Wednesday, July 31, 2019
The Employees Who Attracted and Committed
Do you believe that employees are more attracted and committed to ethical organizations? Are you? Why or Why not ? Make a list of the companies you would prefer to work for and state the reason why? Are there also companies that you refuse to work for? Why? Are there ethically †neutral†companies that do not belong on other list. I believe that employees are more attracted and committed to ethical organizations. Because employees are come from ethical organization and they have a duty of care and loyalty to their employer and company during the period of time that they are employed.They are tried hard for their family and company so it contributed to their environment. I would like to work at BMW company and Mitsubishi company. BMW AG originated with three other manufacturing companies, Rapp Motorenwerke and Bayeriche Flugzeugwerke (BFw) in Bavaria, and Fahrzeugfabrik Eisenach in Thuringia in 1996. Rapp Motorenwerke manufacture Aircraft engine in world war 1and BFw manufa cture motorcycle. BMW became an automobile manufacture in 1929. Then, BMW have 69,518 worker and percentage over age 50: 23. 1 . BMW is the most largest manufacturing company in the world.And also in business, BMW is the best management so I would like to work in this company. BMW Group has created a holistic and crosscutting approach to addressing demographic change at the workplace. This program comprises innovative initiatives in the areas of health promotion , training and knowledge management , work environment , and personalized retirement models. Equal opportunity is given to all employees irrespective of age to participate in training programs. BMW encourages employees to keep on learning during their whole working life.BMW introduced a flextime model in 1993 and 25,000 employees are able to arrange their individual work times. BMW started a part-time position. All employees have the option to take a personal leave of between one and six months. Mobile working offers additio nal flexibility. With mobile working, employees are in a better position to combine their personal life and their working time than they used to. In addition, BMW’s exercise program offers ergophysiotherapy and prevention related to the workplace, cardio and strength training, as well as treatments for acute and chronic pain.They pay many facilities for employees and they concentrate on employees life so I would like to work in this company. The Mitsubishi was first established as a shipping firm by Yataro Iwasaki (1834-1885) in 1870. In 1873, its name was changed to Mitsubishi Shokai. The name Mitsubishi ( mitsu meaning â€Å"three†and â€Å"hishi†(which becomes â€Å"bishi†under rendaku) meaning â€Å"water caltrop†(also called â€Å"water chestnut†) and hence â€Å"rhombus†, which is reflected in the company’s famous logo. It is also translated as â€Å"three diamonds†.Period of diversification are Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (founded in 1919) ,Mitsubishi Corporation (founded in 1950), Mitsubishi Motors (the six largest Japan-based auto manufacturer), Mitsubishi Atonic Industry (a nuclear power company), Mitsubishi Power systems (a power generation division), Nikon Corporation (specializing in optics and imaging). This Mitsubishi Group is the best company in Japan and contributing the ethical organizations so I would like to work in this company.In Mitsubishi Group they recognize that their employees are an invaluable asset. Therefore, they respect the rights and individually of every one who work in their group. And they do their utmost to ensure their working environment are safe and will offer opportunities for the employees to develop their capabilities. For human resource development-training program (personal development training, training for newly appointed managers, life planning training) .For work-life Balance – Measures for supporting efforts to balance work and family life), child care, Nursing (the maximum combined period of nursing leave and shortened working hours is 365 days per family member to be nursed ) Registration scheme is open to all former employees regardless of their reason for leaving, including childbirth and nursing. It is a new back-to-work scheme which meets a various changes in life stages. For those reason, I want to work in Mitsubishi Group. There are two companies that I refuse to work for.They are Tesco and Eli Lilly. Tesco is a British multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer headquartered in Cheshunt , United Kingdom. It is the Third-largest retailer in the world measured by revenues (after Wal-Mart). It has stores in 14 countries across Asia, Europe and North America and is the grocery market leader in the UK (where is has a market share of around 30%) Malaysia , the Republic of Ireland and Thailand. The company was founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen as a group of market stalls.The Tesco name first appeared in 1924, after Cohen purchased a shipment of tea from T. E stock well and combined those initials with the first two letters of his surname, and the first Tesco store opened in 1929 in Burnt Oak, Middlesex. In 2011, Tesco launched a range of Tesco Venture Brands. Although profits were 1. 9 billion for the first half of 2011, sales growth in the UK was the lowest in 20 years, partly due to shoppers switching to bugest rivals. In April 2012 Tesco re-launched its own brand Tesco Everyday Value with new packing and recipes.But Tesco got Sledgehammer Award for silencing criticism from Consumers International Bad Company Awards 2008 (the Consumers International bad company Awards highlight irresponsible behavior by some of the world’s leading brands, drawing attention to notable consumer rights issues over the past 12 months). So I do not want to work in Tesco company. Eli Lilly and company is a global pharmaceutical company. Eli Lilly’s global headquarters is located in India napolis, Indiana, in the United States. The company also has offices in Puerto Rico and 17 other countries. Their products are sold in approximately 125 countries.The company was founded in 1876 by a pharmaceutical chemist, Eli Lilly. After whom the company was ultimately named. Among other specialties Lilly was the first company to mass produce penicillin, as well as one of the first pharmaceutical companies to produce human insulin using recombinant DNA , and today is the world’s largest manufacture and distributor of psychiatric medications. A fortune 500 corporation. Eli Lilly had revenues of $ 20 billion in 2008, making it the 148th largest company in the United State and the 10th largest corporation by global pharmaceutical sales.In one of three cases to ever go to trail for SSRI indication in suicide, a Kentucky man, Joseph Wesbecker who had been on Prozac, went to his workplace and opened fire, killing seven people and injuring 12 others before turning the gun on hims elf. The judge later revoked the case as settled. The second case was Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of violating the federal anti-discrimination law when they withheld severance benefits to Johson. Johson originally field a discrimination charge after she was fired in 2005.She is a black woman and became disfigured in 1997 when she was exposed to a blood pathogen. Her charge claimed that her supervisor stated that he was put in charge â€Å"so that he could watch her and get rid of her and that no one liked looking at her. †Eli Lilly was ordered to pay $54,400 in severance pay, $ 7,000 in interest and compensatory damages, along with $ 3,000 in attorney fees. The field of pharmaceutical is confuse and I am not interesting in this field so I would not like to work in Eli Lilly.There is ethically â€Å"neutral†company that do not belong on either list. This company is Toyota company. Toyota Motor sales, U. S. A . , Inc. , was formed Oct. 31, 1957, establishin g its headquarters in a former Rambler dealership in Hollywood, Calif. Sales began in 1958 and totaled a modest 288 vehicles. Their vision is Create working environments for various employees to work proudly and with loyalty and confidence in fulfilling their potential, which realize their self-growth.The service for the employees are Human resource development, Diversity and Inclusion, safety and Health, Confidence (Maintain stable employment and provide fair working conditions), Pride and loyalty. These companies are the best in the world. And also the employers are concentrating on the benefit of the employees and their family. Then, the employees are distributing their company by trying hard and studying their work. So they are attracted and committed to their ethical organizations.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
History of American Highways Essay
Highways are very important in every country, in every place. It is often termed as the sign of civilization or development of a place. That is undeniably true because a good highway or road system of a certain place means that the government, may it is local or national, have the resources to put up nice highways and national roads. It also signifies that a place is a place where many people are going. It means that there is something there that needs to have a nice highway. Most people want a very nice highway to drive to. They hate those bumpy roads because they find it annoying. That is why the government of every country makes the construction of highways as one of their priorities. Good highways are also beneficial for trade and industry because it attracts investors. There is development in the economy if the highways or roads are well furnished. People, especially investors always look at the means of access to a specific place. So it is a big factor if the highways are good and not. Through the years highways in almost every country serve as the cultivator of culture and development. There are numerous highways hat became historical because of its contribution to our society. But there are things that should be factored in whenever there is a highway or road that needs to be built. There are the environmental issues because it is a very big factor to consider the locale of the highway. More often than not, people forget the convenience highways could bring. An example is that, like what I have mentioned earlier there could be a boost in the economy because the easy access to a place attracts a lot of investors, not to mention that there will emerge some small businesses that would cater to the needs of the travelers who have traveled very far just to do to wherever their destination is. United States of America is one of the developed countries. It can be seen that the highways in this country is very well put up. In this country, you can find the almost never-ending highways that connect almost every city. The access from one place to another is a bit easy because of the highways. There are songs that were composed which are inspired by the highways. The motorists or travelers find so much fun in traveling that they do not mind the long travelers because in the first place they find comfort in it because they are not faced with bumpy roads. Indeed, through the years, every highway in the US has contributed a lot in the lives of every people and to the country itself. History of the Highway System in United States The US Highway System is considered as the first nationwide network of number system in the world. It is an essential part of the American history in the 20th Century because it inspired a lot of things from different perspective. Is inspired the composition of new songs, shows in the television, and the creation of motels and fast food restaurant. It is also considered as one of the components that US is really a country which innovate to make impossible things possible because it made the access to one State to another easy. It is also a factor in the development of the roads in California to be world class. Through the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1925, the US Highway System was born. It is the answer to the unorganized creation of almost 250 named highways. Through this Act, the road that were considered insignificant before were transformed into roads that would connect every city making a long stretch of highways or roads. But the numbering of highway system has raised a lot of issues because many people disagree on the idea because it will make the highways cold and impersonal. But the government did not stop, they assigned the American Association of State Highway Officials or AASHO which is now AASHTO to handle the system. Highways That Gave Impact to America Highway is a term often used to address major roads which are used for travel by every people going to wherever they would go. Its designs are different and it may have the characteristics of freeways and motorways. It could also be characterized with two-lane, shoulder less road. It is the US which has the biggest network of national highways that include Interstate Highways and the Numbered Highways. It is present in all State which also connects almost all cities. There are different terms that denote highways such as but not limited to autobahn, auto route, expressway, freeway, and motorway. But these terms are different depending on the country or region. The term highway could have a lot of meaning. In US highway could be characterized by an important high-speed with limited-access road that is a connector of major cities, or it could be any road. The Pan-American Highway is considered as the longest international highway, and the largest national highway system can be found in the US as well as the widest highway which is in Houston Texas, the Katy Freeway a part of Interstate 10. Other highways that gave a lot of impact to America are Route 66, National Road, Lincoln Highway, and Highway 41. The Lincoln Highway is considered as one of the roads or highways that contributed in the development of the Interstate Highways. It is the first transcontinental highway and also considered as the ancestor and model of other numbered highways. It is symbolized by ‘Good Roads’ which is the basis for the rallyists then to fight for the highway system. It is considered as the first successful highway that can be rallied on at any weather from coasts to coasts. It is the subject that fuelled the awareness of American people that the government should build highways and they should fund the development. In 1920, the Lincoln Highway just became another road because there are other transcontinental highways that were built. The funding from the government became easily granted as well. But the fact will never be forgotten – the Lincoln Highway was the venue for the celebrated caravan of the Army in 1919, it is were cross-country racers achieved their records that made them famous, there were songs and poems written pertaining to the road, at the end of the highway there you can find the banners of every hotels, restaurants, and the like. Other highway that impacted America is the US Route 66 which is also called Route 66, The Main Street of America, The Mother Road, Will Rogers Highway among others. It is part of the US Highway System which connects Chicago, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. It is the main path of every migrant who were going to the west especially during the height of Dust Bowl in 1930s. The highway attained much popularity that people have fought for its preservation. But in 1956 it has reached its end because of the then President Dwight Eisenhower’s Interstate Highway Act. One of the remaining parts of Route 66 is the Veterans Parkway.
