market share in that neighborhood, Cafe Roma appeals to 25% of customers, The UO Bookstore caters to another 10%, with the remaining market shar e split among other establishments. Java Culture will position itself as a unique coffee bar that not only offers the best tasting coffee and pastries but also provides home-like, cozy and comfortable environment, which established corporate establishments lack.We will cater to customers’ bodies and minds, which will help us grow our market share in this competitive market. Buying Patterns The major reason for the customers to return to a specific coffee bar is a great tasting coffee, quick service and pleasant atmosphere. Although, as stated before, coffee consumption is uniform across different income segments, Java Culture will price its product offerings competitively. We strongly believe that selling coffee with a great service in a nice setting will help us build a strong base of loyal clientele.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Definition of Communication Essay
Introduction Whenever we interact with other people, intentional or unintentional, we communicate; because of its abstract nature, the concept of communication is difficult to define. If one remembers Communication Theory as a Field (Craig 1999), we gain insight into the scientific fields of communication, on how diverse the fields of study actually are. With such diversity among theorists’ approaches to communication, it is even harder to get a single definition standing, at least within academia. The devil is in the details; however some argue that it is rather impractical to study a subject that isn’t well defined. A First Look At Communication Theory (Griffin 2012) offers a working definition. (Griffin 2012:6) states â€Å"Communication is the relational process of creating and interpreting messages that elicit a response†. But does this definition of what communication is suffice in the light of what the different theorists argue it is? This will be the main focus of my paper. I find it most reasonable to approach this question with two communication theories with different fundamental approaches to communication. In order to cover both the interpretive and objective theoretical approach, I will discuss the definition in relation to Constructivism and Semiotics. The Definition The definition consists of five parts: messages, creation of Messages, interpretation of Messages, A Relational Process, and Messages that elicits a response (Griffin 2012:6-9). â€Å"Messages are the very core of communication study.†(Griffin 2012:6). The creation of messages is the implication that messages is usually not randomly generated (constructed, invented, planned, crafted, constituted, selected, or adopted (Griffin 2012:7)). A message does not hold a meaning in and of itself; e.g. there is a differentiation between the words and the meaning. Communication is considered a process, because it functions in a contextual sense. In addition, it is a relational phenomenon because it involves two or more participants and affects their connection. And lastly, if a message fails to initiate any reactions, it would be ironic to call it communication according to Griffin. Constructivism Constructivism approaches communication from the psychological perspective, focusing on cognitive competence in interpersonal communication (Griffin 2012:98). The level of interactional competence is determined by the sophistication of the actor’s social perception skills, and their ability to analyze the social situation (the cognitive complexity of an actor (Griffin 2012:99)). The cognitive complexity is reflected in the communication process through the effectiveness of person-centered messages. â€Å"†¦ the capacity to produce highly person-centered messages has been assessed by having participants generate messages in response to standard situations and then coding these messages within hierarchical schemes for the degree of person centeredness manifested. For example, messages seeking to persuade others have been coded for the extent to which the goals and desires of the target are taken into account.†(Brant R. Burleson, Scott E. Caplan 1998:II,B) In a constructivist view, the communication process is more goal-oriented than relational. Constructing the message in a communicational context is in and of itself an intention to get an anticipated or desired reaction. â€Å"The perception and processing of others’ intentional efforts to convey some internal state–may be viewed as a special case of social perception†(Brant R. Burleson, Scott E. Caplan 1998:II,C). The addressed uses a received message as input in the process of structuring their response. The effectiveness of a response is directly correlated to the message’s goal related structure, and the cognitive complexity and perception skills of both addresser and addressed. Semiology Semiotics is the study of signs; it involves the production and the analysis of socially attributed meaning to an object. The semiologist Roland Barthes focused his research on signs we use in communication (Griffin 2012:332). In Mythologies (Roland Barthes 2009) we see that Barthes’ perspective on communication is broader than the interpersonal level, focusing more on abstract connotations and mythical signs in a cultural context. He argues that reality is converted into speech through human history; therefore there are no eternal meanings (Roland Barthes 2009:132). Concordantly, the meaning of a sign can shift as time progresses, an original sign could become a denotation for something else through the semiotic process. The creation of meaning of signs is then not only an individual process; it is also a conjunction and ongoing process of communication and human history. Barthes offers a semantic explanation, in his example of wrestling, to the reactions of the audience towards the wrestlers (Roland Barthes 2009:11-12). Arguing that, with French wrestling, different connotations around the mythical sign of â€Å"justice†were at interplay. So in the process of interpretation; Meaning can be implicit. Unconsciously perceived as connotative factor(s) to what is consciously noticed, and then reacted upon. Directly applying the points of discussion Extending the commonalities and differences between the two theoretical views, with Griffin’s definition, some points are very clear. Both view messages as the core instrument in communication and see it as a process. Both agree that if no reaction is elicited in any way, then the function of the message initially failed. The circumstances thereof are different in each point of view. However the aspects of messages in each theoretical view are defined in such a fashion; without a response of any kind, it would be a contradiction to refer to them as such (If we, of course, interpret messages that elicit a response to include apathetic responses). On the points of objection, it seems mostly to be a case of â€Å"weighing the words†, when viewed by either theoretical lens. As an example: on the point of a relational process, constructivists might prefer â€Å"goal-oriented†rather than relational. Or from Barthes’ perspective, adding a concept of creating mea ning as a result of communication to the definition. Conclusion The outlined approaches in this paper of constructivism and semiotics, display clear differences in the assumptions, focus-points and explanations of communication. However their general outlook does not, in any significant way, object to Griffin’s working definition. I think this outcome qualifies the definition as sufficient, as a practical tool when studying communication. The evident boundary of my paper however, is the lack of other major theoretical lenses in the subject. Further work needs to be done in order to conduct a more unified definition. References Barthes, R. (2009). Mythologies. London: Vintage Classics. 3-14 and 131-144 Craig, R.T. (1999). Communication theory as a field. Communication Theory, 9, 119-161. Griffin, E. (2011). A First Look at Communication Theory. 8th edition. New York: McGraw Hill. J. C. McCroskey, J. A. Daly, & M. M. Martin (Eds.). (1998). Communication and Personality: Trait Perspectives. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton, pp. 233-286, Website: Press
Thursday, August 29, 2019
China, an Engine of Growth, Faces a Global Slump Essay
Yardley, J. , & Bradsher, K. (2008). China, an Engine of Growth, Faces a Global Slump. New York Times, October 23, p. A6. In the article Yardley and Bradsher discuss China’s’ economic and financial slump caused by the global financial crisis. For three decades China has been one of the most powerful and promising countries in the world. The country has managed to booster its economic development due to flood of low-priced exports. However, global crisis negatively affects the country that faces the possibility of global recession. The question is whether the ruling Communist Party is able to prevent global financial crisis and to support China’s economic miracle. Economists and analysts say that China’s economic development plays crucial role for economies of the United States and European countries as they face serious downturns. Nonetheless, Chinese economic model is to be recalibrated, domestic investments are be stricken with government spending, and policies aimed at increasing consumer demand are to be promoted. China is in need of better health care network, improvements in social safety network, and lower fees for education establishments. Chinese government claims that global crisis insulates country’s financial system and, thus, leaders argue country’s banks would remain domestically concentrated. The overall economic growth has decreased, unemployment rates have increased and many factories have closed export region. China is recommended to use its foreign reserves for purchasing stocks in European as it gives China an excellent opportunity to gain more experience in global business. Some researcher say that America’s decline is inevitable and if China is prepared to manage it, it will be ready to stand as a superpower. In its turns, China isn’t willing to be considered as a replacement of the USA as it is still a developing country with more foreign reserves and more problems than other countries.