Imc- Communication Plan for Aer Lingus
Table of Contents Introduction & Scenario We have been given an assignment about Aer Lingus. Our task is to develop an integrated marketing communication campaign for Aer Lingus. The assignment should focus to deliver the following Objectives: â€Å"To revitalize the declining Aer Lingus brand in order to increase airline travel in the Irish market†Following Question shell been answer; Segmentation, targeting and positioning Strategy to be defined for the IMC Campaign. Advertising must be chosen with two other promotional tools. Contemporary and Traditional promotional tools that you will use to achieve this objective and the rationale behind selecting these tools. You must discuss the relationship of the promotional tools selected to the hierarchy of Effects model. The media vehicles that you would select to effectively influence your target market. Linking Marketing Communication Tools to Response stages. When we chose our segment and target groups we tried to exploit Aer Lingus real position at the airline market. Aer Lingus position at the moment is between, low fare company Ryanair and BMI, SAS (Hoovers, 2010). Younger people and students nearly almost chose Ryan Air because of the low price. In the last couple of years it has been showed that the competition from Ryanair is too tough for Aer Lingus. Aer Lingus Group Plc will stop trying to undercut larger Irish rival Ryanair Holdings Plc and offer enhancements including better food and faster check-in times to customers willing to pay more, according Rothwell & Fahy, 2010. Then you have the older people, who have more money. For the most they choose airlines that can offer them even better standards and services. They may also have families and choose different alternatives. That’s why we chose two target groups between 24-35 years. They work, have an income and come from the same generation. They fit into Aer Lingus concept to offer very good service at a smart price, according The Post, 2007. Our goals with the campaign will be: {draw:frame} Our campaign is more about to establish Aer Lingus as a brand and to show the benefits derived from their products. To make people think and feel about the company in a good way. In a long term view we think that these measures will increase all areas of Aer Lingus business. . 2 Aer Lingus Aer Lingus was founded by the Irish government in April 1936. They are the second biggest Airline Company in Ireland after their main competitors Ryan Air. The headquarter is based in Dublin Airport and they are serving Europe, Northern Africa and North America. Aer Lingus is a Low Fare Airline company, but according to themselves, they offer better service and more comfortable travelling. Their main competitors besides Ryan Air are BMI, Easy Jet and City Jet. The last two are also Low Fare Airline Companies (Aer Lingus limited. 2001-2009). Question 1 2. 1 Segmentation and Target Group â€Å"_Marketing segmentation and the identification of a target group is a very important step in a business opportunity analysis. With the tough competition that exists today, business cannot reach everyone. A more focused and audience- centered approach is necessary. A market can be segmented in many ways, and the segmentation will change when costumers reason for purchase change†. (Wright, R. 2000). _ According to us, Aer Lingus most central issue today is that they are relatively unknown at the market. They need to separate from the other airlines and focus on their own segment and target group and communicate right to them. People do not know what the company stand for today. Aer Lingus business concept is to offer cheep flights but still keep good standard and service. Aer Lingus is not a very well- established brand today and the industry for flight is broad. That`s why we have chosen a broad segment; people in the age 24-35. They are working and have a steady income. Our segment is from the same generation; they bond together, think in the same way and have similar experience from life. This makes it much easier to reach them and influence them. Our concept will be to attract the chosen target groups. We have chosen two target groups to focus on. *Profile Target Group/Customer* 1: Age: 23-30 Income: 15 000- 25 000 Gender: Male/ Female Profession: Workers Education: Uneducated and Low Educated Family Size: Family of two or three Homeowner: Apartment Marital Status: Not married *Profile Target Group/Customer* 2: Age: 31-35 Income: 26 000- 38 000 Gender: Male/ Female Profession: Workers or people who are in the beginning of their careers Education: Uneducated or Low Educated Family Size: Family of three or four Homeowner: Yes (House) Marital Status: Yes/ No Our target groups are in the same generation, have the same interest and think similar. The reason why we have chosen two types of target customers is because when people reach their early thirties, their perspective of life can somewhat change. They might have children and get promoted in their careers. We believe that our target groups are the kind of people who are willing to pay extra, compared to Ryan Air, to get faster to their end destination and have a more smooth and comfortable flight with good service. The fact that Aer Lingus fly to more central locations make the journey shorter and more comfortable. {text:list-item} Positioning can be made in different ways. The most effective way is to use one approach; otherwise the costumer can get confused. One common tactic is to contrast the company? s product against competitors_. (_Clow & Baack. 2010_). _We consider that the tactic who is defined above is one Aer Lingus can use. They should establish a position through showing the costumers that they have better service and quality that e. g. Ryan air and that they are cheaper than e. g. SAS and BMI. 3. Question 2 3. 1 Promotional Tools 3. 1. 1 Advertising â€Å"_The essence of an integrated marketing communications program is designing messages that effectively reach the target audience. They are designed to change or shape attitudes. They should lead to some kind of short- or long- term action†. (Clow & Baack. 2010). _ When it comes to advertising we recommend that Aer Lingus choose communications objectives. It’s very important for both the company and our target groups that they decide and send out the right message. Two types of advertising that will help Aer Lingus to succeed are Informative advertising and Persuasive advertising. Informative advertising will describe the product, available services and the benefits of Aer Lingus and it also build up the company’s image. The second one, Persuasive advertising will help Aer Lingus to build brand preferences and change customer’s perceptions of product attribute (Kotler, P. 2005). This advertising will suit Aer Lingus. We think that this type of advertising will not only give our target groups a clear picture about the product, but also the show the benefits by flying with Aer Lingus. Another advantage for our customers is that this kind of advertising changes their view of Aer Lingus and hopefully give Aer Lingus better brand preferences. When it comes to message strategies we recommend Aer Lingus to use Cognitive Ads to fulfill their goals against their target customers. The two message strategies that will suit Aer Lingus best are Generic and Comparative message strategies. Generic are the direct promotion of the products benefits. By using this kind of message you give knowledge about the product/service and show the positive features about it. The other alternative is Comparative message strategy; Aer Lingus should use this strategy to compare themselves in a good way against competitors (Clow & Baack. 2010). This will give our customers even more information about the company, their positioning and their image. All these factors are very important for the customer before they choose which product/service they should go with. The media tools we recommend Aer Lingus to use are; Internet, TV and different type of newspapers. Internet has a big impact on our target groups; all of them know computers and are using the Internet daily. Internet also has a high reach and high frequency. In Aer Lingus case, to reach the customers through the Internet with offers and information should be very effective. In 2004 travelling was the top cyber shopping category by far (52. 4 Billion Dollars) according to License 7, No. 10, 2004. That shows the impact and the power of the Internet as a tool. TV advertising will give the Aer Lingus brand a â€Å"better face†because of the emotions you can reach through TV ads. For Aer Lingus to use sounds, motion and senses into their ads will be very effective on people. The last one, Newspaper is very good for Aer Lingus because of the high believability. To mix that with good publicity will be very effective against the company’s targets groups. We think that this mix will establish and increase Aer Lingus brand and image, but also give the customers knowledge about the company and the product (More specific information about media tools and vehicles in question 3). Conclusion; Cognitive Strategies will give our customers more awareness and knowledge about the company, brand and product. These two variables are our main goals to mediate to the customers. By mediate this to our target groups; they will hopefully change their attitude and feelings about the product/service. In a long term action it will increase Aer Lingus business and establish their brand. This through the media channels that suits Aer Lingus, but most importantly their customers. 3. 1. 2 Public Relations and Publicity â€Å"_Public Relations building good relations with the company`s various publics by obtaining favourable publicity, building up a good corporate image and handling off unfavourable rumours , stories and events†. (Kotler, Phil. 2005). {draw:frame} Public Relation and good publicity are good in many ways. We believe that Aer Lingus will established their brand/image by using this promotional tool and that our target group will take notice about the company in a positive way. In the last couple of years Aer Lingus has been in economic troubles and the publicity has been bad. The customers have turned them down (Business Week. 2006-2010). To estab lish their brand and build up a new image, they will get their customers back. Aer Lingus have to: All these three subjects are very important to develop for Aer Lingus as a company. To make sure that the internal communication is good and that the staff knows what Aer Lingus stand for is a very important. The stuff has to know what the customers expect when they are flying with Aer Lingus. An advantage for the company by using this tool in an economic perspective is that getting good publicity in e. g. newspapers and business papers are free. Our target groups most perceive Aer Lingus as an Airline company with cheap prices, but most of all with good service and good comfort for the price. We want to get that message out throw e. g. newspapers so people get interested and positive about Aer Lingus as a brand. A good worth of mouth and a good repetition will help to catch our target group’s interest. Aer Lingus will reach this goals throw: {draw:frame} (Kotler, et al. 2005). Other activities we recommend Aer Lingus tu use to creating positive image, awareness and knowledge about the company throw this promotion tool should be sponsorship (e. g. sport), supporting events and charity. This type of activities could be use as Cause- Related Marketing. It has been proved that Cause- Related Marketing has a very strong effect on people and it’s also a tool to create a stronger brand and brand loyalty. {draw:frame} (Clow & Baack. 2010) Public relations have a strong impact on public awareness and gives knowledge about the company to the customer (Armstrong, G. 2005). When you create good publicity and activities, people can link their knowledge about the company and in the end prefer (get a good feeling about) the brand or the product/Service. In the end hopefully the customers are that convinced to test or buy the Product/ Service. In our campaign we use Public Relations not only as a promotional tool, but also like a â€Å"tactic†tool. To push out information and good things about the company/ product, will make the other promotional tools more effective. text:list-item} â€Å"_Direct marketing brings the market directly into the home or office of an individual buyer instead of the buyer having to go to the market. Direct marketing techniques can be used to move buyers through various stages of the buying process†. (Smith & Taylor. 2002). _ Direct mail is the most common and one of the most success ful direct marketing tools. To make good results by doing direct mailing, it’s of great significance for the company to have a high quality and relevant mailing list (Smith & Taylor. 2002). The list we think Aer Lingus should use, is the Compiled list. This mailing list provides information about a specific customer profile. In Aer Lingus case, it’s a way to communicate with both current customers and target groups. To send out information about the company, prices offers and keep your customers/ target groups up to date about positive things that happen around the company. This is an easy way to get your customers closer to you, that they all the time get new knowledge’s about the Aer Lingus brand. In a long term aspect, we also think that the customers will get better preferences about the company and that Aer Lingus will increase their sales online. Question 3 4. 1 Media Tools and Vehicles Aer Lingus first priority is to increase people’s awareness and knowledge of their brand. To do this they have to make sure that the target audience sees the brand as much as possible. This message needs to be delivered through all marketing channels. We think that the most effective media to use for Aer Lingus are internet, TV and newspapers. 4. 2 Internet The using of internet has become a natural thing for many people, it is access on personal computers and through telephone services. Internet especially attracts young people. Our target groups are very influenced of internet and use it many times every day. It is of great significance for Aer Lingus that they develop their internet marketing for future success. A huge benefit for Aer Linguas with using internet marketing is that they reach their target audience all over the world. This, naturally, is very important for an airline. Our target groups are in that age (24-35) when internet has had a big impact on their life’s for a couple of years. To meet friends, communicate with people all over the world, read newspapers/magazines and buy things (online shopping) are natural for our target audience. People use internet because it’s easy, comfortable and you get what you looking for very quick. For our target customer’s internet is a way to keep themselves up to date with everything that happens around them. Online advertising can be made in four different ways, banner ads, classified ads, search advertising and media/video ads. We think that Aer Lingus goals with internet marketing should be as we mentioned before, to give the company`s target groups awareness and knowledge of the bran and make them notice the benefits of the Aer Lingus product. Banner ads are a very good tool to use in many occasions. 2007 banner ads was the third biggest interactive tactic online, according to Jaffee, L, 2007. We think that banner ads at websites such as Facebook , Twitter, Ebay, different travel/sport magazines and newspapers will get high impact on our target audience, because they visit this types of websites several times a week. Some in the target groups visit same internet sites several times every day. It is also very significant that Aer Linguas expand banners that, in the best possible way, catch the website visitor’s attention. They should use banners that really remind people of the brand, e. g. use the green â€Å"Aer Lingus shamrock†. The banner should in one way or another tell something about the company, product or the benefits by travelling with Aer Lingus. When our target groups start to think about going away, or just want to dream away, we are convinced that the first thing they do is to visit Google and search for trips. Therefore, it is important for Aer Lingus to also have their advertising on search engines. In that way the costumer look for Aer Lingus and not the other way round. To be on top when people search on Google it is very important and we think Aer Lingus should put a little bit of their money to make sure that they are well positioned on Google. At the same time that online advertising has become more and more common people have become more immune to the advertising. People have â€Å"learned†to click- through and just not see it. That is one reason that it is significant that Aer Lingus also develop other market channels. Again, Aer Lingus needs to be seen often. Studies have also showed that traditional advertising such as TV, Magazines and Radio inspire people, according to Smith, 2002. . 3 Television TV has a huge impact on most of people. TV has good mass- market coverage and combines of sight, sound and motion (Armstrong, G. 2005). Other advantages with TV advertising are the low cost per contact and the quality creative opportunities (Clow & Baack, 2010). We think that Aer Lingus should take advantage of the creative opportunities to make an ad that people notice and with a good message theme. The ad should either say something about Aer Lingus as a company and brand or have a slogan that shows the product benefits. Here again we think Aer Lingus can use the shamrock to present themselves, but also to get the potential customer attention. For Aer Lingus to reach the right target groups and get out much attention as possible from TV ads, we think that they should do commercial connected to sports, travels and some lifestyle programs. We also think that our target audience will see and respond positively when they feel that Aer Lingus is connected with some of their interests. Another thing that will give Aer Lingus good publicity is to through TV sponsor special events. Such as concerts and big sport events. For Aer Lingus to be connected in this kind of contexts will give their company an image boost. 4. 4 Newspapers The last media tool Aer Lingus should use is the newspaper. A lot of people still read newspapers. We think that the mix between good publicity and ads in some of the big daily newspapers e. g. Irish Post, Irish Independent will give Aer Lingus much higher reliability. To reach the target groups and build a good image is important that the people believe in the company. The ads in the newspaper should only focus on the benefits by flying with Aer Lingus and the price. By showing the benefits compare to the low price, will distance Aer Lingus from Ryan Air. To be seeing in bigger daily newspapers will also give a good worth of mouse and a growing reputation. Aer Lingus should first of all try to get out in the Irish and British newspapers with their ads. It’s always much more effective by starting with influence your â€Å"own people†, according to Kotler, 2005. Question 4 To date Aer Lingus is a company that has a lot of problems. The internal and external communication does not work and that lead to that the customers do not know what the company stands for. Aer Lingus brand and image are deeply damage. With our â€Å"campaign†, we think that Aer Lingus will increase the business, get a good hype around their brand and showing the benefits by travelling with the company. Under here we try to denounce and show the possibly responses to the communication tools that we chosen. 5. 1 Promotional Tools Public Relation; we think that this tool is one of the most important tools for Aer Lingus. First of all if they get a better internal communication, that will lead to a better and more service minded staff. When the stuff knows what’s expected of them the service going to be better and the costumers get satisfied. If Aer Lingus get good publicity the target audience will take good notice about the company and their brand/image will be better. Through publicity the customers also gets knowledge about the company and the product. This is the two very important steps in the buyer process. We think also that the Cause-Related Marketing will lead to that people/ our target customer will prefer Aer Lingus. Cause-Related Marketing will also give the Aer Lingus brand a boost. Direct Marketing; By using this tool, we think that Aer Lingus will come closer to their customers and target groups. By using a specific demographic mail list to connect the target audience, will give the potential customer a chance to know the product and the benefit about travelling with Aer Lingus. Whit this type of marketing Aer Lingus can give their Potential customers offers and price information. We think that in a long term view this tool will help the company to increase their business. Advertising; By using advertising that inform the target groups about the company and the product people will get to know what Aer Lingus as a brand stand for. This will give the company a higher reliability and a better image. Aer Lingus must also use advertising that brings the best out of their service and shows the benefits by travelling with the company. The message strategy will be to show the benefits about the product and distance themselves from the competitor. We thing that our target groups will get a better overall knowledge about the company and hopefully see the benefits of the product. We think by using this strategies will increase their business. 5. 2 Media tools and vehicles Media tools we have chosen is online advertising (Internet), TV and Newspapers. This is a good mix. Trough Internet Aer Lingus increase the awareness by the target audience. They will see the brand o lot, both conscious and unconscious. This gives Aer Lingus a better position, people will have Aer Lingus brand in their minds when they thinking about traveling. By advertising in TV Aer Lingus can communicate their message better, with colors, pictures and information they will develop their position. People will not only recognized the brand, they will also get knowledge of the company’s concept, and get good feelings when they think of the company and brand. By doing ads on Internet and TV Aer Lingus can show the benefits of the product in a advantageous way. By using booth those creative media tools, will have a big impact on our target groups. By using newspapers as a tool, we think that the customer will see the ad and connect it with reliability, it’s important for the company after the last year’s bad publicity. In the paper you can also form a ad that will give the potential customer knowledge about the company, product and brand. When Aer Lingus succeed with attract the chosen target group a good circle will be formed. The brand gets bigger which will lead to that more and more people chose to go with them. Bibliography 6. 1 Books Clow, E, K, Baack, D. Integrated Advertising, Promotion, And Marketing Communication, 4th edt. 2010. Pearson Education, New Jersey, USA. Wright, R. Advertising. 2000. Pearson Education Limited, Edinburgh, Scotland. Kotler, P, Wong, V, Saunders, J, Armstrong, G. Principles Of Marketing, 4th edt. 2005. Pearson Education Limited, Essex, England. Smith, P, R, Taylor, J. Marketing Communications An Intergrated Approach, 3rd edt. 2002. Kogan Page Limited, London, England. 6. Electronic Sources Rothwell & Fahy. _â€Å"Aer Lingus Switches to Imitating EasyJet, Not Ryanair. †. Business Week. Com . January 26, 2010. Available: _ http://www. businessweek. com/news/2010-01-26/aer-lingus-drops-ryanair-strategy-in-effort-to-imitate-easyjet. html_ _ Aer Lingus Limited. 2001-2009. Available: http://www. aerlingus. com/cgi-bin/obel01im1Corporate/mediaCorpProfile. jsp? [email pro tected]@@@2017366715. [email protected]@@@&BV_EngineID=ccddadekefljdmhcefecfigdffgdfkl. 0&P_OID=-536880294&Category=0#history The Post. _â€Å"Aer Lingus plan to build Tesco-like image†__. _ThePost. ie. September 30, 2007. Available: http://archives. tcm. ie/ businesspost/2007/09/30/story26973. asp Business Week, Bloomberg L. P. 2006-2010. Available: http://search. businessweek. com/Search? searchTerm=aer+lingus&resultsPerPage=20 License 7, No. 10. â€Å"Cyber Shopping†. P. 12. November, 2004. Available: Clow, K, E, Baack, D. Intergrated Advertising, Promotion And Marketing Communications, 4th edt. 2010. P. 268. Jaffee, L. â€Å"Follow The Money†. Promo 20, No. 11. P. 5-10. November, 2007. Hoover`s, Inc, 2010. Available: http://www. hoovers. com/aer-lingus-group-plc/–ID__91296–/freeuk-co-factsheet. xhtml