Contract Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Contract Law - Essay Example Trietel distinguishes the obligations arising out of a contract on the basis of mutual agreement between parties3. The â€Å"consideration,†which Stone defines as â€Å"what one party to an agreement is giving, or promising in exchange for what is being given or promised from the other side†4 in this case is 2000 pounds, payable to Alexander Constructions, for completing the excavation. However, when Alexander Constructions strikes the thick layer of rock, it is promised an additional 500 pounds by Brown in the interest of getting the work completed on time. This is not however, a part of the original consideration that has been spelt out in the contract. Brown may be able to reply on the precedent in the case of Stilk v Myrick5 to refute the payment of an extra 500 pounds, since Alexander Constructions was only carrying out the excavations which were already a part of the original contract. In the Stilk6 case, Stilk was a sailor who was promised additional pay to get the vessel back to London when two other sailors deserted ship. The Court however held that under the terms of his contract, Stilk was obliged to cope with emergencies and had therefore done nothing beyond his contractual terms to justify additional pay. This could be applied to the case of Alexander Constructions as well. However, a similar situation arose in the case of Hartley v Ponsonby,7 where a sailor sued for additional pay that was offered to get the ship back when other sailors deserted ship. But in this case, the Court fund on behalf of the sailor and he was granted the additional pay. The only difference in these two cases lay in the fact that in the Stilk case, the number of sailors who deserted was only two, hence the condition of the remaining sailors was not dire and they should have been able to cope. As opposed to this, in the Hartley case, there were substantial desertions,
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Workplace humour is really just a bit of fun. Critically evaluate this Essay
Workplace humour is really just a bit of fun. Critically evaluate this statement - Essay Example Humor is used in all aspects of communication and merely everyone uses it in their conversation (Ann, 2004). These include religious leaders, political leaders, lawyers, doctors, managers, scientists, engineers, educators or directors. People are mostly stressed at work places and offices more than any other place. Documentation has been done and it shows that workplace or office humor is a good stress reliever, boosts morale, unites people, and helps in to ward burnouts. On the other hand it can be used to create hostility in the working environment and to alienate a worker which leaves them stressed at the long run. As a result workplace humor can reduce stress and at times it can be offensive to the employees. Humor is brought about by popular jokes which are mostly associated with employee’s accent, personal hygiene, age, sexual orientation, physical appearances, weight or even their work behavior like poor attendance or closely working with the boss. We are all aware that the lecturers and teachers rated the best in campus and other learning and educational institutions were those with funny stories, jokes; to them these were a way of capturing the attention of the students. It helped in increasing attendance and kept the students awake. The same case applies to work place; in a working environment with humor, the workers are energized and vigorous leading to increased productivity (Bob, 1989). In many instances women are the ones who are mostly offended by humor as many male employees make jokes about their physical characteristics like cleavage, weight and scars. At times many office jokes meant to evoke humor are not received to be jokes. These may lead to conflicts in the organization and lowering morale and productivity. At some organization, great task are involved in trying to balance the funny office humor and its offensive nature. Humor in itself is not a problem, the problem comes in when a person uses
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
A Bakery in Downtown, New Delhi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
A Bakery in Downtown, New Delhi - Essay Example The preliminary research has revealed that there are very few bakeries in the populated areas of New Delhi and hence, the competitive edge of the bakery would be its location inviting a lot of pedestrian traffic on a daily basis. The main customers of the bakery would be office going youngsters and students who like mobile food and snacks and have a preference for Western origin food more than their local origins. The initial setup cost of the bakery including the construction, rentals, machinery, raw material, etc. is around $ 76,000, which is an estimate calculated from the data of bakeries of similar capacity. New Delhi hosts majority of the Indian elite and average income people, and investing in a bakery that has numerous future prospects seems like an investment that is worthwhile. Moreover, bakery items have long changed their place from that of being luxury commodities and have now become necessities. Therefore, opening a bakery in downtown New Delhi would prove to be an extr emely profitable venture with the rising share of the bakery industry. The Gantt chart of the project shows that it would take the bakery more than two months approximately starting from research up until its launch. Project Description The objective of the project is to set up a small bakery that sells hot breads, rolls, cakes, etc. ... The bakery would host products such as freshly baked breads, rolls, muffins, various cakes, biscuits, sandwiches, and other similar bakery items. The star product of the bakery would be different kinds of hot freshly made breads baked continuously during the day as ordered. The bakery would also setup tables and chairs in its premises to provide seating facility to the customers. It would also have attractive packaging for takeaways and gifts. Market study has revealed that food business, specifically bakeries, restaurants, and other similar outlets suffer less even in the time of recession. Moreover, the business are easy to setup and not a lot of technical expertise is necessary. The revenue model of such a venture is also very simple and the risk involved is not very high, typically for investors investing in such a business. In order for a bakery to be successful, we need very few basic things: a need in the market, taste and quality in the product. New Delhi is a sophisticated c ity and majority of India’s elite is located here. Here people have the income and the resources to spend on luxuries such as eating out and spending on bakery items. In addition to this, the star product of the bakery, i.e. the freshly baked bread is not even considered a luxury anymore. It has become a necessity for every modern household’s breakfast table. Besides, a survey of the city areas where the offices and schools are located reveals that there are not many bakeries close by. Hence, a bakery that is in the middle of the daily hustle and bustle is bound to be successful, as it would get tremendous amount of attention and pedestrian traffic on a daily basis. Work Breakdown Structure WBS LEVEL WBS LEVEL 2 WBS LEVEL 3 Cost
Monday, August 26, 2019
Range of materials for an event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Range of materials for an event - Essay Example (Charles Bal, 2004). This fact maybe used to convince the sponsors about sponsoring the event. The event: The event that is going to be staged is the Youth Athletics Championship organized by the councils of South London Boroughs including Croydon, Sutton and Bromley. The mission of the event is to raise funds for the regeneration of the area of South London. Youth Athletics Championship is a local public event for the secondary schools of the three boroughs of south London. It will be held on the weekends of 14th - 15th and 21st-22nd of May 2001 in the Crystal Palace Athletics Stadium located in zone 4 of London. 30 students from each of the 36 secondary schools would have a chance to take part in the competition. Objectives: The South London area is known to be one of the poorest areas in London that is lacking good sporting facilities as well as any good extra curriculum teams. One of the main objectives of this event is to encourage students to take part in activities, for exampl e, such as sports.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Annotated bibliography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Annotated bibliography - Assignment Example rch, I have examined various sources that contain valuable insights about the business model and management structure of Wal-Mart, one of the most successful companies in the world. One of the best journals done on this company, which I have found to be very reliable as far as understanding the company include, â€Å"Wal-Mart and Values: Painting the Town Red?,†which was done by Carden Art, Charles Courtemanche and Jeremy Meiners. This journal gives an analysis into the business empire developed by Wal-Mart. It examines the values and principles that have made the Wal-mart business, enabling it to become of the most successful companies in the world. The journal gives the business model that the company boosts of, which has helped the company in its business growth and expansion across many countries in America and Europe. According to the authors of this journal, the company has a wide clientele, appealing to both the high end and low end citizens. The company offers goods that are affordable coming in various ranges like electronics, food items among others. The journal gives the strategies and approaches being used in the company’s expansion program. Hellen has taken time to explain about the growth path which Walmart has taken in its growth in Canada as well as in most other countries not only in America but across Europe. Hellen explains that Walmart has embarked on establishing 11 new departmental stores that will help improve its competitive advantage and market position. The Canadian market has been thought to be quite productive, considering that the country does not have many large stores that can match those that Walmart has established in the United States. The author explains that the branches that had been established earlier have continued to perform outstandingly because of the effective management. One of these retail stores includes Bentonville, which is the Arkansas-base retail shop that is part of the first to be established by the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Human Right to a Safe Environment & Planetary Rights Essay