Monday, July 29, 2019
Chose the topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Chose the topic - Essay Example r-crime poses as one of the biggest threats because all businesses use computers and the Internet which from the only requirement for undertaking cyber-attacks. It is not easy to realize that the network or the devices connected to company network have been compromised (Nykodym et al., 2010). An attack may take place without even interrupting the ongoing processes. This makes it a main threat because the organization may be losing money but is unaware. In addition, new threats emerge on a daily basis and the approaches used in attacking computer systems are becoming sophisticated by the day. This makes a key threat because there is no specified way of dealing with cyber threats due to the evolvement. The imminent damage also supports the idea of cyber-crime being a critical issue. This is because it poses a threat of  £2.4 billion to the businesses in U.K (Nykodym et al., 2010). This implies that the threat is even higher for global businesses. It is also not easy to pinpoint the s ource of an attack. This makes it hard to arrest the offender and increases the chance of allowing them to escape with data or money belonging to an organization. These attacks have also been increasing and may cause an organization to halt its performance for a certain period especially depending on the scale of the attack. For instance, a DDOS attack or what is commonly known as a denial of service is one of the attacks that can render an organization nonoperational because it affects the functioning of the entire computer systems. The various modes involved in cyber-crime also make it one of the most dangerous in the functioning of the organization. These modes include internal and external attacking. The internal attacks are the most dangerous ones because they are undertaken by people who are aware of the functioning of the organization and the location of any data that they may wish to steal of destroy (Gragido & Pirc, 2011). While the external attacks are also equally dangerous,
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Who does the task People or machines. What is the right mix Essay
Who does the task People or machines. What is the right mix - Essay Example A task is the name or identification of a simple work or a complex project that can have sub-tasks or strings of works attached to it (Anderson 1999). Going by this it is a representation of a structure of activities. Such activities, in an industrial or a production context could mean involvement of both men and machines for its execution or implementation. The task in the earlier days was entirely conducted by men and was thus people oriented and they used a few tools in order to organize the task or ease its progress. These tools could be said to be simple form of machines and were invented or improvised by people to facilitate the conduct of their work for carrying out the task to their satisfaction. With advance in civilization and knowledge people invented machines first to simplify their tasks and later to provide assistance in their task. In modern times there a many tasks that are carried out with the use of machines only requiring no human intervention which make the task almost entirely machine oriented. It can be seen that tasks have become more complex with the advent of time but the two ends of the spectrum have remained people and machines. Apparently one cannot do without the other and this raises the questions of importance, relevance, priorities and hierarchy that are manifest in the topic â€Å"Who does the task? People or machines†. Before the Industrial Revolution work was generally people oriented. The worker was the one who planned work and executed it, using and manipulating various tools of his trade to assist him in increasing productivity, improving quality and reducing costs. With introduction of mechanization in the late 18th century the concept of division of labor became an important feature that took away the characteristic of ownership of the work from a person to several persons. This was generally the time when Adam Smith in his book Wealth of Nations (1776) stated that labor [meaning
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Can the EU become an influential player in international political Essay
Can the EU become an influential player in international political economy - Essay Example 24). This paper will discuss EU and how it is an influential player in international political economy. European Union is a multinational government that is changing the initial role of the nation-state and sovereignty in the entire Europe. EU was formed willingly by several states that had similar goals and is unique in its design and idea to the European continent (Breherton & Vogler, 2002, pp. 213). EU is a unique economic and political partnership between twenty-eight countries that occupy much of the continent. The initial mission of the European Union was to encourage cooperation among the countries after the World War II and was presumed that the countries that were trading together were unlikely to attack each other. European Union has brought about so many advantages to the states that are members. The economic advantages include enabling the member states move capital and goods from place to place within the EU (Arull, 2004, pp. 505). In addition, the Entrepreneurs are free to give their services anywhere within the European Union, which is made possible since the European Union operates under a unified set of economic laws. These advantages have been designed to create a competitive marketplace and reduce the prices for the consumer especially those within the member states. European Union came up with one currency that is common in all the states; Euro, hence making it possible for the trade to take place between the countries. The European Union takes a step further and provides its members with protection against the challenges of volatility and inflation in the monetary market (Lucarelli & Fioramonti, 2010, pp. 64-68). Being part of the European Union also encompasses political advantages for the member states. As a member of the multinational organization, the countries are able to wield more influence on the world stage. The workers are protected from exploitive practices through the working tie directive that is controlled
Friday, July 26, 2019
Hospitality and Tourism Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Hospitality and Tourism Business - Essay Example Moreover, the industry also performs a key role in dealing with the aspect of unemployment all over the world by employing millions of people worldwide. In the contemporary context, the industry has undergone various noteworthy changes and its significance has reached a considerable level altogether (Barrows & Powers, 2008). It is apparent that the tourism and the hospitality industry have emerged as quite crucial with its presence being quite prominent all over the world. It is worth mentioning in this context that there are certain characteristics of this particular industry, which are observably unique and different from other industries upto a marginal extent. Some of the differing characteristics of this particular sector include its predominant nature of being a service industry although imbibing the characteristics of a product oriented industry as well, the labour intensive nature of this sector and the aspect of seasonality among others. All these facets are crucial for busi ness operating in this sector, with the purpose of devising their strategies ensuring sustainability in their operations (Tesone, 2012). Contextually, the primary intention of the discussion henceforth will be to analyse the characteristics of this particular sector in detail and recommend strategies to the small business units operating in this particular sector.... Over the years, the industry has expanded its presence extensively and has become a major contributor towards the development of the world economy. Arguably, the current prospects of the hospitality and tourism industry of the world have been in an ever rising mode and are expected to continue the same way in the near future. However, it is important to note that there are several reasons, which have contributed towards the immense growth of this particular industry in the recent years. Among the several factors, the uniqueness of the industry is one vital domain, where it excels evidently. Correspondingly, it is often argued that the hospitality and the tourism industry of the world are quite unique as it possesses certain characteristics that are quite different from other forms of industry to say the least (Brotherton, 2013). The hospitality and tourism industry is one of the few industries of the world, where the services provided to the customers are treated as the ultimate prod ucts; therefore making an initiative to mitigate the gaps and differences between product management principles and the notion of services management (Education Bureau, n.d.). Thus, the products offered to the customers in this particular sector are considered as intangible and perishable. The companies therefore strive to ensure effectiveness in their performance with the help of delivering efficient services to the customers, further ensuring maximum satisfaction from them. The primary emphasis of the business, in this particular sector, is therefore to develop the quality of the services in order to ensure a sustainable presence in the increasingly competitive environment, over a longer period of time (Vasile, 2009). Another unique characteristic of the
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Consumer credit Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words
Consumer credit - Research Paper Example Owing to the fact that there are potential challenges that may affect consumers while making transactions using consumer credits, various laws have been implemented to ensure that such challenges are prevented from occurring. In the United States, legal structures governing the use of consumer credits have been embodied in state as well as federal laws: Various states have passed regulatory frameworks that govern the use of consumer credits for instance; the application of the Uniform Consumer Credit Code that has been implemented in approximately 11 states. The main objective of this code is to protect consumers who intent to obtain credit cards for purposes of facilitating their transactions. Additionally, this code ensures that consumers are provided with enough credit and monitors the consumer credit sector as a whole. In the year 1968, the Consumer Credit Protection Act was passed by the United States Congress, with a purpose of regulatory the credit sector. This act stipulates that credit service providers have to describe the terms of providing credit to their consumers before they acquire their services. There are also other acts that have been provided in the United States not only for purposes of handling consumer credit issues, but also handling and managing issues that may affecting credit card holders in due course as well as issues affecting transactions involving debit cards. This research will specifically provide an overview of the Uniform Consumer Credit Code followed by a discussion of the statutes that have been used to manage consumer credit card issues, debit as well as holders in due