Human Right to a Safe Environment & Planetary Rights - Essay Example This can be explained within the concept of planetary rights, which suggests that the current generation needs to work together to ensure the interests of future generations. Protecting the planet for the future is more than a charitable goal, if we do not do so we are violating the rights of future generations. The environment is directly influenced by the collective action of humankind, giving mankind the ability to improve, keep constant or degrade the environment. This means that regardless of intent, the actions that occur in the present have an impact on future generations, forming a relationship between the two groups of people that are distanced by time. This relationship means that humankind cannot argue that future generations are arbitrary, because both action and non-action will impact them. Take for example the notion of power plants. A power plant causes considerable pollution to the air around it and the atmosphere. Furthermore, it can also be the source of polluted wa ter downstream. These factors influence the current generation, but can also have long-standing impacts on the environment for the future. Who is it that creates these effects? Directly, it is the company or person involved in the pollution, but this is not a fair assessment. The pollution from power plants and technology throughout the globe comes from a consumption driven society that demands convenience and large amount of electricity (Hiskes 1352-1353). As such, the collective behavior of humans as a race is destroying the environment, and this creates the responsibility to attempt to minimize this damage for the generations that will follow us. Arguments often consider that an environmental or planetary approach cannot effectively fall within rights language, as the language itself implies certain legalisms. Nevertheless, environmental rights is a realistic and plausible use of rights language that passes justificatory tests. The term rights is often used within environmental r hetoric and political statements so often that it risks losing its meaning. Yet, the right to a safe environment is more than rhetoric, and is distinct from other applications of the phrase within environmentalism. The right for a safe environment is focused on humans, and does not consider the rights of organisms or of the planet itself, and this gives the term legitimacy (Nickel 282-283). However, steps are involved to move environmental rights away from being broad concept that is mostly rhetoric based and into a defined and practicable right. One of these aspects is to narrowly define what is meant by the term. For example, what does the right to a safe environment mean? This depends on how the word safe is defined. Safe could mean that there is no crime, that the air is breathable or that the level of diversity is close to what it was for the previous generation. One definition is that the environment provides safety from environmental risks. However, this term also needs defin ing, as there needs to be a determination of what is considered to be safe and what the ranges are (Nickel 284-285). This shows that there is the potential for the right to a safe environment to be defined in narrow terms to ensure that it can effectively be treated as a right, and that it is not an arbitrary phrase used in
Friday, August 23, 2019
Performance Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Performance Evaluation - Essay Example This is one important aspect which the current rating scale does not consider. Another point of concern is that the ratings given by supervisors may be biased. A person may be an excellent worker but may have differences with the supervisor. This would result in him received a bad feedback despite displaying excellent end – results in work. Another point of concern is that people may be work shirkers and at the same time develop cordial relationships with colleagues and bosses. This appraisal system will not judge the person on the skills performed and he will still receive good rankings. On the other hand, a good worker who is unable to please colleagues and bosses may receive poor rankings. This will lead to frustration and people may even leave the organization in future. Performance of an employee can be evaluated by following some common criteria. In order to assess performance, a set objective must be given to each employee at the start of the year. Depending on the achi evement of both short – term and long – term goals, the performance of an employee can be judged. Some of the most common criteria for juding the performance evaluation of an employee are as follows: 1. Skill and expertise in performing a task – One of the most common criteria is the skill and expertise shown in performing a task. This may involve critical issues like problem solving and decision making skills. Meeting deadlines and meeting up with the quality and service standards is also included in this. 2. Behavioural aspects – the behavioural aspects of an employee should also be taken into consideration while judging the performance of an employee. Cordial attitude and good rapport with staff. A leader should encourage the followers to perform a task in a proper way, assumes responsibility for finishing a task and is accountable for the losses made due to his or her decisions. Keeping things organized and maintaining good relationships with subordin ates is also a common criterion for performance evaluation. 3. Verbal feedback of the superior is also an important criteria for performance evaluation. There should be a face – to – face interaction between the superior and subordinates in which the superior suggests areas of improvement and also rates the subordinate on his or her performance. 4. Performance evaluation criteria must not be biased and should be impartial and fair. The supervisor should try to judge the subordinate depending on the work performed and the behavioural traits shown towards a work. He or she should not give wrong ratings due to individual differences. The current organization does not take into account the performance of the engineer. Here the supervisor found that the current performance evaluation was indeed biased as it did not take into consideration the positive traits that the engineer displayed in matching deadlines and attaining a certain task to perfection. Hence the current perfo rmance evaluation systems need to be altered as it does not consider all of the above mentioned common criteria to evaluate the performance of an employee. All in all, performance evaluation should be a judicious mix of qualitative and quantitative aspects displayed by an employee in his work place. (Weiss, Brennan, Thomas, Kirlik & Miller, 2009). The feedback method which entails taking into consideration the opinions given by superiors, peers and subordinates in the performance appraisal of an employee is known a 360 degree
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Organic food - Agriculture Essay Example for Free
Organic food Agriculture Essay Ever wondered why organic foods are more expensive? Why organic foods are kept separately from the other food in a grocery store? Why some produce has special labels? The food all looks the same on the outside. An apple marked organic looks the same as any other apple in the produce section of the store. The difference is not the outward appearance but how the apple was grown and processed. The word organic gives the impression that the food will be safer and more nutritious to eat than food without the organic label. Many scientific studies have been done to find if there is a significant difference in safety and nutrition. The studies all conclude the same information. Organically grown foods are not any more nutritious or safer for consumption than conventionally grown, non-organic foods. Many people are not clear regarding how organic and non-organic also known as conventionally grown food is grown in the United States. Organically grown food is grown and processed using no synthetic chemicals, such as fertilizers or pesticides (Environmental Protection Agency, 2009). Pesticides derived from natural sources, such as biological pesticides, can be used in growing and producing organically grown food (Environmental Protection Agency, 2009). Biological pesticides are bacteria or fungi that are applied to the plant to control bugs (Environmental Protection Agency, 2009). If raising livestock, the animals eat organic animal food (American Progress, 2008). Organic farming does not have adverse effects on animals and people. Using biological pesticides and fertilizers does not leave toxins or harmful residues in the environment (American Progress, 2008). These types of pesticides and fertilizers are considered to be environmentally friendly, unlike non-organic farming. Non-organic or conventionally grown food is food grown with chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth. Insecticides are used to reduce pests and disease. Chemical herbicides are applied to soil to prevent and kill weeds. The animals are given antibiotics when sick. Growth hormones and medications are given to livestock to prevent disease and spur growth (Mayo Clinic, 2009). The two methods of farming are very different regarding farming techniques. Farming techniques are the main factor that contributes to a food classification as organic or non-organic. Organic farming techniques are one reason the cost is higher than conventionally grown food. Organic farming uses crop rotation (American Progress, 2008). This is growing one type of food, then harvesting that food and planting a different crop in the same place. Crop rotation helps keep the soil fertile. Organic farmers rely on the spreading of mulch or manure to keep weeds down (Mayo Clinic, 2009). Organic farmers may use methods such a hand weeding as opposed to using herbicides sprayed on the entire crop. Organic farmers may use beneficial insects and birds to keep pests from destroying crops (American Progress, 2008). Organic farming is much like farming before all the technological advancements in farming that is used today in conventional farming. Organic farming is designed to reduce pollution and conserve soil and water (American Progress, 2008). Either way a farmer chooses to grow food, the food still has to pass all standards set up by the United States government. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has set standards all food producers must adhere to and pass whether organically or conventionally grown. Food must be safe before it is sold to consumers. The National Organic Program (NOP) develops, implements, and administers national production, handling, and labeling standards for organic agricultural products. The NOP also accredits the certifying agents, both foreign and domestic, who inspect organic production and handling operations to certify that they meet USDA standards (United States Department of Agriculture, 2010). The Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) and the NOP assure consumers that the organic agricultural products they purchase are produced, processed, and certified to consistent national organic standards. The labeling requirements of the NOP apply to raw, fresh products and processed products that contain organic agricultural ingredients. Agricultural products that are sold, labeled, or represented as organic must be produced and processed in accordance with the NOP standards (Agriculture Marketing Service, 2010). If the food passes all the criteria, the food can legally carry an organic label. Labels are an important part of correctly marketing organic food. All food has to be classified and labeled before it can be sold for consumption whether organic or non-organic. Before a product can carry the organic label, it must pass all the USDA guidelines. Products that are completely organic or made of all organic ingredients are considered 100% organic. Examples of completely organic products are single-ingredient foods, such as fruits, vegetables, eggs. These type foods are labeled 100% organic. These foods can carry a USDA organic seal (Mayo Clinic, 2009). Food that contains organic ingredients but also have other ingredients that may not be organic are considered 95% organic (Agricultural Marketing Service, 2008). An example of this type of food is cereal. Manufacturers and farmers may use the word organic on the product label if the food contains more than 70% organic ingredients (Agricultural Marketing Service, 2008). The label is not the USDA label but the manufacturer’s label. An example of this type of food is a soup that has a manufacturer label boasting it has organic ingredients. Foods containing less than 70% organic ingredients cannot use the word organic on their product label (Agricultural Marketing Service, 2008). The USDA issues heavy penalties for misrepresenting a product as organic. Natural food is not organic even though the two are usually within the same section in a market. Natural food is a term that may confuse people. Natural food does not have strict labeling standards set up by the USDA. Thus, many products can carry a natural food label. It would be easy to misconstrue natural food as organic. By definition, natural food is food that has undergone no or minimal processing and contains no additives such as preservatives or artificial coloring (Encarta, 2009). Natural food is the way the food is processed after it has been grown. Organic and non-organic food is defined according to how it was grown and then processed. The quality of food is still the issue for natural, organic, and non-organic when deciding what to buy. The quality of the food is one of the main issues between organic and conventionally grown food. The concern about conventionally grown food is if the food contains chemicals or chemical residue. Many studies have been done on organic and conventional food. Conventionally grown food does contain trace amounts of residue from the chemicals used in producing the food. Thoroughly washing produce with water and scrubbing before consuming reduces the residue on the fruit or vegetable (Mayo Clinic, 2009). According to the studies, there is no difference as far as taste. Taste is subjective to the growing conditions, season, and if a food is at its freshest point (Mayo Clinic, 2009). Taste is, of course, a matter of opinion. Something that studies can measure is the nutritional value of food. Many studies have been done comparing the nutritional value of organic and conventionally grown food. The studies have shown that there is no conclusive evidence to prove that organic food is more nutritious than is conventionally grown food (Mayo Clinic, 2009). The USDA, even though it certifies the food, does not claim organic foods are safer or more nutritious than conventional food (Mayo Clinic, 2009). An organic facts site states the following about organic and conventionally grown foods, â€Å"There is no evidence to prove that organic food is healthier than non organic food. People prefer organic food because they feel it is safer than conventional food as chemicals are not used in its production (Organic Facts, 2010). †Study after study does not prove organic food safer or more nutritious than conventionally grown food. Nutrition is not the only issue at hand. The controversy lies in the growing methods between organic and conventional farming. The issue should deal more with depleting the soil of its minerals and the chemicals washing off into the water supplies. The labels are added to organic food so that consumers have a choice. A consumer can easily identify organic products by the labels. When at the supermarket, look over the organic section. Do not worry that one fruit or vegetable tastes better than the other. Do not ask if one is more nutritious than the other. What should be asked, do I want to help conserve the environment? References Agricultural Marketing Service. (2010). Agricultural Marketing Service – National Organic Program. Retrieved January 14, 2010, from http://www. ams. usda. gov/AMSv1. 0/NOP American Progress. (2008). Organic vs. Conventional Foods-The Gloves Come Off. Retrieved January 13, 2010, from http://www. americanprogress. org/issues/2008/09/organic_green. html Encarta. (2009). natural food definition – Dictionary – MSN Encarta. Retrieved January 14, 2010, from http://www. encarta. msn. com/dictionary_1861696699/natural_food.html Environmental Protection Agency. (2009). Organic Farming/Agriculture/US EPA. Retrieved January 14, 2010, from http://www. epa. gov/oecaagct/torg. html Mayo Clinic. (2009). Organic Foods: Are they safer? More Nutritious? Retrieved January 13, 2010, from http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/organic-food/NU00255 Organic Facts. (2010). Difference Between Organic and Natural Food | Organic Food Basics | Organic Food. Retrieved January 14, 2010, from http://www. organicfacts. net/organic-food/organic-food-basics/difference-between-organic-and-natural-food. html.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Indicators of affective component Essay Example for Free
Indicators of affective component Essay This observation gives a glimpse that how sense of belonging, and need for being wanted, loved, and cared for particularly by the family members are essential components to experiencing happiness in the lives of the Gladys elderly. The results show that the institutionalized elderly to having a sense of security in terms of their future. This sense of security in terms of money alone does not ensure happiness or well-being among the elderly. According to their administrators, the elderly seemed to try to cope with their given situation of not having the family members to take care of their emotional needs. Apparently they put on a brave front and tried to sound unaffected and affirmed that they were in ‘good hands’ and ‘there was nothing to worry’ ‘that fathers will take care of until they die’ and even compared their room in Gladys as cozy as one’s ‘mother’s womb. ’ One could notice that most of their references pertained to physical security and not to emotional security which they probably were aware that they could not expect from their family members. Family care is the traditional approach to care giving for the aged and they prefer to be cared at home because it offers better morale and security (Doress-Worters Siegal, 1994). Along with the material security, the need for emotional security is to be assured for the institutionalized aged to experience subjective sense of well-being. Contributing Factors toward SWB among the Institutionalized Aged Results of the study reveal that from the administrators’ viewpoint, subjective well-being among the institutionalized aged rests on their physical health, autonomy/freedom, money/income, meaningful relationships, social interest, concept of time, attitude toward death, and religion and/spirituality. Each of these themes/factors had its sub themes or factors. Physical Health The findings based on the case analysis, content analyzed in-depth interviews with the elderly, and their close associates were consistent on the aspect of health. It highlighted the importance of age specific physical health as one of the most important variables in predicting well-being or happiness among the eldely in the study. It has been empirically proven. According to Campbell et al. (1976), â€Å"When respondents are asked to judge the importance of various domains of their lives, â€Å"good health†obtains the highest rating. †Under physical health, basic competence or physical mobility, food, accommodation, environment, physical exercise and recreational activities (expanded competence) were also considered in the study. The findings showed that these different domains of health contributed toward better physical well-being which positively influences emotional well-being of the elderly. Studies based on older people suggest those encountering functional health problems (basic competence) are at risk for experiencing decline in subjective well-being (Kunzmann, Little, Smith, 2000). It showed that those who enjoyed functional health or having basic competence had come to terms with or maintained a positive attitude toward aging and the age-related physical decline. This finding is aligned with the supposition of Kunzmann et al. (2000) that if it were possible for one to get older without experiencing losses and negative events such as declines in health and physical functioning, he or she would experience increased levels of emotional health. Autonomy/Freedom Freedom and autonomy played a significant role in the well-being of the older adults under study as perceived by Gladys Spellman administrators. Minimal external restrictions and individual freedom even in spiritual matters were considered to be the most attractive feature of the ‘home’, which gave them a sense of independence and personal worth. According to Christopher (1999) it is our capacity for autonomy that brings us our dignity as human beings. Butler et al.(1998) resumed that a possible nagging question in the older person is, â€Å"Can I survive independently without being a burden? †The person whose identity has been that of a dependent person may find it easier to accept illness and institutionalization than so-called independent, autonomous person whose identity has been structured accordingly. Studies conducted by the National Institute of Health show that restrictions in control have detrimental effects on the health of older people (Butler et al. 1998), and therefore on their subjective perception and experience of well being.
What drives teenagers to commit suicide?
What drives teenagers to commit suicide? Suicide can be defined as an act or an instance of taking ones own life voluntarily and intentionally. Suicide is not a choice to survive or a choice to escape. Instead, successful suicide is inevitably mortal. Suicide is the third leading cause of death and injury among adolescents and young adults in the worldwide. Suicide is a serious public health problem. According to the World Health Organisation (2004) an estimate approximately one million people die from suicide worldwide annually, and 10 to 20 times more people attempts suicide. A study by Lee.M.B Lung.W (2008) showed that suicide and psychiatric disorders have a strong connection; 16.3% of the general population and 25% of general medical patients outside of psychiatric departments have had suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts. There are many causes for youths wanting to commit suicide. Thus, we must be aware of the symptoms for suicide in order to prevent suicide from happening. What drive teens towards suicide? Stress Caruso (2007) believes that stress is not intrinsically appalling. Every human living in this world has stress that may cause them to take action to events and to improve themselves to be better and rise to the challenge. However, he mentioned that if overly exposed to stress, stress can be catastrophic. Too much pressure can cause or exacerbate suicidal feelings. Level of stress is seems to be playing a vital role in affecting people especially the youths towards committing suicide. Many researchers have discovered that stressful life events increases the risk of youths choosing suicide as the only solution. Stressful events such as family and romance conflicts or the presence of disciplinary problems frequently predate suicidal behaviour. (Brent, 1993; Vijayakumar Rajkumar, 1999; Yen et al., 2005) From Engars research (2004), he found that suicide is the second-leading cause of death in college students. It is believed that high anxiety levels and tensions cause them to attempt suicide. Take South Korea as an example, approximately six in every 10 South Korean youths have thought of suicide at least once, showing to the seriousness of the teen suicide issue. (Yonhap, 2008; Yein Jee, 2008) This is further proven from the survey, carried out by the state-run Korea Youth Counseling Institute, of 4,700 secondary school students in South Korea, 50-60 percent of the respondents had thought of suicide whereas 10-20 percent of them attempted suicide. (Yonhap, 2008) Youths there felt suicide urges when experiencing conflicts with family members, utterly lacking of hope, had problems with friends, or if friends took their own lives, having to do much more at school than expected, strivingfor a higher standards of education in this globalised era in order to get a better job etc. Depression Lickerman (2010) believes that depression is unquestionably the most common reason why people take their life. Depression