Educational performance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Educational performance - Case Study Example Thus, there is a greater impact of the social class on the education of the children and the parents' attitudes towards the education of the children. In this case there are two main concepts given and these are known as resistance and conformity. These two concepts are the main ones in order to understand the attitudes of the parents towards the education of their children. There is a higher probability that the parents shall be resisting or conforming to the children acquitting the college degree. These parents need to ensure that there is an important role being played by education in the success of the children in future. It has also been seen that there are higher chances of the occupational success of the children who have the higher education. However, in this case Librarians of Institutes of Education (Great Britain), British Library (2000) observed that the acquiring of education is dependent on the social status of parents as the poor people are against the education and degree acquisition from the British universities. In this case a great deal of research has been done on the children as well as the British parents and it has been observed that there are many parents are not developed socially and they resist the education of the children at grade 1 level in the British schools. Because of this resistance there is a change in the concept of self and the desire to get the education. In this case, the main role is also played by the beliefs that are held by the parents. There are many parental differences that make a difference in the attitudes of the children towards the schooling and it is realized that the schooling has been realized that if the schooling is realized as a socializing agency. According to the concepts that have been given in this case, Cox, (2000) says that the education of a pupil is dependent on the educational potential that the pupil has and the pupil is in turn dependent on the social position of the pupil. There are some assessments of the parents that are related to the children and their education and the social status of the parents play important roles. Vermeulen and Perlmann (2000) say that the assessments of the British parents are related to social representations. The carrier systems of the social interpretations are included in the analysis of the social interpretations. There are some studies carried out that make sure that there is an inclusion of the educational experiences of the parents as if the education of the parent is higher than the expectations of the children from the children are higher. It has been seen that the social representation of the parents has been included in the educational opportunities. There are many theories that have been given in relation to these attitudes and Rogers (2005) has observed that if the parents are educated, they are nearer towards the education system and they realize the changes that are taking place in the education system as well as the needs that are needed in the children. In addition to this, they understand the importance of the education in the children
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Describe either a good or a bad experience with a sales person. What Essay
Describe either a good or a bad experience with a sales person. What made it good or bad - Essay Example I received a call from the holiday promoters that I had won a short holiday to a beach resort, and to avail this prize I had to visit their office. As advised, I reached their office and received a warm welcome by the marketing agent. Before explaining about the prize that I won, this agent started explaining about their company and various products they offered. The bottom-line information was not being provided. I had to intervene and ask specifically about the product because I did not have the time as well as patience to listen about something that I was not really interested. Upon interrupting, the agent started explaining about the prize, which was a holiday to a beach resort. When I confirmed that I would be interested to go on a holiday by using this prize, I was shown a very different picture. The agent then started explaining the process of availing this, so called, prize. I then realized this was not a prize, but a marketing and sales promotion activity. To avail the holiday, I had to spend money and would be given stay at subsidized rate, and hence was not free of cost; the rest of the costs had to be borne by myself. This was totally shocking and displeasing experience as I was not ready for such risky expenses at that time. Upon learning about my low level of interest in this scheme, the agent put me through his marketing manager. This manager, indeed, continued with the sales promotion of the holiday package and also tried to meet his other targets by promoting products like ‘life-time’ holiday membership to various destinations across the world and so on. The initial holiday package, which was promoted as a lucky prize was a trial sales purchase promotion that did not impress me and also did not seem genuine. Although this attempt from the hotel company was an attempt to reach customers, the sampling and proposed contests did not cohere with my requirements, interests and situation. Moreover, the entire process
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Discuss the risk management process and its interactions with the Essay
Discuss the risk management process and its interactions with the project lifecycle - Essay Example Risk management is a process that leads to identification of the uncertainties that may arise in the future and provide remedies and precautions for handling these risks. Risks faced by an organisation may create a negative impact on its assets and the reputation it has gained. The aim of Risk management is to identify the potential risks that the company might face and develop resources for mitigating the adverse effects of such losses. An organisation may face various types of risks like financial risks, operational risks, perimeter risks and lastly strategic risks. Financial risks may result in the losses related to cost of claims and liability of judgments (Conrow 2003). Operational risks may be faced by the organisation in the form of labor strikes and strategic risks involve risks related to changes in management or loss of reputation. Risk management has a pivotal role to play in effective project management. The following paper, will throw light on crucial objectives of risk management, the process of risk management and interactions between risk management the project lifecycle. Objectives of Risk Management The process of risk management aims at identification of the potentially hazardous and harmful situations. ... The purpose of risk management is to develop strategies and plans for managing and mitigating the potential risks faced by the organisation. In this manner, risk management aims at preventing the organisations from various types of risks that it may face in the long run and provide effective tools for setting appropriate strategies. Risk Management Process Assessment of risks has a fundamental process that involves five steps in implementing an appropriate system of control so that risks can be minimised. It helps in the identification and analysis of the various risks that are harmful for the workplace and negatively impact the organisation. Therefore, risk assessment is a straightforward examination of the dangerous elements that can harm the people, as well as the reputation of the organisation in the long run. So there is a need to take proper precautions for eliminating all kind of risks in order to minimise the fuss that is created in the functioning of the organisation (Culp 2 001). The first step of risk management process involves identification of hazards and the harmful effects that these hazards possess. For this purpose, it is necessary to identify how people would be affected by the potential danger that is created by the risks. It is required that proper ramifications are undertaken for mitigating the possibilities of such risks. Various strategies and tools are identified to be crucial, for mitigating the dangerous effects of the risks. At this level, sources through which risks can be avoided are analysed, and appropriate measures are undertaken to keep the things at place. These sources of risks can be internal or external to the organisation. An example of internal and external sources of risks can be the employees and the operational
Monday, July 22, 2019
MGM International Resorts Case Analysis Memo Essay Example for Free
MGM International Resorts Case Analysis Memo Essay To: James J. Murren From: Date: November 18, 2013 Subject: Issues of MGM International Resorts I am writing this letter in order to address the slow recovery of your company. It has come to my attention that your company, MGM International Resorts, is facing some major issues as the gaming and hospitality industry struggles to recover. In this letter I plan to address the industries problems, and the specific issues that your company is facing. One of the major issues facing MGM International Resorts is that it is that the industry has a lot of overcapacity as demand has dropped from pre-recessionary evels when many big projects have been planned. This is evidenced by your companys ambitious pre-recession project CityCenter, the largest private development project in United States history. CityCenter ended up opening to little fanfare. The biggest sources of revenue in the industry were conventions. Due to the economic downturn in 2008, revenues from Conventions have decreased dramatically and have not fully recovered. Trade shows, associations and corporations traditionally paid a premium to meet in Las Vegas. Now with fewer organizations meet in Las Vegas, they can now negotiate lower prices. There are now increased leisure travelers going to Las Vegas to fill discounted rooms but does not help you increase revenue much as they do not like to spend money on your high end shopping and dining venues. Americans are also deciding more carefully spend their money preferring staycations in order to save money on increasing airfares and travel costs. This is mainly due to the decrease in discretionary spending of 43 percent from December 2007 to January 2011. The road to recovery from the start of the economic recession for the industry is slower than predicted. Your company also aces strong competition from competitors such as Wynn Resorts and Las Vegas Sands who have managed to fare in the recession substantially better. MGM Resorts Internationals financial statements are not very good relative to your competitors. Your company had a degradation of financials compared to your competitors whom of which fared the recession much better. Your company is highly leveraged with net debt to EBITDA of 1 1. 5 times. Boyd, Las Vegas Sands have lower debt leveraging at 8. x, 3. 3x, 3. 4x, and 1 . 9x respectively. You are also not as widely diversified in regional American markets such as in the Northeast. Your company has recently lost money posting a net loss of 1,437. 4 million in 2010. I will first analyze the health of the gaming and hospitality industry in Las Vegas in which you compete using Porters Five Forces of Competition Model. The indus try faces a lot of substitutes which your customers flock to. There is online gambling. This may keep people from flocking to casinos to gamble as they can conveniently do it at home. There are also closer example of this would be Empire City Casino in Yonkers, NY. It is only half an hour way from New York City and very convenient for those in the area who would Just like to gamble for a night and return home. You do not face a very large threat from new entrants as the capital requirements to enter the gaming and hospitality industry are very high. Customers are able to easily switch from staying on your properties to another companys property. Your company also possesses a wide variety of products that are differentiated. That being said, Industry Rivalry between you and your competitors are very high. All companies in the industry are on fairly qual ground ever since the recession. The costs to exit this industry are also very high. Customers again have very low switching costs and may switch between different properties as they see fit and the large excess in capacity in the industry means that you and all your competitors are cutting prices on rooms and services in order to attract business. The industrys suppliers of hospitality related supplies, such as food bed sheet and soap, and casino/gaming specific supplies, such as slot machines and thousands of decks of cards, have very weak bargaining power. The ew large companies within the gaming and hospitality industry have the bargaining power with when it comes to its two supplier lines as there are many of these suppliers to buy from while only a few large companies that are willing to buy. The ability to use a companys size to negotiate price and length of contracts for expensive high luxury furnishings and exclusive rights to a show or celebrity chef also gives the gaming and hospitality industry strength. While bargaining power of the suppliers is weak, the bargaining power of buyers is very strong. Customers have ery low switching costs and again the large excess in capacity in the industry means that you and all your competitors are cutting prices on rooms and services in order to attract business. Conventions, which are a large part of revenue have been on the downturn compared to capacity, again forcing prices downward. Buyers in the industry are also very price sensitive with many opting to take staycations where vacationers enjoy their time off closer to home. All of these forces add up to an industry that is relatively weak and recovering very slowly. Using the growth-share nalysis, your company is positioned as a cash cow which is very good. Your company has high market share in a slow growing industry. The company should worry though as it is close to being a dog of the industry as it has a lot of debt from ill-timed large projects such as CityCenter and must worry about other companies stealing market share as they are recovering faster. The industry is very capital intensive which means a lot of revenue is being reinvested back into the business. I will now analyze your company through SWOT Analysis. Your company has quite a few strengths that ill help your company into the future. Your companys large size gives it the upper hand in negotiating the best prices from its suppliers. It is very advantageous that your company caters to a wide range of customers from the high-end consumers with resorts such as the Bellagio offering exclusive products to the value-minded consumers with Circus Circus. Your ability to provide superior customer service by recruiting, training and retaining the best most motivated individuals is very valuable in your company. Your marketing and sales activities are another strong suit which compliments your services.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Project plan for esso supermarket
Project plan for esso supermarket I have to create a project plan for a Deferent branch for a Esso Supermarket. This involve import all necessary hardware likes computers for check out stations, mobile barcode readers for scanning the prices and relabeling them for any reduced price offers etc. It has been said that the building infrastructure already exists and is developed by local builder. However, i need to develop a plan that incorporates all electrical, plumbing and networking. All these tasks are done by electrician, plumber and network engineer; each and every cost  £200,  £250 and  £300 a day correspondingly. Major tasks include getting the quotations from different vendors, comparing the prices and deciding the specs and vendor, ordering the checkout stations, cabling, physically installing the checkout stations, putting the LAN cables and connecting all the checkout stations to the network and finally installing all the required software for the system. I need one week to decide the specification and get it approves by our top management. Vendors usually its take two to three weeks to get you the order delivered. Assume all check out stations hardware, mobile barcode readers are supplying by one vendor. However, the air conditioning units are supplying by a different vendor and takes up to two weeks. Cabling work is done by a network engineer and installation of air conditioning units is done by a contractor. These jobs may take a maximum of 3 working days. After all hardware is in its place, all the software must be is required to be installed. This takes a maximum of 5 working days. This has done by internal IT staff member from the head office. We had already that all required software is available and ready to be installed. As the store is largest , we decided to buy 30 checkout stations, each of which include a monitor, keyboard, card (magnetic stripe) reader, bar code reader, digital weighing scale, printer, pin and chip card reader, conveyor belt system etc. Each check out station would normally cost  £1000. Twenty air conditioning units, 10 freezers to store frozen food are also necessary. Air conditioning units and freezers cost  £500 and  £750 respectively. Two security systems be installed at each of the two entrances. This cost  £1000 each unit. Hardware staff cost  £300 per day. There are 2 hardware specialists working on the project. The budget for this project is  £150,000. Base on this Scope as project manager i have to develop the Esso supermarket Period of three months if i finished early my teem get eligible to get bones 1. Identifying the most important tasks A) Collecting quotation from Various Vendors B) Compare the prices range and decide the specs C) Order the checkout station D) Plumbing E) Electrical F) LAN Cables G) Networking H) Installing all the request soft ware This main project can be divided into major 5 tasks. Under this major task there will be several sub tasks which will be executes one after another and parallel according to the project need. 1) Initiating This is the first phase of the project. Here the project formally commencing between the project sponsor and the project manager. Here first kick off meeting will be initiated here the outline of the project will be discussed and the detailed project charter will be formally developed. After developing the project charter the project manager will review the key points with project sponsor and finalise the project with project sponsor. 2) Planning Here the project planning will be started. Before the actual project implementation the project should be well planned in every area of execution. Here the project manager develop a comprehensive project plan this includes the project scope, project objectives, the project deadlines, project quality plan, project communication and project configuration plan this will be outline the roles and responsibility of the individual people. This plan will be sent to the project sponsor approval and review after make necessary changes and finally accepting the project plane. 3) Executing Here the actual project implementation starts. Before the project implementation the required hardware, software and other equipments had to be purchased. So the project behalf of the Esso supermarket is decided to develop a RFP (Request for proposal) and decided to call for the proposal from the different supplier and then review the capabilities of each supplier and then short listed some of the very famous supplier in UK. Thereafter the interview has been concluded and the final vendors are selected and the price and the after sales services arrangement were negotiated and the project contract is signed. After that the vendors are in different time periods they send all the necessary hardware and equipments to the site. The electric cable wiring and the electric circuit installations were done in the site. The main plumbing has been done from plumbers and order to install the air condition and the freezers. After that the computer local area network is done by network engineers an d all the connection were connected then the checkout stations were installed. After this the security cameras were installed at the stores. Then the required software is installed after this check the functionality with SRS and reviews any changes. Then the user or new staffs are s recruited and given the training 4) Controlling Controlling the system is done by in the way of continues status report and monitoring the progress review meetings. 5) Closing After the project is implemented the project post analysis is done and checks whether the actual project milestones were achieved 2. Identify the order the tasks (Top-to-Bottom) To setup a new superstore branch Electrical  Electric cable Wiring  Electric cable Wiring  Electric cabling designing  Freezers, Air Conditions  Computers, security cameras  Checkout Stations Purchasing Hardware Implementation Outsourcing application Analysis Design Closing Post Analysis Review Progress Review Meeting  Status Report Project Plan approved and baseline Review Project Plan Develop Project Plan Devolve project scope Controlling Develop Project Charter Kick-off meeting Charter signed Executing Review Project Charter Initiating Planning  Air condition plumbing Plumbing  Freezers Plumbing Local Area Network Designing Local Area Network Till Installations LAN Cable Wiring Install Check out work stations Implementing Application Software Data Wiring connecting all Checkout Stations Air Condition Installation Installing freezers User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Install Software Review SRS Install Security camera 2.1 Low level detail task (Finish-to-Start, Parallel) 1 Initiating 2 Kick-off meeting 3 Develop Project Charter 2 4 Review Project Charter 3 5 Charter Signed 4 6 Planning 7 Devolve project scope 5 8 Develop Project Plan (Quality, Communication, Configuration) 7 9 Review Project Plan 8 10 Project Plan approved and baseline 9 11 Executing 12 Analysis and Design 13 Prepare RFP 9 14 Sourcing 15 Call for Proposals 13 16 Review Proposals 15 17 Shortlist Suppliers 16 18 Negotiate Select Supplier 17 19 Prepare Contract 18 20 Implementation 21 Purchasing Hardware 22 Purchase Checkout Station 19 23 Purchase Computers and all other accessories 22 24 Purchase Air condition 23 25 Purchase Freezers 24 26 Purchase Security Camera 25 27 Electrical 28 Electric cabling designing 22 29 Electric cable Wiring 23 30 Electric fittings 25 31 Plumbing 32 Air condition plumbing 28 33 Freezers Plumbing 28 34 Local Area Network Till Installations 35 Local Area Network Designing 33 36 LAN Cable Wiring 35 37 Install Check out work stations 36 38 Data Wiring Connecting all Checkout Stations 37 39 Air Condition Installation 32 40 Installing freezers 32 41 Install Security System 37 42 Implementing Application Software 43 Install Software 37 44 Review SRS 43 45 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) 44 46 recruit user User Training 45 47 Controlling 48 Status Report 46 49 Progress Review Meeting with Management 48 50 Closing 51 Post Analysis Review 49 Serial Tasks or Finish-to-start Parallel Task According to above detail task the blue colour task shows the serial tasks which a particular task will start when another task is finish (Finish-Start). The yellow colour tasks are the parallel task which can be executed simultaneously at a same time. In the above question there are 5 major task been divided into sub tasks as it is shown above task list. Task number 10 11 will be parallel executed after the task 9 is completed. Task number 23 28 will be parallel executed after the task 22 is completed. Similarly the task number 26 30 will be parallel executed after the task number 25 is finished. The task 32 33 will be parallel executed similarly after the task number 28. The task 39 40 will be parallel executed similarly after the task number 32. Finally the task 41 43 will be parallel executed similarly after the task number 37. 