is a severe dejection that is accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and meagerness typically felt over a periods of time. In another words, it is an illness where peoples thoughts, moods, behaviour and feelings are infected. Since depression can affect thinking, things will seems to get even harder when one is feeling down and he or she may not be able to look at the possibility of a good outcome. They will never be happy nor think that things could go right for them again. The person does not envisage when a problem can be overcome. (Eveleth, 2008; Lyness Nock, 2010) Suicide is the permanent solution for depressed people as they think there are no other solutions to the temporary problems they are experiencing. A depressed youth may feel that there is no another way out from issues, no other getaway from emotional pain, or no way outof a desperate sorrow. (Lyness Nock, 2010) According to American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, more than 19 million Americans which aged 18 and above are severely affected by depression every year. Another analysis of the result is that one out of ten men and one out of four women will experience depression in their life. Kyle Eveleth, a Prudenville junior and psychology major believes the loss of support from family and friends could lead to this illness, which is one of the risk factor towards suicide attempts. Substance Abuse Teens under the influence of alcohol and drug are also more at risk for suicidal behaviours and suicidal thoughts. They may become over-sentimental and impulsive and may result in attempts to end their own lives. (Lickerman, 2010) Alcohol is a depressant that slows the function of the central nervous system. This alters a persons five senses as the brain is blocked from getting the right information. (Dowsen Shatz, 2009) Under the right amount, alcohol can aid a person to feel relax and less worried. However, if one overused, alcohol may cause wobble, lose their coordination, blurred vision, and slur speech. They will be confused and disoriented. (Dowsen Shatz, 2009) Drugs on the other handare chemicals that change the way our bodies function. A drug may be helpful or harmful. Drugs dull our senses, alter our sense of consciousness, and reduce physical pain in the brain. (Dowsen Vranken, 2008) Misuse of these substances can mean serious misery and danger. Situations is worse for teens with propensity to illness due to their biologic, or family history, or other life stresses. Suicide attempts occur especially when both substances are consumed together. (Lyness Nock, 2010) According to National Statistical Office (NSO) in South Korea, there were about 12,000 suicides representing 5 percent of all deaths in 2007, a shocking increase of 14% compared to previous year. A poll taken by NSO shows that girls and teens who drink alcohol are more likely to feel the suicidal urge compared with non-drinkers and boys. (Yonhap, 2008) Several studies (Miller, Mahler Gold, 1991; Way et al, 2005) have found that teenagers with alcohol or drug abuse contributesup to 70% of alchohol-drug related suicides. Therefore, it is undoubted that substance abuse significantly influence teens towards suicide. Family risk factors Under family risk factors, inherited biological factors may also contribute towards suicide and suicidal behaviour. From the family, twin and adoption studies, this factor has been proven to lead to the increase of risk of attempted and completed suicide. (Nock, Borges, Bromet, Cha, Kessler Lee, 2008) There is evidence to suggest biologic factors may give rise to suicidal behaviour via gene-environmental interactions. This is said to be disruptions in the functioning of the inhibitory neurotransmitter serotonin. (Pandey, 1997) When it is disrupted, humans mood and emotion will be affected. Dr. Boeree (2009) says that inadequate serothin may be associated to increase in aggressive behaviour, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders and suicide. As for twins, some studies had been conducted to prove the relationship between suicide. Researchers Roy, Segal and Sarchiapone (1995) ascertained suicide is more prevalent in monozygotic co-twins than dizygotic co-twins where this tendency is very rare. These results strongly shows that genetic factor do play a role in suicidal behaviour in twins. Furthermore, teens who has family history involving depression or substance abuse are most liking associated with suicide, as are those who have been abused sexually. (Fritz, 2010) Another factor that is included in family risk factor is the frequent change of residence. Most families that often move their place of residence may bring a considerable effect on their children. Children that experience this frequently may be distressed or psychologically disturbed and, therefore, affect his or hers physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being. They may feel instable and insecure in their living conditions. The frequent breakdown of connection with peers, discontinuation of group activities, distress, and worries due to the new environment can be distressing and confusing. Those childrens psychosocial well-being may be largely affected, and hence, rise suicidal thoughts and behaviours if they are not capable to handle. Parents may be unable to provide sufficient love and care which include neglecting their childrens psychosocial needs. To get more attention from their parents, a suicide attempt may be carried out to express them. (Ping, Mortensen, Pedersen, 2009) How does teens with suicidal tendencies behave or react ? Depression Depressive symptons is a significant indicator. Depressive symptoms includs crying a lot, lost of interest, weight changes, sleep disturbances, restlessness, and feeling a low energy. An epidemiological study shown that hopelessness and low self-esteem were the most predictive symptoms for suicidal behaviour. In this analysis, almost 56% of the patients attempted suicide. (Yaldizli.O, Kohl.H.C, Graf.M, Wiesbeck.AG, Wurst.M.F (2010) Anxiety The suicidor will feel fear, worry, and hopelessness. In this situation, symptons of anxiety will be shown physically and mentally. For instance, sweating, stomach aches, muscle weakness. Someone who has anxiety might experiences sense of panic. A study examined the rates of anxiety, mood and substances abuse disorder among teenagers. The result of the study shown that the level of anxiety will have higher risk of suicide.(Galera C, Bouvard MP, Encrenaz G, Messiah A, Fombonne.E 2008) In conclusion, suicide does not solve the problem but brings more sorrow and hardship to the victims family members and friends. We can help potential suicide victim by watching out for early suicidal symptoms or signs. These can be highly unsociable and introvert behaviour and frequent mentioning about ending ones life. We should bring the victim immediately to a psychiatrist or counsellor to set the victims life back on the right path again. The most effective way of preventing suicide is to find the main reason or reasons why the victim is contemplating suicide. This will help to reduce the number of suicide cases in the world.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Hypocrisy of Religion in Moby Dick Essay -- Moby Dick Essays
The Hypocrisy of Religion in Moby Dick Stubb decides to give Old Fleece a lecture on religion after waking him to complain about his overcooked whale steak. Not only does Stubb ask Fleece to "preach" to the sharks who are making a considerable din eating the dead whale chained to the ship, but he compares Fleece's inability to "correctly" cook a whale steak to Fleece's un-Christian ways. This passage is an excellent example of the theme of the hypocrisy of religion in Moby Dick. Before Stubb calls on Fleece, Ishmael compares the actions of the shark to the actions of man. He first compares Stubb to the sharks: "Nor was Stubb the only banqueter on whale's flesh that night. Mingling their mumblings with his own mastications, thousands on thousands of sharks, swarming round the dead leviathan, smackingly feasted on its fatness" (Melville ___). By comparing Stubb to a shark, Ishmael portrays him as beastly and uncivilized, two traits that contradict the Christianity he professes and ministers to Fleece. Two more references are made to solidify the comparison; Ishmael describes the "smacking" of Stubb's "epicurean lips," and Stubb himself says he prefers his whale steak the way the sharks prefer it. Next, Ishmael alludes to the bond between sharks and man in general. "The few sleepers below in their bunks were often startled by the sharp slapping of their tails against the hull, within a few inches of the sleepers' hearts" (___). This line poses contradiction; how can the tails of the sharks be within inches of the crew's hearts in the tails are slapping the hull of the ship, for the hull of a whaleboat would be much wider than a few inches. What Ishmael means when he says "within a few inches of the sleepers' hearts" is... of Stubb, he is being ordered to perform a number of tasks, including bowing to Stubb. Religion is nothing more than a hierarchy, where those in power are able to use others in the name of religion. Fleece never shows any sign of relief or enjoyment at being a Christian now; in fact, he seems to have gone through the conversion just so Stubb would let him go to bed. As Fleece walks away from Stubb, he mutters to himself, "Wish, by gor! whale eat him, 'stead of him eat whale. I'm bressed if he ain't more of shark dan Massa Shark hisself" (___). This is the culmination of the scene, where Fleece spells out that sharks, savage beasts without religion, and Stubb, a cultured Christian, are quite similar. This makes Stubb a hypocrite, and his Christian belief system questionable. Works Cited Mellville, Herman. Moby Dick. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1964.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Firewall Essay -- Technology Computers Internet Safety Essays
The Firewall WHAT IS A NETWORK FIREWALL? A firewall is a system or group of systems that enforces an access control policy between two or more networks. The means by which this control is accomplished varies widely, but in principle, the firewall is a pair of mechanisms, one that blocks traffic and one that permits traffic. Some firewalls emphasize blocking traffic, while others emphasize permitting traffic. The most important thing to recognize about a firewall is that it implements an access control policy. If you don't know what kind of access you want to permit or deny, or you let someone else or some product configure a firewall based on judgment other than yours, that entity is making policy for your whole organization. WHY WOULD I WANT A FIREWALL? The Internet is a fun little playground and at the same time a hostile environment. Like any other society, it's plagued with the kind of people who enjoy the electronic equivalent of writing on other people's walls with spray paint, tearing off their mailboxes, or just sitting in the street blowing their car horns. Some people get real work done over the Internet, and some must protect sensitive or proprietary data. Usually, a firewall's purpose is to keep the intruders out of your network while letting you do your job. Many traditional corporations and data centers have computing security policies and practices that users must follow. If a company's policies dictate how data must be protected, a firewall is very important because it embodies corporate policy. Frequently, the hardest part of hooking a large company to the Internet is not justifying the expense or effort, but instead convincing management that it's safe to do so. A firewall not only provides real security but also plays an important role as a security blanket for management. Last, a firewall can act as your corporate ambassador to the Internet. Many corporations use their firewall systems to store public information about corporate products and services, files to download, bug-fixes, and so forth. Several of these systems (such as,, have become important parts of the Internet service structure and reflect well on their organizational sponsors. WHAT CAN A FIREWALL PROTECT AGAINST? Some firewalls permit only e-mail traffic, thereby protecting the network against any attacks o... it, crashing it, jamming it, or flooding it. Denial of service is impossible to prevent because of the distributed nature of the network: every network node is connected via other networks, which in turn connect to other networks. A firewall administrator or ISP has control of only a few of the local elements within reach. An attacker can always disrupt a connection "upstream" from where the victim controls it. In other words, someone who wants to take a network off the air can either take the network off the air directly or take the network it connects to off the air, or the network that connects to that network off the air, ad infinitum. Hackers can deny service in many ways, ranging from the complex to the brute-force. If you are considering using the Internet for a service that is absolutely time- or mission-critical, you should consider your fallback position in the event that the network is down or damaged. Microsoft has released hotfixes that address certain types of denial-of-service attacks such as SYN Flooding and giant Ping packets. Be sure to regularly watch for new Service Packs, because they offer new security enhancements that you should put on your systems.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essay --