3. Risk Matrix The following risk matrix shows the level of risk which affects the project. High R6 R2, R3 significant R5 R8 Moderate R7 R1, R4 Low R10 Probability Low Moderate Significant High Impact Risk = probability x impact R1: Inefficient staff R2: Shortfalls in externally supplied equipments R3: Staff sickness affecting critical activities R4: Shortfalls in contract employed staff R5: Failure of checkout workstation R6: Failure of electricity network R7: Failure of Local area Network equipment R8: Staff unhappy with the payment. R9: Defect in Software Application R10: Mistake in Plumbing design 4. Total Time taken to finish the superstore to up and operational Initiating 5d Mon 06/09/10 Fri 10/09/10 Project preparation 1d Mon 06/09/10 Mon 06/09/10 Develop Project Charter 1d Tue 07/09/10 Tue 07/09/10 Review Project Charter 1d Wed 08/09/10 Wed 08/09/10 Charter Signed 2d Thu 09/09/10 Fri 10/09/10 Planning 9d Mon 13/09/10 Thu 23/09/10 Devolve project scope 3d Mon 13/09/10 Wed 15/09/10 Develop Project Plan (Quality, Communication, Configuration) 2d Thu 16/09/10 Fri 17/09/10 Review Project Plan 2d Mon 20/09/10 Tue 21/09/10 Project Plan approved and baseline 2d Wed 22/09/10 Thu 23/09/10 Executing 51d Fri 24/09/10 Fri 03/12/10 Analysis and Design 4d Fri 24/09/10 Wed 29/09/10 Prepare RFP 4d Fri 24/09/10 Wed 29/09/10 Sourcing 9d Thu 30/09/10 Tue 12/10/10 Call for Proposals 1d Thu 30/09/10 Thu 30/09/10 Review Proposals 1d Fri 01/10/10 Fri 01/10/10 Shortlist Suppliers 1d Mon 04/10/10 Mon 04/10/10 Negotiate Select Supplier 3d Tue 05/10/10 Thu 07/10/10 Prepare Contract 3d Fri 08/10/10 Tue 12/10/10 Implementation 37d Wed 13/10/10 Thu 02/12/10 Purchasing Hardware 28d Wed 13/10/10 Fri 19/11/10 Purchase Checkout Station 5d Wed 13/10/10 Tue 19/10/10 Purchase Computers and all other accessories 1w Mon 01/11/10 Fri 05/11/10 Purchase Air condition And all other accessories 3d Mon 08/11/10 Wed 10/11/10 Purchase Freezers And all other accessories 3d Thu 11/11/10 Mon 15/11/10 Purchase Security System and all other accessories 4d Tue 16/11/10 Fri 19/11/10 Electrical 24d Wed 20/10/10 Mon 22/11/10 Electric cabling designing 5d Wed 20/10/10 Tue 26/10/10 Electric cable Wiring 2w Mon 08/11/10 Fri 19/11/10 Electric fittings 5d Tue 16/11/10 Mon 22/11/10 Plumbing 7d Wed 27/10/10 Thu 04/11/10 Air condition plumbing 5d Wed 27/10/10 Tue 02/11/10 Freezers Plumbing 3d Wed 27/10/10 Fri 29/10/10 Aircondition cabling 2d Mon 01/11/10 Tue 02/11/10 Freezer cabling 2d Wed 03/11/10 Thu 04/11/10 Local Area Network Till Installations 27d Wed 27/10/10 Thu 02/12/10 Local Area Network Designing 1d Fri 05/11/10 Fri 05/11/10 LAN Cable Wiring 5d Mon 08/11/10 Fri 12/11/10 Install Chck out work stations 5d Mon 15/11/10 Fri 19/11/10 Data Wiring Connecting all Checkout Stations 5d Mon 22/11/10 Fri 26/11/10 Air Condition Installation 3d Wed 27/10/10 Fri 29/10/10 Installing freezers 3d Wed 27/10/10 Fri 29/10/10 Install Security System 4d Mon 29/11/10 Thu 02/12/10 Implementing Application Software 10d Mon 22/11/10 Fri 03/12/10 Install Software 5d Mon 22/11/10 Fri 26/11/10 Review SRS 2d Mon 29/11/10 Tue 30/11/10 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) 2d Wed 01/12/10 Thu 02/12/10 recruit user User Training 1d Fri 03/12/10 Fri 03/12/10 Controlling 2d Mon 06/12/10 Tue 07/12/10 Status Report 1d Mon 06/12/10 Mon 06/12/10 Progress Review Meeting with Management 1d Tue 07/12/10 Tue 07/12/10 Closing 1d Wed 08/12/10 Wed 08/12/10 Post Analysis Review 1d Wed 08/12/10 Wed 08/12/10 According to the working the super store will be finished and up and running on the 24th of Dec2010. This date is well inside the 3 month target period. 5) Establish the labour costs and provide a work breakdown structure and contain these costs. The WBS have to contents a estimates and mirrored on the work breakdown structure and have to be capable of rolling-up to show the overall cost of the project and the individual cost of each sub deliverables Develop a work breakdown structure for the hardware tasks which have tangible outcoming and a (PBS) process breakdown structure for those tasks which are process oriented. We can link the two structures, i.e. WBS and PBS so one project manager can manage the project or do you have other suggestions? The Total Labour Cost for this Project  £ 53,400 All Details Attach on Appendix 1 The Total Materials Cost for this Project  £ 51,500 All Details Attach on Appendix 2 Total Direct cost  £ 104,900 Assuming the Direct Overhead cost and General and Administration Cost from the total Direct cost Total Direct Cost  £ 104,900 Direct Over head cost 20%  £ 20,980 Total Direct Cost  £ 125,880 General and administrative (GA) over head cost 20%  £ 20,980 Total Cost  £ 146,860 Profit  £ 3,140 Total BID  £ 150,000 5. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 5.1 Labour Cost WBS Labour Cost  £ 53,400 Air Condition Installation  £ 2000 Contractor  £2000 Install Security System  £ 600 Installing freezers  £ 600 LAN Cable Wiring  £ 1200 Air condition plumbing  £1200 Electric cable wiring  £3000 Hard Ware Staff  £6600 Install Check out work stations  £ 4200 Install Security System  £ 1200 Data Wiring  £ 8400 LAN Cable Wiring  £ 6000 Local Area Network  £ 600 Freezers Caballing  £ 1200 Air condition caballing  £ 1200 Net work Engineer  £ 25200 Plumber  £6000 Freezers Plumbing  £3000 Air condition plumbing  £ 3000 Install Security camera  £ 400 Data Wiring  £ 800 Electric fittings  £ 3200 Electric cabling designing  £ 1600 Electric cable wiring  £ 7200 Electric cabling designing  £ 1600 Electrician  £13600 Hard Ware Task 5.2 Hardware WBS Install Security System Install Security System LAN Cabling LAN Cable Wiring Freezers Plumbing Freezer Cabling Air-condition Air condition plumbing Electric cable Wiring A/C Electric Cabling Freezers pipe lining Pipe lining to A/C Electric cable Wiring Freezer Fixing The Security System on suitable place Under Floor LAN Lining Electric cable wiring for Check out station 6. Develop a project plan using Project 2007 6.1 WBS using Project 2007 6.2 GANN Chart using Project 2007 6.3 Network Diagram using Project 2007 7. Organisational Breakdown Structure (OBS) The OBS provides an organizational rather than a task-based perspective of the project. The hierarchical structure of the OBS allows the aggregation of project information to higher levels when project responsibilities are defined. An OBS might include the Project Manager at the top of the structure with Internal IT team, Building team l feeding into the Project manager. Each of the responsible team would have staff/staffs responsible for that organization. Pictorially, the structure might resemble this. This Performing Department level is where the responsibility and resources needed to accomplish. Project Manager Internal IT Team Tea Building Team Electrical Staff Tea Plumbing Staffs Tea Software staffs Tea Hardware Staffs Tea Network staff Tea 8. Critical path analysis The critical analyse made from Project 2007 the following red colour task were shown in the Gann chart. The Critical Path is follows as Kick-off meeting -> Develop Project Charter -> Review Project Charter -> Charter Signed -> Devolve project scope -> Develop Project Plan -> Review Project Plan -> Project Plan approved and baseline -> Prepare RFP -> Call for Proposals -> Review Proposals -> Shortlist Suppliers -> Negotiate Select Supplier -> Prepare Contract -> Purchase Checkout Station -> Electric cabling designing -> Freezers Plumbing -> Air-condition cabling -> Freezer cabling -> Local Area Network Designing -> LAN Cable Wiring -> Install Check out work stations -> Install Software -> Review SRS -> User Acceptance Testing (UAT) -> Status Report -> Progress Review Meeting with Management -> Post Analysis Review Main Problem is in the task number between 22 and 26. If the outside vender is not supply the equipment then the whole project will get delay 9. Responsibility matrix. The following matrix shows the responsibly of each Role and Responsibilities: Project Sponsor Project Manager System Engineer Network Engineer IT executive Plumbing staff Electrical staff Allocation of funds R P Overall supervision P Project Management R Analysis Design p p Plumbing R Electricity cabling R R Purchasing Hardware  R R P P Data/Power Wiring Hardware Installation R R R R R R Implementing Application Software R R R R R R Status Report P R R Quality Assurance R R R R R R R R R R R Acceptance  R P P Responsibility -R Participation -P 10. Reference Kamaran Saqib(2008), Class Notes. Clifford F. Gray and Erik W.Larson(2008), Project Management, the managerial process, (4th edn), McGraw-Hill International Edition. Schwalbe K.(2005), Information Technology Project Management, (4th edn), Thomson course technology. Appendix Appendix 3 Building planning Air Conditions Check out station Security System Freezers Network Cabling and Electric Caballing Plumbing and Electric Caballing 4 8 10 9 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 5 3 6 7 14 15 11 10 8 4 188 19 21 1 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 20 17 16 12 8 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 3 1 9 11 12 13 1000 2 4 14 15 16 20 19 18 17 4 14 15 11 10 188 19 21 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 20 17 16 12 8 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9
Parental Risk Factors And Child Maltreatment Social Work Essay
Parental Risk Factors And Child Maltreatment Social Work Essay It is staggering to know that thousands of children are maltreated in ways that are detrimental to their developmental and psychological growth. Widespread concern about the issue was initially triggered in the 1960s to raise awareness of the plight of the battered child. Research has recognised numerous risk and protective factors commonly associated with child abuse. This essay will deal with the parental risk factors and will take into account the measures that afford protection against them. Some forms of child maltreatment are related to parental competency due to age, temperament or a personal history with child abuse. However, a good deal of abuse and neglect is linked to sources of stress where marital conflicts, domestic violence, and the lack of a stable social network play significant causal roles. Having said that, no single factor can be definitive in determining risk and so they require simultaneous consideration. Despite the causes, family protective factors can reduce maltreatment rates by promoting positive parent-child relationships, encouraging extended family support and by building parental resilience. When addressing the question of intervention, knowledge of the risk and protective factors implicated in child mistreatment can minimise risk. By recognising the complex interaction of factors that affect susceptibility to maltreatment, professionals can implement programmes specifically designed to protect children at risk. Therefore understanding the causes of maltreatment is crucial to preventing the problem. Child maltreatment is a complex and pervasive problem that cuts across all sectors of society, where even defining the term ensues in an inherent complication. During the 1960s, the growing prevalence of abused children lead to the introduction of the term battered child syndrome. This term, seen as a narrowly defined, was broadened so as not to simply infer to physical abuse. In 1997, the World Health Organisation drafted a definition of child maltreatment to encompass both emotional and physical injury but also negligent treatment. Risk factors are characteristics where certain behaviours or conditions will likely play a contributory role in child mistreatment. Although some are not direct causes, circumstances in which these factors exist make a child highly vulnerable to experiencing maltreatment. However, there are also factors that offer a protective effect which mediate against risk and therefore can increase the well-being of children and families. When determining risk in familial child maltreatment, it is necessary to examine the role of the parent as he is often the direct perpetrator. Temperament is significant when trying to understand why parents abuse their children. Influence of an individuals psychological capacity on parental functioning can be found in investigations of mentally disturbed adults. Baldwin, Cole and Baldwin (1982) have revealed that families with a parent suffering from a psychotic disorder were less interactive and exhibited less warmth than families without. Mental illness can distort a parents judgement to a point where he is no longer competent to make decisions about a childs needs. Strong evidence implicating psychological factors in the etiology of child maltreatment derives from reports of intergeneration cycles of abuse (Spinetta