Every job has its ups and downs, but it just happened to be that we, as human beings, tend to drag our work problems with us to our personal life. Knowing how to separate work from personal life is hard, especially in today’s society considering the technology we have today. This research made me aware of the stress and everyday interactions that probation officers endure and I must admit, is more stressful than I thought. I have always imagined a probation officer’s job much more facile not having such a huge caseload, but like they say, ignorance is bliss. In the following essay, I will be discussing the findings about the stress of a probation officer. This first study did not mention exactly how many officers were used in this study but it stated that 39 to 55 percent have experienced work related violence or threats. ( Most of the work related stress did not come from the offenders but from the agency itself. There are three major types of stress in the probation world, high caseloads, paper work and lastly but not least deadlines. And as many jobs have it, about 87 percent blame their supervisor for one of the causes of stress. They said the lack of advancement of the job, and recognizing well job done. ( As we can see already, each and one of these stress actors is tied to another. Now the question to ask is how these strong and willing full individual deal and cope with their stress. Some said they took extra sick days just for themselves and other by going to church, venting with family, friends or co workers and others by exercising. ( There has been some suggestion to create stress relief programs. Few of the reasons to create relief stress programs is so probation officer will call out s... ...alifying ones.( White, Gasperin, Nystrom, Ambrose, Esarey). Their reason was because of the salary of the job and format. They continue saying that one must be mature, tolerance, open minded, patience and self confidence. .( White, Gasperin, Nystrom, Ambrose, Esarey). This brings up a good point. Wanting to be a community correction officer must be a job one loves and have passion for it because the pay and burnouts that come along with it are not the greatest. One most really consider all the option, pros, and cons of the job before take it. Being a probation officer is like working in the back of a movie scene. Also that one must seen the offender beyond their offense. .( White, Gasperin, Nystrom, Ambrose, Esarey). Trying to see the offender by their offense takes a lot of humbleness. It’s hard to see pass someone who molested a child or murder and innocent child
Saturday, August 17, 2019
A Paper Essay
A Paper Brian Nguyen Austin Community College December 4, 2012 ENGL. 1301 English Composition 1 Should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year? I highly agree anyone who drives drunk and fails a sobriety test should lose their licenses for how much alcohol or illegal drugs the driver consumes. (Ballantyne) This should happen because 40% of accidents are caused by drunk drivers. (Ballantyne) This will make the roads safer and would teach the driver a lesson. Studies indicate that since the law has done this, 800 lives have been saved in a year. Ballantyne) With the law doing this, I agree it’s a good idea for the law to do this because it will make me feel safer when I’m driving on the roads. But especially for my parents and family don’t have to worry about me getting in an accident and getting hurt. I think if anybody suspects a drunk driver on the road, they should call the police and report their licenses plate number and location. A nd the cops will take care of the situation and keep the roads safe. Back in fall 2008, my cousin Joe Nguyen was 18 and picking up two of my other friends from a party out of town.He knew they were intoxicated and couldn’t drive, so he wanted to be safe and pick them up. The drive was around 30 miles out of town and it was 4 am in the morning, he safely picked them up and was on his way back into town. Having only 10 minutes to get into town, he was hit head on with an oncoming car. The other driver was drunk and had been swerving into the opposite lane. The impact of the hit had killed him and injured the other two will serious injury. One having serious scares and the other having brain damage. She didn’t remember what happened and couldn’t recognize who her family was.When I said anybody who fails a breath test I mean anybody. Adult drivers, teenage drivers, and under aged driver should receive the consequences. With the roads with young drivers just like me, they should know better not to drink because they are under aged. But with teens being per pressured from other people when they go to school parties, they need to think about the consequences. But now-a-days, I know for experience that a lot of young teens drink when they go to parties. Just to fit in or their friends will judge them if they don’t drink.Then that’s when they need to say no and walk away. When young teenagers see that their friends and even their family members driving drunk, they think it is okay if they do it also. Once they do it and don’t get caught, they do it again and again until one day they get caught. Officers take zero tolerance towards underage drunk drivers. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) If the under aged driver consumes only a small amount of alcohol, then the driver is fined and his or her licenses is lost for a year. On 2004, a woman named Judith Gubernikoff was at home taking care of her three sons.She helps her father at a fish market and has to go take a 25 mile drive to go wake up her father in Manhattan where he lived. (Kotb) Neville Wells, a 41 year-old man was drink at a night club. He was a big drinker and always drives home drunk. (Kotb) When he left the night club around 3 am at night, witnesses say that his driving could be compared as a blind person behind the wheel. (Kotb) He has driving a minivan that night, and had hit a parked car in a parking lot. (Kotb) Making the car fly in the air and only thing stopping the car was an iron fence. Kotb) Inside the parked car were Judith and her father where they had to be cut out of the vehicle and rushed to the hospital. (Kotb) Wells, the driver of the minivan was okay with only scratches. (Kotb) The doctors were able to save Judith’s father but could save Judith. (Kotb) The doctor said that the power of the impact of the hit had made Judith’s heart burst like water balloon being poked by a needle. (Kotb) Her husband, Geor ge Gubernikoff was doing research about Wells on his record of DWLs. (Kotb) Well’s first DWL was in 1999 and he gotten a fine. Kotb) His second DWL was in 2000 and lost his license for a year. (Kotb) The night of the accident, the report of the breath test said that his blood level was . 22. (Kotb) Which is 3 times the average legal limit and he had about 15 alcoholic drinks. (Kotb) He didn’t get a fine for this accident, he was sent to prison for 17 years for second degree murder. (Kotb) With adults being legal drivers and legal to drink, they shouldn’t be able to drink and drive at the same time. The story of Judith and Neville shows that adults like Neville, should not have a license and shouldn’t be driving period.Even if he isn’t intoxicated with alcohol, he shouldn’t have the privilege of driving. Showing that Americans around the State don’t care about driving drunk and will just do whatever they want to do. That it can lead to death and serious injuries. If you were to be stopped by a cop and arrested for DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) or DUI (Driving under the Influence), then you will have to pay a big fine of expense determined on your licenses and insurance policy. (â€Å"godui. org†) On one if my resources, this website shows people’s opinion on if you drive drunk you should lose your licenses for a year. Debate. org) 85% of the people agreed and 15% disagreed about the driving drunk. (Debate. org) Some of the 85% people say that they should do better than just take away their license for a year. (Debate. org) Some say that their license should be taken away forever. Debate. org (Debate. org) For the people who disagreed had something else to say. They say that the law are being dramatic about the situation and should not spend so much money on something that is not important. (Debate. org) I highly disagree with his comment about being dramatic and stop spending on something that is not important.I think the law is doing a good job and should spend as much money as they can to stop drunk driving. The law may be being too dramatic about this situation, but in my opinion they are just trying to keep the roads safe and making sure driving drunk is being stopped. The laws in Texas about DWI and DUI are different from other states. In other states, on their first offense they only get a fine. But in Texas, on their first DWI, their licenses are lost for a year and a fine is issued too. (T) The judge in Texas sends the driver to DUI School and has to take class depending on how bad their DWI or DUI is. T) Going to DUI School is the ticket on getting your license back and the bad thing about it is you have to pay for each class. (T) With Texas having stricter laws from each other, drivers will not able to get a fine on their first offence. (roisin) DUI School is not as easy as sitting in a class for seven hours and you can get the hours. You have to sit down with a pr ofessional counselor and answer a few questions about their drinking problems. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Depending on the drunk driver, shows how much meetings you have to attend. (â€Å"dwi. om†) It can be up to 4 meetings up to 90 meetings in 90 days, or 28-day residential treatment program, detoxification, or other medical treatment. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The cost of all the fees and bills you get when you drive drunk you have to pay. (â€Å"dwi. com†) First there is the fine you get for driving drunk. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Then you have to pay an additional insurance coverage before you get your licenses back and that can be a lot of money. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The last fine you have to pay is when the state has to re-issue your driver’s licenses.With all the fees and bills you have to pay, the cost will be higher than a regular traffic accident. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Drivers are mostly paying for the cost of damages of the r oad, car, or medical bill of the person he or she injured in an accident. (roisin) So what will happen to the person’s vehicle if they were arrested for a DWI? Well there are a lot of things that can happen to the vehicle. First the officer has an interlock device that locks the car so if the person is trying to make a run for it. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Then the car can ether impounded, confiscated, or sold. â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) With the information I have given you, I hope you agree that drunk drivers should lose their licenses for a year for the safety of others on the road. With innocent people dying from drunk drivers driving on the road, the law should enforce this law around the United States. Work Cited Ballantyne, Coco. â€Å"Roads safer when drunk drivers immediately lose license to kill. .†Science American. Scientific American Inc, 24 2007. Web. 6 Dec 2012. Kotb, Hoda. â€Å"The worst kind of drunk drivers. â⠂¬ NBC news. NBC News. Web. 6 Dec 2012. â€Å"should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year?. †godui. org. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"alcohol alert. †Consequences of drunk driving. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Debate. org. †Society Opinions. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. T, Buddy. â€Å"Alcoholism. about. com. †Penalties for Driving Drunk. Medical Review Board, 28 2012. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Arrested dor DWI in Texas. †dwi. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 6 Dec 2012. roisin, . â€Å"yahoo. com. †drunk drivers should lose their licenses for life the first time they are caught. N. p. , n. d. Web. 7 Dec 2012. A Paper Essay A Paper Brian Nguyen Austin Community College December 4, 2012 ENGL. 1301 English Composition 1 Should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year? I highly agree anyone who drives drunk and fails a sobriety test should lose their licenses for how much alcohol or illegal drugs the driver consumes. (Ballantyne) This should happen because 40% of accidents are caused by drunk drivers. (Ballantyne) This will make the roads safer and would teach the driver a lesson. Studies indicate that since the law has done this, 800 lives have been saved in a year. Ballantyne) With the law doing this, I agree it’s a good idea for the law to do this because it will make me feel safer when I’m driving on the roads. But especially for my parents and family don’t have to worry about me getting in an accident and getting hurt. I think if anybody suspects a drunk driver on the road, they should call the police and report their licenses plate number and location. A nd the cops will take care of the situation and keep the roads safe. Back in fall 2008, my cousin Joe Nguyen was 18 and picking up two of my other friends from a party out of town.He knew they were intoxicated and couldn’t drive, so he wanted to be safe and pick them up. The drive was around 30 miles out of town and it was 4 am in the morning, he safely picked them up and was on his way back into town. Having only 10 minutes to get into town, he was hit head on with an oncoming car. The other driver was drunk and had been swerving into the opposite lane. The impact of the hit had killed him and injured the other two will serious injury. One having serious scares and the other having brain damage. She didn’t remember what happened and couldn’t recognize who her family was.When I said anybody who fails a breath test I mean anybody. Adult drivers, teenage drivers, and under aged driver should receive the consequences. With the roads with young drivers just like me, they should know better not to drink because they are under aged. But with teens being per pressured from other people when they go to school parties, they need to think about the consequences. But now-a-days, I know for experience that a lot of young teens drink when they go to parties. Just to fit in or their friends will judge them if they don’t drink.Then that’s when they need to say no and walk away. When young teenagers see that their friends and even their family members driving drunk, they think it is okay if they do it also. Once they do it and don’t get caught, they do it again and again until one day they get caught. Officers take zero tolerance towards underage drunk drivers. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) If the under aged driver consumes only a small amount of alcohol, then the driver is fined and his or her licenses is lost for a year. On 2004, a woman named Judith Gubernikoff was at home taking care of her three sons.She helps her father at a fish market and has to go take a 25 mile drive to go wake up her father in Manhattan where he lived. (Kotb) Neville Wells, a 41 year-old man was drink at a night club. He was a big drinker and always drives home drunk. (Kotb) When he left the night club around 3 am at night, witnesses say that his driving could be compared as a blind person behind the wheel. (Kotb) He has driving a minivan that night, and had hit a parked car in a parking lot. (Kotb) Making the car fly in the air and only thing stopping the car was an iron fence. Kotb) Inside the parked car were Judith and her father where they had to be cut out of the vehicle and rushed to the hospital. (Kotb) Wells, the driver of the minivan was okay with only scratches. (Kotb) The doctors were able to save Judith’s father but could save Judith. (Kotb) The doctor said that the power of the impact of the hit had made Judith’s heart burst like water balloon being poked by a needle. (Kotb) Her husband, Geor ge Gubernikoff was doing research about Wells on his record of DWLs. (Kotb) Well’s first DWL was in 1999 and he gotten a fine. Kotb) His second DWL was in 2000 and lost his license for a year. (Kotb) The night of the accident, the report of the breath test said that his blood level was . 22. (Kotb) Which is 3 times the average legal limit and he had about 15 alcoholic drinks. (Kotb) He didn’t get a fine for this accident, he was sent to prison for 17 years for second degree murder. (Kotb) With adults being legal drivers and legal to drink, they shouldn’t be able to drink and drive at the same time. The story of Judith and Neville shows that adults like Neville, should not have a license and shouldn’t be driving period.Even if he isn’t intoxicated with alcohol, he shouldn’t have the privilege of driving. Showing that Americans around the State don’t care about driving drunk and will just do whatever they want to do. That it can lead to death and serious injuries. If you were to be stopped by a cop and arrested for DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) or DUI (Driving under the Influence), then you will have to pay a big fine of expense determined on your licenses and insurance policy. (â€Å"godui. org†) On one if my resources, this website shows people’s opinion on if you drive drunk you should lose your licenses for a year. Debate. org) 85% of the people agreed and 15% disagreed about the driving drunk. (Debate. org) Some of the 85% people say that they should do better than just take away their license for a year. (Debate. org) Some say that their license should be taken away forever. Debate. org (Debate. org) For the people who disagreed had something else to say. They say that the law are being dramatic about the situation and should not spend so much money on something that is not important. (Debate. org) I highly disagree with his comment about being dramatic and stop spending on something that is not important.I think the law is doing a good job and should spend as much money as they can to stop drunk driving. The law may be being too dramatic about this situation, but in my opinion they are just trying to keep the roads safe and making sure driving drunk is being stopped. The laws in Texas about DWI and DUI are different from other states. In other states, on their first offense they only get a fine. But in Texas, on their first DWI, their licenses are lost for a year and a fine is issued too. (T) The judge in Texas sends the driver to DUI School and has to take class depending on how bad their DWI or DUI is. T) Going to DUI School is the ticket on getting your license back and the bad thing about it is you have to pay for each class. (T) With Texas having stricter laws from each other, drivers will not able to get a fine on their first offence. (roisin) DUI School is not as easy as sitting in a class for seven hours and you can get the hours. You have to sit down with a pr ofessional counselor and answer a few questions about their drinking problems. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Depending on the drunk driver, shows how much meetings you have to attend. (â€Å"dwi. om†) It can be up to 4 meetings up to 90 meetings in 90 days, or 28-day residential treatment program, detoxification, or other medical treatment. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The cost of all the fees and bills you get when you drive drunk you have to pay. (â€Å"dwi. com†) First there is the fine you get for driving drunk. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Then you have to pay an additional insurance coverage before you get your licenses back and that can be a lot of money. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The last fine you have to pay is when the state has to re-issue your driver’s licenses.With all the fees and bills you have to pay, the cost will be higher than a regular traffic accident. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Drivers are mostly paying for the cost of damages of the r oad, car, or medical bill of the person he or she injured in an accident. (roisin) So what will happen to the person’s vehicle if they were arrested for a DWI? Well there are a lot of things that can happen to the vehicle. First the officer has an interlock device that locks the car so if the person is trying to make a run for it. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Then the car can ether impounded, confiscated, or sold. â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) With the information I have given you, I hope you agree that drunk drivers should lose their licenses for a year for the safety of others on the road. With innocent people dying from drunk drivers driving on the road, the law should enforce this law around the United States. Work Cited Ballantyne, Coco. â€Å"Roads safer when drunk drivers immediately lose license to kill. .†Science American. Scientific American Inc, 24 2007. Web. 6 Dec 2012. Kotb, Hoda. â€Å"The worst kind of drunk drivers. â⠂¬ NBC news. NBC News. Web. 6 Dec 2012. â€Å"should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year?. †godui. org. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"alcohol alert. †Consequences of drunk driving. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Debate. org. †Society Opinions. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. T, Buddy. â€Å"Alcoholism. about. com. †Penalties for Driving Drunk. Medical Review Board, 28 2012. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Arrested dor DWI in Texas. †dwi. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 6 Dec 2012. roisin, . â€Å"yahoo. com. †drunk drivers should lose their licenses for life the first time they are caught. N. p. , n. d. Web. 7 Dec 2012.