and Rigler, 1972; Sherrod, et al., 1986). Parents who were victims of child mistreatment themselves gives rise to the common perception that being a victim is a determinant for turning into an abuser, yet there is a lack of substantial evidence. Undoubtedly, a history of abuse is a considerable risk factor alone but child maltreatment is determined by a complex interaction of rick and protective factors; factors which differentiate between repeaters and non-repeaters. Notwithstanding, parents who were mistreated as children are less likely to become victimisers if they resolve internal conflicts related to that history of abuse. To further reduce risks, it is also important if parents have a supportive spouse and good social supports (Hunter and Kisltrom, 1979). However, adults who were rejected as children become emotionally insulated from interpersonal relations and are unable to give affection or form a close bond with their children (Kempe and Kempe, 1978). This returns attention to the psychiatric make up of the individual abuser and shows how interrelated causal factors are. Competent parenting can also be associated with psychological maturity; another determinant of maltreatment. Therefore, age serves as a indication of maturity and parental aptitude as young mothers may posses less desirable child-rearing attitudes than older mothers. Having said that, age also accounts for poor or inaccurate parenting skills as teen-parents will lack the fundamental understanding of a childs needs. Having unrealistic expectations about a childs progress may culminate in inappropriate punishments where conclusive studies presented by Straus (1992), and Flanagan et al., (1995), report that teenage mothers tend to exhibit higher rates of child abuse. Protective factors aimed at minimising these risks should support parents with their child-rearing skills and teach sensitive parenting techniques. By providing parent education classes for new and especially for teen parents can inform them about normal child development and what to expect from their children at specific ages. Yet, this protective factor is not well-suited for all as some parents may be reluctant to attend parent-group meetings. Social conditions create stresses that undermine family functioning where specific situations may exacerbate certain emotions of the family members affected. Hostility and frustration can resultantly aggravate the level of familial maltreatment. Marital relationships serve as a principle support system for parents and so conflicts can elicit child maltreatment. Family dissolution can burden an individual and research indicates that children living with single-parents may be at a higher risk of experiencing abuse and neglect than children with two biological parents (Finkelhor, et al., 1997). The sole burden of family responsibilities linked together with fewer supports can contribute to the risk of single-parents mistreating their child. Children in violent homes who witness intimate partner violence are subsequently at risk for being maltreated themselves. Appel and Holden (1998) have found that spousal abuse and child maltreatment co-exist in 30-60% of families. Even if children are not maltreated, they still experience harmful emotional consequences as witnessing violence teaches likewise behaviour or warrants it as appropriate and the child may resort to using violent action later in life. This draws attention back to the victim to offender hypothesis. In addition to a family system, interpersonal relations, between relatives and friends are essential when considering risks. Parents who are isolated with few social connections are at higher risk for maltreating their children. Hetherington, Cox and Cox (1977) have found that the support received from significant others exert a beneficial impact on parent-child relations. This data shows how a stable social network is positively linked with parents sense of competence in the care-giving role and evidently can lessen maltreatment rates. But its not merely about having several social connections but the quality of them as-well. It is interesting however that in these cases of support, the mediating role of the parents psychological well-being is pivotal. Marital relations do not influence parenting directly but instead promote positive attitudes in an individual and thereby influence parenting capabilities (Gamble and Belsky, 1984). Similarly, social relations may serve to enhance the psychological functioning of the parent. Sources of stress and support thus strongly affect parental competence, as although unfavourable relations contribute to the etiology of abuse, the quality of the relationship is influenced by personality; correspondingly, they produce bi-directional affects. Parental substance abuse, is also predictive of child maltreatment when daily stresses of raising children prove challenging especially when accompanied with multiple life stressors such as an history of abuse or marital conflicts. Substance misuse interferes with mental functioning and subsequently make parents less available to children, as Forrester (2000) confirms that substance abuse is strongly related to neglect. It may also explain some of the attachment difficulties that can occur, since healthy development requires parental responsiveness to the needs of a child. Being intoxicated can again negatively influence parental discipline choices and lead to violent tendencies towards a child. Simultaneously, these risk factors can affect a parents capacity to cope effectively but by reaching out to a support system can help build resilience against stressful circumstances. The interactive play of risk and protective factors provoke familial child maltreatment but it can be prevented regardless. Early identification of causes and outlining the compensatory factors can lead to effective interventions to protect the child involved. Helfer and Kempe (1976) have argued that preventing child abuse entails predicting its occurrence. Therefore, it is clear that professionals need awareness of the several factors that create contexts for maltreatment so that intervention programmes employ a multi-sectoral approach. By acknowledging the factors, intervention strategies can be implemented to minimise the underlying risks; encourage reaching out to family and friends, but also to strengthen the protective factors; advanced prenatal care and home-visitor networks (Halperin, 1979; Parke Collmer, 1975). Moreover, when enforcing intervention strategies, the treatment of parents should be coordinated to that of children as the potentials for change in parent-child relationships and parental attitudes is maximised (Olds, 1983). However, risk factors have limitations in predicting specific instances of abuse as the determinants in one family may not necessarily result in child maltreatment in another. Furthermore, an individual may not have the emotional resources to cope adequately with the demands of parenting and so intervention must be able to address these implications. Additionally, extensive evaluations need to be conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of short and long-term intervention programmes.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Role of Marlowes Excessive Drinking :: essays research papers
The Role of Marlowe's Excessive Drinking      Throughout the book 'The Big Sleep'; the character Marlowe is a detective working in Criminal Justice. This job seems to bring about a lot of stress to Marlowe, and in order to cope; he turns to drinking which relaxes him. Although he is an alcoholic he still is able to function and get his investigations done. He is a functional alcoholic who abuses alcohol constantly and has a great desire for it for various reasons. Some of the reasons that may be directly linked to Marlowe's abuse of alcohol boredom, psychological and or physical dependence and sometimes he drinks casually and socially. But job- related stress is the main reason Marlowe turns to alcohol because there are times he is able to drink on the job, drinking helps him relax and cope with his job-related stress, and alcohol is the agent that helps him deal with those problems.      One of the reasons that may cause Marlowe to turn to alcohol is his job. His job as an investigator sometimes turns stressful and alcohol helps him relax and get his mind off the job. Dealing with people and criminals constantly through out the day on the job can be stressful. Besides the fact that he must deal with Carmen's craziness, as the author describes her to be. Marlowe at one moment states 'I went to bed full of whiskey and frustration.'; This shows us that he drinks to help deal with the frustration he goes through and whiskey helps him.      Often times Marlowe drinks while working. Usually when socializing with someone. In a conversation with Eddie Mars Marlowe says 'I made myself a drink and was drinking it when the phone rang.'; In another situation while talking to Carmen he mentioned that he is going to go mix himself a drink and offers her one as well. After saying yes, Carmen and Marlowe drink together. This is all taking place while Marlowe is on the job, again drinking to get his mind off of other things and relax. This shows that Marlowe is not just a social or casual drinker, he is an alcoholic and has some form of dependency to alcohol, not to mention a great tolerance as well. Marlowe recognizes this and drinks in front of people, with people while along, and he mentioned he doesn't care if anyone knows. When people are vulnerable Marlowe offers drinks and in most situations finds himself a drinking partner.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Teamwork Analysis Essay -- Team Building Papers
Teamwork Analysis Abstract The purpose of this assignment is for each learning team to apply what team members are learning about successful teams to an in-depth analysis of itself. As teams go through development stages, the members learn how people feel about themselves and what the content of the task that is to be accomplished, based on each stage that is achieved. Describe the process your team has used to form, storm, norm, and perform. At this point, where do you believe your team is in the team formation process? Team A was initially formed by our professor, and everyone had their anxieties and questions about the other members. After the team was formed, a Team Charter was developed to gather information about everyone on one document, so we would all know each others strengths, weaknesses, and contact information. We realized that our team was a diverse team, with members scattered in several different time zones, including Africa. We had an initial conference call to check the temperature of everyone, but not everyone could participate in the call. Once everyone agreed to the team charter, it was suggested that each person on the team be a leader for a week, leaving the last week without an actual leader. The plan was to let the last week have everyone work together without a leader, but to draw virtual straws to decide who would post that week’s team assignment. The team members were listed in alphabetical order, which is the same order each person was assigned a week. Team A was successful at reaching the next stage of development, which is storming. The team had some initial problems durin... ... Caouette, M.J. & O’Connor, B.N. (1998). The impact of group support systems on corporate teams’ stages of development. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 8(1), 59-60. Chupp, M. (2002). Reaching for Higher Ground in Conflict Resolution. International Journal of Conflict Management. 13(2). Retrieved February 11, 2005, from EBSCOhost database. Horton, T. R. (1992). Delegation and team building: No solo acts please. Management Review, 81 (9), 58. Mckenna, P.J., Meister, D.H. (2002). Playing by the rules. Industrial Management. 44 (5), 8-14. Retrieved February 14, 2005, from EBSCOhost database. McShane, S.L. & VonGlinow, M.A. (2004). Foundation of team dynamics. Organizational Behavior, second edition (pp 238-240). Â ©The McGraw-Hill Companies.
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