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Core of Religion, Art, and Faith
The Core of Religion, Art, and Faith When reading both the texts of Georges Bataille and Soren Kierkegaard, the reader is taken on an exploration of humanity. Although approached differently, this humanity is shown to be intimately intertwined with religion by both authors. Bataille studiously delves into the mind of the prehistoric man through his cave art in an attempt to understand and define what it means to be human. The art of this prehistoric man is the art of a consciousness at war with what it is and what it will become.It depicts a duality of identities. On one side the animalistic identity at one with nature and on the other side a creative rational identity that uses nature. This dual-meaning shown in the cave paintings lifts them to more than mere art. It is the visual first step in the transition from the simple to the complex. The cave art served as more than a creative outlet for our human ancestors. It held more of a ritualistic importance. They respected and loved t he animals they hunted but also degradingly used them as an instrument for personal survival.Bataille points out that it was in the ritual act of drawing the animal that the hunter created a spiritual connection. â€Å"Everything points to the fact that the carvings or the paintings did not have meaning as permanent figures of a sanctuary in which rituals were celebrated. It seems that the execution of the paintings–or the carving–was itself part of these rituals. . . The nascent[developing] image ensured the approach of the beast and the communication of the hunter with the hunted. †(75)The animals on the cave walls possessed a divine strength in the eyes of prehistoric man and as a result the hunt, and the drawing of the hunt, were a religious experience. Perhaps even the first religious experiences. As a product of the previously mentioned duality present in prehistoric man, the hunter used art as a corporeal representation of their remorse towards their des ired prey. â€Å"†¦ for the men of primitive times. . . the act of killing could also be shameful. Many primitive men ask for forgiveness beforehand for the evil that they are about to do to the animal they are pursuing. . For primitive human beings, the animal is not a thing. And this characterizes very broadly all of primitive humanity, for whom ordinary animality is rather divine. †(Bataille 54-55) To Bataille, â€Å"†¦ the world of understanding is to religion as the clarity of day is to the horror of the night. †(122) Religion is an experience undefinable through direct words. This â€Å"horror of the night†is all that is not understood; it is the undefinable, the intangible, the experience that lacks rationality and is based instead on feeling.It is how we explain and give meaning; it is the answer to the unanswerable questions that man has. Religion and art are intertwined in that they are both chaotic tools used by man to gain order over the chaotic horrors of the night. Kierkegaard, on the other hand, arrives at religion through the avenues of faith. To Kierkegaard, the man Abraham in the Bible is the perfect model of religious faith, the very first case in history of a man of pure faith, or as he calls it, a knight of faith.Faith is similar to Bataille’s idea of art and religion in that it can not be clearly defined through words. Faith is an experience; it is the idea that a single individual can have a one-on-one relationship with God that transcends the ethical. Abraham was faced with the dilemma of sacrificing his only son Isaac. Ethically and morally this would be labeled as murder, but through faith it is an absolute duty. This absolute duty is not something that can be shared, it is a private struggle, it is a solitary path to follows God’s command without remorse or doubt..It is only moments before the murder and sacrifice of Isaac that God stops Abraham and directs him to a ram instead. Through faith, ethics and morality become an entirely different thing. â€Å"He who loves God without faith reflects upon himself; he who loves God in faith reflects upon God. †(Kierkegaard 37) God’s will is the only correct way; what he asks is what will be done even if it goes against what society says is right. The man of the world, or ethical man, follows a different code of conduct. He is moral through and through and has a universal duty to others.He follows the laws and commandments of God for the good of everybody around him. His actions are dictated by cultural norms and given meaning by religious institutions. He is understood and buoyed by his peers. This is precisely the opposite of the knight of faith. Abraham has to do what is ethically wrong to do what is absolutely right in the eyes of God. Both art and faith are passionate pathways connecting with the divine. They give humanity a structure in that they give meaning to our emotions and guidance to our actions . Faith is a marvel, and yet no human being is excluded from it; for that which unites all human life is passion, and faith is passion. †(Kierkegaard 67) Faith was Abrahams way of expressing the inexpressible duty he felt toward God, just as art was the expression of prehistoric man inexpressible connection with the animal. Work Cited Bataille, Georges. The Cradle of Humanity, Prehistoric Art, and Culture. Brooklyn, New York: Zone Books, 2005. Kierkegaard, Soren. Fear and Trembling/Repetition. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1983.
Current Rights of Women in India Essay
In America women have the right to work, vote, and own just about anything that they can afford. The only thing limiting them is their credit score, or the limit that the bank determines. These may seem like rights that are universal because the reality of America is not the dismays that other countries have to deal with. In other countries this luxury of Equal Rights is not common, and is actually rejected and avoided by all costs. Some countries do not believe in these rights because of their religion, and what they’ve been taught. How can a fundamental value not be learned? Other countries just do not know any different than the man as the hunter or provider, and the woman as the caregiver or housekeeper. These roles in America only recently began to be shared amongst the genders, and to this day these roles are not confirmed by any means. Other countries are beginning to open their mind to other policies mostly because of influences of other cultures, and it is about time this happens. Some of the horrifying conditions that women in India have to deal with are issues that no women would ever want to fathom, and is very unfortunate. Not always being granted the ability to gain an education, being married at a youthful age without any say in the choice of a partner, and unwanted abortion of female fetuses are just a few that surface news channels. Those disturbing issues listed above are what these women have to deal with regularly and have no hope of these problems ever changing because of what some people in some cultures call beliefs. Media has placed great emphasis on the stories that depict that the women’s rights in India have been improving over the past few decades. Improvement can be misinterpreted when a third world country is involved, because any change that is not for the worst can be considered an improvement. What has really improved? Is it going to be up to the women to determine at which point they feel like they are an equal gender in this country? Until this point, there is no telling how long this can take. Cultural Belief of Equality The problem lies in the internal practices of the country. India is a country which mainly operates from the religious inclinations of the population. Be that as it may, how can anyone question their beliefs, and furthermore, who is to say that these practices do or don’t work? Shouldn’t the answer of whether or not their current policies are effective come from the source – the women in this country? In 1926 Sarojini Naidu, the first female president of the Indian National Congress party, had helped achieve the right for women to vote along with the men. It had taken, like most political victories in India for women, a great deal of time and patience (Roy, 2012, para. 15). Indian society is also one of the world’s most culturally diverse, with innumerable linguistic, cultural, and religious groups. Due to the diversity of the Indian populace, Indian policy makers have faced a tough challenge in ensuring that the individual rights of its citizens, including women, are protected (â€Å"Balancing Minority Rights and Gender Justice: The Impact of Protecting Multiculturalism on Women’s Rights in India,†2005, p. 05). This is a country where religion has always ruled their judicial and ethical structure, and because of this it will need to be a common agreement that there needs to be a change from within. The Butalia (1998) website describes a poor woman Rojammas who took a literacy class. She read a story about a woman who had to endure physical abuse from her husband due to his drinking habit. The woman in the story went through the village speaking with the other women to see who had the same problem as her. She determined that the reason for most of the abuse is that their husbands would go to work, and come home and spend all of their money on alcohol. The husbands would get upset when the women weren’t able to feed them because all of their money was spent at the liquor stores. The women rallied and protested at the liquor stores and eventually, in Andhra Pradesh liquor was banned. As a result, families were able to save, violence rates dropped, and life seemed to improve for these people. Unfortunately women are no longer able to be seen in the streets protesting. These brave women were able to make a difference, and had the strength and tools to do so. Since then, their power of protest and voice has been taken. Is this an improvement, and if so, what is next? The nineteenth century was to be considered â€Å"the age of the women†, because all over the world women’s rights and wrongs were the main topic of heated discussion amongst the world. Different countries such and France, Russia, England and Germany began spreading women consciousness, and more towards the mid nineteenth century, Russia began having issues with reformers and anarchist because of the question that was being widely spread across the nations; should women have rights? Although these issues were now arising throughout most countries, in India, the men still see it as men have all power and women obey as they are told. This now brings us with today’s issue that is still being fought in India and even in some other countries. Women now come across broken promises and the â€Å"possibility†of women rights when those rights were already being fought for and stated in the Indian Constitution. In the Constitution it states that â€Å"every single woman’s and girl’s well-being and safety paramount; that their liberties and rights are not to be challenged on the basis of attire or profession; that they are treated equally. †(Women’s Rights in India, 2009) With that being said, this is not the case of what is going on with the women in India; one in particular that was being socially, economically, and politically deprived. This is what is being said about this situation. â€Å"The police commissioner on the other hand has referred to the recent attacks on women as mere incidents of â€Å"eve teasing. †While eve-teasing is itself a term specific to the South Asian region, associated with unsolicited verbal harassment like catcalls, whistles and/or remarks directed towards women, the incidents that he so casually referred to were actual assaults on women for being dressed in western attire. More importantly, even eve teasing calls for action against the perpetrators†(Women’s Rights in India, 2009). It is not ethical for any one person to use their stature for their own personal gain. Although, different countries do have different ethics/cultural ethics, morals and religious beliefs they choose to abide by, does not mean it is not right to degrade women as sexual objects, â€Å"different†because of their personal beliefs, or even their own sense of style. How can one be punished because of the attire they chose to wear? Women have come so far from being just a â€Å"house wife†, to working while World War 1 was taking place, to joining the army to help our fellow soldiers fight for this country, to running as a presidential candidate. Women bleed, breath, think, feel emotion and get hurt physically just like men do, so why do we treat women any differently than a male? If you look back into Egyptian history, Greek Mythology and even some of the â€Å"Gods†that were â€Å"Political†figures to us at one point in time were women: Aphrodite, Artemis, Isis and etc. Women should be granted the exact same rights as the men in this world because they contribute to a lot of the findings we discover, cures we find, the birth our children, some of the things we study and so forth. Will we ever be able to look passed all of the things that we say and do about/towards women? Is it possible to give the rights that we promised for so many years to the women of our country and the other countries that have promised the exact same thing? Discrimination is such a huge discussion amongst our community today because it continues to thrive off of those that are not subjective to change. Change is exactly what we need to bring out the different opinions between cultures, and religious beliefs. Although it is a belief, that does not mean that it is morally right to believe it is ok to treat women in a certain fashion that we see as correct. The mixed bag of laws, bills, commitments, broken promises, new pledges and fresh possibilities for women’s rights comes with its share of anticipation and disappointments. Will promises be converted into laws and will prejudices make way for a little more tolerance and a little less chauvinism? Will social perceptions of women and their traditionally assigned roles in society witness a change under the collective pressure of government laws and social campaigns? And will society eventually look at girls through the same lens that they see boys? And yet hope survives†¦
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